addicted to success?

My husband's been telling me I'm addicted to this website for the last 4 months or so (basically when I realized it was working really well for me), and lately, I'm wondering if I'm not addicted to how it makes me feel. Not the website, necessarily (although you are all very wonderful!) but the process of logging exercise, planning meals, charting progress, etc. Also, losing 44 pounds - a whopping 20.5% of my body weight - is drawing a lot of attention from those around me.

Do any of you fear that you'll become so obsessive/compulsive about weight loss that you'll develop some kind of eating disorder? I assure you, I'm not starving myself, and I'm not bingeing or purging. But isn't "disordered eating" just habits that aren't normal with food?

My dad saw me last week for the first time since the weight loss and was very proud of me. However, he said something that I can't quit thinking about.... he said, "you know you've succeeded when you don't have to count calories/fat/fiber anymore - when it comes naturally and you just make the right choices on your own." Is he right? Or does everyone think about it to some degree whether they're unhealthy or not? When do you think is a good time to stop the logging and everything that comes with it?

I know I want to stick with MFP until I reach my goal and for a while as I adjust to my new "maintain" goals... but is exchanging one addiction (overeating) for another (extreme amounts of energy/time put into this process) really the healthiest choice? I suppose neither are "real" addictions - I don't lie about either and they haven't gotten in the way of my daily responsibilities, but that's kind of what it feels like...

Any advice, words of wisdom, or ideas would be greatly appreciated. :flowerforyou:


  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    My husband's been telling me I'm addicted to this website for the last 4 months or so (basically when I realized it was working really well for me), and lately, I'm wondering if I'm not addicted to how it makes me feel. Not the website, necessarily (although you are all very wonderful!) but the process of logging exercise, planning meals, charting progress, etc. Also, losing 44 pounds - a whopping 20.5% of my body weight - is drawing a lot of attention from those around me.

    Do any of you fear that you'll become so obsessive/compulsive about weight loss that you'll develop some kind of eating disorder? I assure you, I'm not starving myself, and I'm not bingeing or purging. But isn't "disordered eating" just habits that aren't normal with food?

    My dad saw me last week for the first time since the weight loss and was very proud of me. However, he said something that I can't quit thinking about.... he said, "you know you've succeeded when you don't have to count calories/fat/fiber anymore - when it comes naturally and you just make the right choices on your own." Is he right? Or does everyone think about it to some degree whether they're unhealthy or not? When do you think is a good time to stop the logging and everything that comes with it?

    I know I want to stick with MFP until I reach my goal and for a while as I adjust to my new "maintain" goals... but is exchanging one addiction (overeating) for another (extreme amounts of energy/time put into this process) really the healthiest choice? I suppose neither are "real" addictions - I don't lie about either and they haven't gotten in the way of my daily responsibilities, but that's kind of what it feels like...

    Any advice, words of wisdom, or ideas would be greatly appreciated. :flowerforyou:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hmmm, I never really thought about it as deeply as you have. I just know that this site has been a lifesaver to me, and I plan to stay with it forever, if that's what it takes. My husband kinda thinks I'm addicted too, since I'm always on this site. BUT, he also loves the way I'm looking AND feeling, and so he's ok with my addiction. I'm just afraid that once I lose enough, if I'm not on here adding most meals up, that I'll go right back to where I was. And I WON'T do that!
    I guess there's worse things in this world than being addicted to a site that's changed my life!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    I'll put it to you another way... you've become involved in a lifestyle change not a diet. You're adjusting your past eating to create a new way of living, a new way of eating, and a new way of being you. This takes time and 4months is not that long. You will pull away from here when you feel more comfortable I imagine. Right now, it's a security blanket reassuring you each step of the way that your choices are healthy and progress towards your goal. Once you reach it you will begin a new process of learning how to adjust your eating toward maintaining. After some time you will get comfortable just like now you probably know what a cup of cereal looks like, a 1/2 c serving of rice, etc. When it becomes more intuitive you may log less and chat more I dunno. I do know that we have to recognize our eating patterns before we can adjust. You'll get there --- if that's what you want. Good luck and congrats on your success thus far!!

    PS I have 9 lbs to lose and they have been the toughest - so I like having this to rely on at this point. Reassuring me that I am doing the right things and I will break the plateaus as they come.
  • greysweatshirt
    I understand how you feel! My plans right now are to continue really watching things until I reach my goal, then I'll probably back off a bit more, but I'll continue to watch my weight. If I notice myself moving in the wrong direction, I'll have to buckle down and start counting again.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I do think your dad is right. A true success is when you do not have to think about it. I was so completely proud of myself recently - I went on vacation and lost a pound - no tracking at all.

    I also think that to get to that point, you must do this for a long time. It is so easy to fall into bad eating habits - eating emotionally, mindlessly, or binging. Those are the eating disorders. There is also the obsession of eating healthy foods (can't remember what this has been coined). Or the obsession with calorie counting. Do you ever let yourself "go over"? Will you not go out to dinner at a local restaurant if you don't know what is in the food or calorie counts? Do you ever allow yourself treats? If not, why not? If you allow these things occasionally and don't feel like a failure, I don't think you have an eating disorder. IMHO.
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    could your husband be a tiny bit jealous of the time you spend here? a little nervous over your success? wanting you to succeed but afraid it might change more than your outsides? (and it will) you will become more confident in your choices, more secure in yourself as a person. you are growing. don't add this extra stress to your life unnecessarily. 4 months is not a long time. marywilldiet has made some excellent points to consider. I don't think you are 'addicted' either, I mean if something makes you feel good, like this site, success at your changes in lifestyle it would make sense that you continue it. You will know what to do when the time comes.
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Thanks, folks. I have some additional comments to make.

    1) I've been with MFP for 6 months, not 4 months... it took me 2 months before I really realized it wasn't a fluke - that it was working!

    2) I'm extremely satisfied with the progress I've made. On average, I lose about 1.75 lbs/week. Of course there have been weeks when I lost up to 5 lbs, and weeks I didn't lose anything, or *GASP* gained half a pound or so! haha. I've done it the healthy way. I cut portions to "regular" servings, added more fruit, veggies, whole grains, etc. I consciously think about what I'm eating. Yes, I go out to restaurants. I usually try to find nutritional facts before I go, but if I can't find them, no biggie. There are days when I go over my "limit" by 100, 500, whatever. I went to Red Lobster recently and ate an extremely satisfying and healthy dinner of garlic grilled shrimp and steamed broccoli, but my dad wanted the chocolate cake and I said I'd "nibble" on it, but ended up eating the other half... wouldn't surprise me if that was 1,000 calories by itself. However, I'm okay with that because it is the EXCEPTION and not the NORM for me anymore! Yahoo!!

    3) My husband is my #1 fan. He loves the way I look (always has), enjoys my new confidence, and can tell that I feel better all around. When I said he thinks I'm addicted to the website, he doesn't say it in a negative way or to criticize me. I know he's not jealous, because when he's home and wants to hang out, I close the laptop and hang out. I don't neglect him to use the site, and I really don't think it bothers him that I use it often. He knows that for now, I'm doing what it takes to get me healthy and lose this extra weight before it really start affecting my health.

    I think what greysweathshirt said is the way I'll handle it, too. Continue doing what I'm doing to meet my goal, because obviously it's working. Then back off the logging, and continue to watch my weight. If I need to come back to it, then I do. I don't think I'll ever stop visiting - you all are wonderful people and have amazing things to share. I guess I'm just insecure in my ability to continue living this new healthier lifestyle without the MFP crutch....