Good Morning!!

Hey everyone!
Just wanted to write a little blerb to say hello to everyone! I am new to the site, my boyfriend and I both just joined yesterday.
I had heard about this site from my boyfriend, and MAN IS IT AMAZING!

In the past I have been a high caliber athlete competing in the sport of track and field at a provincial and national level. The past couple years I have decided to focus solely on my studies and have since retired from track and field and forgot the fun of working out. My motivation seemed to have dropped and my focus went from being in the gym 4 hours a day to sitting in front of computers ALL day. I have now found my motivation through this site, and all the people with amazing success stories and great tips to offer. I feel that with all your motivation I will be able to get back to my goal weight!!!

I wish everyone the best of luck with all their long-term and short-term goals, and I hope to meet some new people while transforming into my new self!

My inspiration of the day:

............................................."Pain is just weakness leaving the body"..............................................


  • flab2fabin6
    Hello, My name is Michelle and I am new to this site also. Lets kick these pounds off together. Good luck!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Good luck to you on your goals!
  • diana_pat_10
    Thanks so much everyone!! Best of luck with all of your goals too!