Where are the 30 somethings?



  • 34-year-old single Wisconsin girl, here. :-)
  • super_J73
    super_J73 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm still in my 30's for another 6 months :-D feel free to add me anyone :smile:
  • tinatemp
    tinatemp Posts: 2 Member
    I am 33 and just lost 14 lbs doing insanity. Started round 2 of insanity Monday! Add me if you want. I am also a beachbody coach!
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    36, but 37 in under a month, yikes!

    I'm in the UK, lost the weight just before I hit 30, then gained it all back again, but this time I hope to get down to target and keep it off for a couple of years before hitting 40!!
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    32, anyone add me!
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    I'm 32 feel free to give me an add
  • EmmaLA16
    EmmaLA16 Posts: 94 Member
    39, so still a thirtysomething....just! Feel free to add me x
  • jessicadawn1978
    jessicadawn1978 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi I'm at the tail-end of 34yrs, living in the UK and getting back into training and health after a few years of allowing work to get in the way. Looking to get toned, strong and hopefully a much improved physique along the way

    Height 4'10
    SW 124
    CW 121
    GW 112

    Feel free to add me
  • 38 feel free to add me if you want :)
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    38. :(
  • hmc4
    hmc4 Posts: 27
    34 here - will turn 35 in November. I have about 70 lbs to go - depending on where my body settles. I always say that my goal weight is 128 - the last time I told the truth on my driver's license - aka when I was 20.
    I was not "in shape" then - I was a skinny-fat college brat who thought she was chubby.

    I have 2 kids, 1 husband, 2 dogs. Would love to add friends who are active on MFP.

    Edited to say this, cause I forgot: If you do decide to add me, please include a message. Other wise I probably won't accept the request.
  • hammbone55
    hammbone55 Posts: 73
    32! yeah for us! :wink:
  • wpbmommy1
    wpbmommy1 Posts: 58 Member
    37 going on 15! Whooo!
  • 35 years old! Mother of 3, ages 8, 6, 22 months. :)
  • mommyrocks5
    mommyrocks5 Posts: 49 Member
    Holla....Hahahaa! I'm 33!
  • figee17
    figee17 Posts: 7
    33 here. Mom of a 3 year old boy. I often still feel like I am in my twenties but my body/metabolism clearly knows differently.
    No more kiddos in my future, just want to love life with my hubbie (when he's not traveling for work - ugh) and my little boy. Travel, be active, and be in the best shape ever...working on tracking my intake, using BodyMedia for output, and Chalean Extreme/TurboFire for exercise.
    Feel free to add me.
  • njaimeh
    njaimeh Posts: 1 Member
    31- Mother of an infant and a Toddler..need to lose about 55lbs. add me, need all the motivation i can get:)
  • lostdogg
    lostdogg Posts: 450 Member
    37 going on 21
  • I just turned 30...realized I've been trying to lose weight for the last 5 years and I don't want to keep losing motivation for the next 5 too.

    I work full time, go to school part time, 2 dogs, boyfriend and stepkid. I was raised on fast food and trying very hard to break that habit..Need all the motivation and support I can get.

    Nice to meet all of you, add me. :)
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    33 here :( but people still guess my age at 25 yay :)