Want MOAR friends!

Hey all,

I'm not new, I've been here for a bit (45 days according to mfp, but who's counting.)

Anyway, here's a little about me:

23 years old
SW: 153 (on mfp, my largest was 165, which is when I decided to make a change because my bmi had officially reached obese at that point and that just happened to be my number.)
CW: 143
GW1: 135
Been vegetarian my whole life and recently went vegan.

If you've got similar stats or you if you can just motivate my butt to exercise, then feel free to add me.
PS I filled out my profile if you want more information about me.
Good luck everyone!! :)


  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    We are the same height
    But I am 61
    CW is 122
    GW 117
    ( Starting weight was 264)
    I got down to 112 but for my age it was way to low.
    I wish I had done this in my 30's
    But I am loving the new me!
    Good luck
    calories in, calories burned
    It works!
  • purpler1
    purpler1 Posts: 7
    That is AWESOME! Congrats!! :)