Gym rant



  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I could go on for days ranting about the gym. My biggest pet peeve are people who SIT on an exercise machine while talking on their phone. Hair on the walls of the shower. Sweat left behind on the equipment. Not stacking weights back where they belong. Yeah, I could go on and on.
  • unocentavo
    unocentavo Posts: 82 Member
    That girl sounds a right selfish pig. Shame you couldn't turn the fan on full-blast and then place it right in front of her face :laugh:

    Next time she gets on the treadmill, bung a toilet freshener under the magnet bit, that should sort her :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ROTFLMAO...I like your style! That is too funny.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    I try not to worry too much about what other people in the gym are doing, but this morning it was hard not to notice. Today, one of the early morning regulars decided that instead of working out she wanted to dress up in high heels and try on several string bikinis (thongs) and parade around in front of the mirrors practicing her runway walk and various poses. I can only assume she has a contest coming up, but I think it's safe to say that it was distracting for me and everyone else in the gym. She didn't just stay in one little area either. She paraded herself around the entire gym chatting it up with all the trainers. It was pretty obvious she wanted attention. She spent a good 45 minutes doing this. She's an attractive lady, but today I saw more of her than I ever wanted to see.
  • cardiogirl
    There are so many people for me to rant about at my local Y, but I try to focus on the workout. I have wondered if anyone is annoyed by me. That cannot possible be the case, since I am focused and stay in my own world for 60 minutes.

    I'd still like to know if anyone sees me and immediately thinks, "Great. There's the psycho who won't get off the machine for an hour."
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    There is a woman at our facility who has her phone glued to her ear from the second she walks through the door, until she walks out again, sometimes 60-90 min later. Mostly she walks on the track, so it is not as much of a distraction, but I have never see her not talking on the phone--and sometimes she would come in 3 times per week.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I love having my own home gym :)
  • Wants2bethin
    Dont forget the people who hang around and loiter :( ......Last week I walked in and the girls at the front desk( 3 of them )were sitting there all talking and doing there nails. *sigh* Really is it nail time at work????? While they should have been walking the floor putting gym stuff back were it belongs b/c people cant put things back when there done using it.. I can continue ......and Im glad this rant was started.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    There are so many people for me to rant about at my local Y, but I try to focus on the workout. I have wondered if anyone is annoyed by me. That cannot possible be the case, since I am focused and stay in my own world for 60 minutes.

    I'd still like to know if anyone sees me and immediately thinks, "Great. There's the psycho who won't get off the machine for an hour."

    I would only think that if you were on THE machine that I wanted to use. :laugh: I do get perturbed by people staying on the ellipticals for more than 1/2 hour (the max time if someone is waiting for one) but lately this has not been an issue at my gym.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I have 2 rants about my gym,

    1} Last weekend I was running on the treadmill with my son next to me. He looked at me , made this face and said "I cant take it anymore." He got off the treadmill and used another machine across the room. That is when the smell hit me. It was the most foul smelling body oder I have ever smelled. The health department would have condemned the man! I lasted less than 1 minute before I left the area. Deoderant is plentiful and cheap!!!

    2} After spending most of my day cleaning up after 3 men in my home, the last thing I want to do is clean up after strangers in the gym!! I am soooooo tired of the "He-Men" that grunt and groan through a heavy set,.......AND THEN GET UP AND WALK AWAY WITHOUT REMOVING THEIR HEAVY WEIGHTS!!! The gym staff is aware, and they are frequently around removing the weights, but it is impossible to keep up with theses selfish people!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Oh! I forgot about something that was laughable from the past. There was a woman that worked out in stockings!!! This was all the time. I used to workout at 24 Hour Fitness and this woman worked out in make-up and stockings and wore the stocking under shorts. I didn't understand the point of this. Please fill me in folks.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    "I didn't understand the point of this. Please fill me in folks."

    Could it possible be if she had severe circulatory problems, support hose may be needed. They have gotten better over the years and sometimes do look like stockings