Two weeks and put weight on



  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    To me, it looks as though you are having quite a lot of takeaways/eating out a lot, as well as having alcohol fairly regularly. I don't always trust the calories that MFP gives for takeaways - the 'chip shop chips' that you had for example - to be honest I feel that they would have been a lot more than the 200 odd calories that MFP said they were. So you may accidentally be eating more than you realise!

    I would try cutting down on these foods a bit if you're wanting to lose weight. You obviously don't need to cut them out completely, but I don't think they can be helping much if you're not seeing the results you want on the scales!

    Try incorporating some more fresh foods into your diet, as well as water, and hopefully you'll notice a difference! Good luck! :)

    With the chip shop I had a handful off a friends plate but still wanted to log it as that's how particular I am! Yeah it was a friends birthday last weekend hence eating out and maybe a bit too much alcohol! Just feel now as if I'm being punished for a good time :(

    I noticed that about your dairy aswell however mines the same for last weekend so i do relise that it's not a true indication which is why i didn't mention it.I did put weight on over the weekend (not surprised i had a sausage egg and cheese bap, a 3 course wedding meal, sunday dinner and kfc and alot of alcohol!) but because i've been good all this week and been to the gym i've dropped back down to last weeks weight, it's only one week it's the overall out come that matters and you can't put your life on hold until your the weight you want.
  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    With the chip shop I had a handful off a friends plate but still wanted to log it as that's how particular I am! Yeah it was a friends birthday last weekend hence eating out and maybe a bit too much alcohol! Just feel now as if I'm being punished for a good time :(

    Ahh, ok I see! Aw, don't feel like that! You still kept relatively low with your calories, so I'm guessing that the weight gain you see will more than likely just be water retention! :) Everyone has to enjoy themselves! I assumed that was your regular way of eating, but if it was for a birthday then there's nothing wrong with that at all. Try giving it another week, drink lots of water and I'm sure your weight will go back down! :)
  • jj2step
    jj2step Posts: 16 Member
    Dont worry too much track your salt.drink loads of water keep away from packaged food and enjoy your life feel free to add me its difficult to lose its nice to have support you wil get there xxxx
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Time of the month can wreak havoc on the scale. I don't see salt being your problem...if you are basically taking in the same amount of salt each day, even if high, you are maintaining the same amount of extra water due to salt. (I'm probably going to get crucified for saying that.)

    Keep eating good. Your diary looks fine to me. Give it more time. Consider adding some exercise, maybe some walking. Good luck!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    A dump. take one.

    2lb is nothing. you can fluctuate by that much. its a non issue. you shouldn't worry at all about it.
  • lovingangel4uau
    lovingangel4uau Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Hon don't stress we all have 2-3 Ibs that our weight fluctuates between. I haven't read every post here so if this advice is repeated sorry. After looking at your menu I would try to be under your limit on one limit for sugar. This vid will give you some insight:
    If you don't have to much to lose eating whole, fresh foods will also help.
    Good luck!
  • DarylLouis
    DarylLouis Posts: 136 Member
    Do not stress about it mate, it could simply be water retention or waste products; drink 3 cups of Green Tea as this is an antioxidant with thermogenic properties (speeds up metabolic rate) a day for 5 days; obviously keeping up your fluid intake and you will find you could drop around 2-3lbs just in waste

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    On,Friday i was 154.2. On Sunday i was 158.2. Yesterday i was 155. Did i gain 4 pounds in 2 days and then lose 3 in 2 more? Nah, not 'really'. Weight fluxes as it sees fit, up to 4-5 pounds daily. Stress less, keep doing what you're doing. Eat salt as you please, unless water weight really bugs you that much.

    Two pounds is basically nothing.
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    Don't want to sound like a spoil sport but looking at the diary its not great.

    26th May - pizza Hut & Booze
    27th - Nandos & Booze
    28th - Booze and one meal
    29th Good Day
    30th Pizza Express & Booze
    31st Harvester
    1st June - Pizza Express & Booze
    2nd - McDonalds
    3rd - Good Day

    So out of the last 9 days, you've had alcohol 5 days, and eaten taken away/ restaurant food 6 days - plus very little in the way of fruits and vegetables.

    Some of the days you seem to be consuming more calories in alcohol than food - never good - but yes it does happen.

    Maybe this moment in time was the wrong time (with birthdays etc) to try and lose weight, so just start afresh and keep drinking water, stay away from too many takeaways (once a week treat maybe?), get some exercise and get rid of those unwanted pounds!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I was down 7 pounds and weighed myself this morning and was up 4!!! It's so frustrating and devastating but there are a few things that I did differently that can account for this - 1 - I didn't exercise at all last week and I need to move my body for anything else to move (it doesn't seem to matter what I eat as long as I exercise) and then 2 - I realized that I may have actually lost weight because my clothes do fit a little looser. My fault for not taking measurements to start with but I think I will do that tonight so that I don't get discouraged by what the scale says. I've been exercising again for the past 3 days in a row (starting P90X all over again) so it may be (fingers crossed) muscle weight? lol.... also, I'm pretty sure I'm close to that time of the month.... my calorie goals is 1200/day and while I wasn't exercising, I stayed on MF and posted everything and stayed within my goals.... further proof that my body needs to move.

    Don't be discouraged --- stick with it --- these things take time. Add me if you need a friendly ear now and then :)

    It's definitely not muscle after 3 days eating 1200 calories. It's water. Weight can fluctuate a lot, some people report fluctuations up to 10 lbs. The day after exercise you may see a gain due to water for muscle repair.

    Make sure you're eating back your exercise calories since your calorie goal is so low.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Don't want to sound like a spoil sport but looking at the diary its not great.

    26th May - pizza Hut & Booze
    27th - Nandos & Booze
    28th - Booze and one meal
    29th Good Day
    30th Pizza Express & Booze
    31st Harvester
    1st June - Pizza Express & Booze
    2nd - McDonalds
    3rd - Good Day

    So out of the last 9 days, you've had alcohol 5 days, and eaten taken away/ restaurant food 6 days - plus very little in the way of fruits and vegetables.

    Some of the days you seem to be consuming more calories in alcohol than food - never good - but yes it does happen.

    Maybe this moment in time was the wrong time (with birthdays etc) to try and lose weight, so just start afresh and keep drinking water, stay away from too many takeaways (once a week treat maybe?), get some exercise and get rid of those unwanted pounds!

    Another issue with eating out a lot is that you can't really trust the calorie counts to be accurate. There's nothing wrong with eating out but if you do it too much it can mess with your ability to accurately track calories, and also the sodium will cause water retention (alcohol does too) which can mask fat loss.
  • marykate290491
    marykate290491 Posts: 25 Member
    Don't want to sound like a spoil sport but looking at the diary its not great.

    26th May - pizza Hut & Booze
    27th - Nandos & Booze
    28th - Booze and one meal
    29th Good Day
    30th Pizza Express & Booze
    31st Harvester
    1st June - Pizza Express & Booze
    2nd - McDonalds
    3rd - Good Day

    So out of the last 9 days, you've had alcohol 5 days, and eaten taken away/ restaurant food 6 days - plus very little in the way of fruits and vegetables.

    Some of the days you seem to be consuming more calories in alcohol than food - never good - but yes it does happen.

    Maybe this moment in time was the wrong time (with birthdays etc) to try and lose weight, so just start afresh and keep drinking water, stay away from too many takeaways (once a week treat maybe?), get some exercise and get rid of those unwanted pounds!

    Didnt even think of it like that! Some of them days I was at home ( eg. Nandos was at a BBQ- just the sauce and pizza express pizza at home)
    Its just been a bit hard birthdays bank holiday etc. Need to get focused now!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Don't want to sound like a spoil sport but looking at the diary its not great.

    26th May - pizza Hut & Booze
    27th - Nandos & Booze
    28th - Booze and one meal
    29th Good Day
    30th Pizza Express & Booze
    31st Harvester
    1st June - Pizza Express & Booze
    2nd - McDonalds
    3rd - Good Day

    So out of the last 9 days, you've had alcohol 5 days, and eaten taken away/ restaurant food 6 days - plus very little in the way of fruits and vegetables.

    Some of the days you seem to be consuming more calories in alcohol than food - never good - but yes it does happen.

    Maybe this moment in time was the wrong time (with birthdays etc) to try and lose weight, so just start afresh and keep drinking water, stay away from too many takeaways (once a week treat maybe?), get some exercise and get rid of those unwanted pounds!

    Didnt even think of it like that! Some of them days I was at home ( eg. Nandos was at a BBQ- just the sauce and pizza express pizza at home)
    Its just been a bit hard birthdays bank holiday etc. Need to get focused now!

    are you a good cook?