I am starting the jillian michaels ripped in 30 today!!



  • klb0809
    klb0809 Posts: 91 Member
    I am on Week 2 day 2 and it is intense but I am finding out that my body is surprising me by doing things I didn't think it could do. No pounds lost yet but a lot of inches.
  • Amyy1982
    Amyy1982 Posts: 369 Member
    I am starting level 2 of the 30DS tonight! Already seeing results! Can't wait to see how I look at 30 days!!
  • I'm in! I just started RI30 last night, and had to fit in today's workout this morning. I'm used to a combo of running and yoga with rest days in between, so working out with weights while still sore is a new challenge for me. But I'm getting married in a month, so am determined to keep up with it. :smile:
    yeah the weight thing does boost up the cardio while sculpting muscle so go for it girl!! you will be looking hot in that wedding dress!!
  • fairl28
    fairl28 Posts: 3
    Haha, thanks Angie! :smile:

    Just wondering, are any of you supplementing RI30 with other activities? Am debating whether to continue running/yoga/cycling on some days in addition to this, but don't want to overdo it and burn out. Part of me feels the calorie burn isn't enough with only 30 mins of exercise (I record it as circuit training), and so far I've been going over my daily calorie goal, which is discouraging.
  • If this is any help, I use similar (slightly lower) numbers to what this person measured with a heart rate monitor for each week on Ripped. http://www.workingouteatingin.com/calories-burned/
  • superjean1
    superjean1 Posts: 78 Member
    Haha, thanks Angie! :smile:

    Just wondering, are any of you supplementing RI30 with other activities? Am debating whether to continue running/yoga/cycling on some days in addition to this, but don't want to overdo it and burn out. Part of me feels the calorie burn isn't enough with only 30 mins of exercise (I record it as circuit training), and so far I've been going over my daily calorie goal, which is discouraging.

    I've been doing 30 minutes of elliptical after the RI30 workouts. I run 3 days a week so I only do these workouts on the days I don't run. I haven't been following it by week - I did week one 5 times and then move to the next.
  • transparentenigma
    transparentenigma Posts: 565 Member
    Hi I just started yesterday (Monday) also. Boy am I sore, my legs and my sides, (guess that means its working). I don't follow the accompaning diet plan, just track my calories on MFP, but I also do it with Zumba Abs and do at least 2 sets, reps of 10 wall push-ups throughout the day.

    Jillian promised results if you stick with her, and as sore as I am, I can't see the results not coming unless I eat my way through them.

    So good luck with your 30 Day journey. My co-workers laughed at me this morning when I just kept on saying 28 more days to go as I walked stiffly to and fro in the office.
  • smarina79
    smarina79 Posts: 15
    I just started Week 2 and it kicked my butt today! I love the video, though, and love Jill- think she is funny and motivating. I am planning on spending 8-10 days per level so will obviously take me more than 30 days to make it through. I'm also doing stair workouts almost daily and alternating jogging with power yoga. I really love that my muscles are getting stronger and my shape is changing, even after just finishing Level 1. So as hard as it is, I am so happy I am doing it!!

    Feel free to add me if you need someone to commiserate with! Good luck! :)
  • taradawn69
    taradawn69 Posts: 24 Member
    I started ripped on Saturday, I did the 30 day shred in March and had awesome results...then I went on vacation and didn't workout for almost 2 weeks, sooooo sore all over again...lol Love JM workouts though! Thinking of trying the c25k as well. Add me please:)
  • fairl28
    fairl28 Posts: 3

    So good luck with your 30 Day journey. My co-workers laughed at me this morning when I just kept on saying 28 more days to go as I walked stiffly to and fro in the office.

    So hilarious - I hear that! Stiff and sore, mostly in my sides and lower back. But dare I say I feel/see *slight* definition in my arms? Possibly wishful thinking. I went off the wagon last night out with girlfriends. They had queso, people! Not fair. Going to have to try to burn that off with additional workouts this week, but with a girlfriend visiting this weekend who wants authentic Texas BBQ, wish me luck. At home I do fine, but really struggling with the calories when socializing. I guess strengthening your willpower is as big a challenge as any of the videos.
  • I started ripped in 30 on Monday as well! How funny! I will be checking here. I almost died this morning when I woke up, I was so sore...but once I got moving it felt good, and I was able to do it again tonight. I work out after my kids are in bed, so some time after 8, usually around 9pm. :)
  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    Are any of these workouts on youtube? I know the 30 day shred is but are the others? I couldn't find them but i wasn't sure if others did or not.
  • I bought the Extreme Shred today, due to everyone crowding the house on the weekend im starting it on monday. I cant wait to see results. my Anniversary is at the end of next month so i want to be bikni ready, trying to lose these last 25 pound or atlease close to it as possible. Doing it along with others is major support.:smile:
  • mindovercakes
    mindovercakes Posts: 102 Member
    Anyone want to join me in motivation and support? I am starting the ripped in 30 jillian michaels dvd today.. I also have the biggest loser the workout "cardio max weight loss and jillian Michaels extreme shed and shred... any takers?? lets do this thing!!!


    I am starting today and have sent you a friend request.

    Anna x
  • willie6575
    willie6575 Posts: 1 Member

    I just started with some of the ladies at my church. We all of trying to do better. Praying for good results!!!!