Exercising With a Toddler???

This is a question for all of the moms with toddlers at home. How to do find time to exercise with the little ones always running around? I usually get home from work between 5:30 and 6:00. I really need major HELP from people who are in the same shoes as me!


  • jaygreen55
    jaygreen55 Posts: 315 Member
    Get yourself a jogging stroller, load the kids in and get moving. I did that when the kids were young. I didn't have a double stroller so I put one in a backpack and one in the stroller and we all enjoyed the fresh air
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    You just do it. At first, my daughter was a huge PITA, getting under the dumbbells and sitting on me during pushups, but eventually she learned that I was DOING STUFF and that she was going to have to wait politely for responses and attention. Now she does "workouts" with me, and helps me count reps. I help her with hand positions for things like back bridges and for fun, I sometimes use her for "kettlebaby swings."

    There's just an adjustment period for both of you, but children are quite resilient and learn pretty quick, if given clearly laid expectations and direction. :)
  • JBoard0411
    JBoard0411 Posts: 20
    I will have to try this one :)
  • rhiannewt
    rhiannewt Posts: 1 Member
    I do it whilst they're in bed or get up early before they wake. I have treadmill or do exercise DVD x
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I couldn't. Heck my kids are 5 and now I either go to the gym where they stay in the baby sitting room, or I do it after they are in bed.
  • JBoard0411
    JBoard0411 Posts: 20
    You just do it. At first, my daughter was a huge PITA, getting under the dumbbells and sitting on me during pushups, but eventually she learned that I was DOING STUFF and that she was going to have to wait politely for responses and attention. Now she does "workouts" with me, and helps me count reps. I help her with hand positions for things like back bridges and for fun, I sometimes use her for "kettlebaby swings."

    There's just an adjustment period for both of you, but children are quite resilient and learn pretty quick, if given clearly laid expectations and direction. :)

    My son does this to me all the time now lol I will have to try letting him work out with me instead of on me!
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Have you considered using the toddler as a kettlebell?

    You could get an excellent circuit training regime going.
  • fwinnower
    fwinnower Posts: 6 Member
    We go to the YMCA and our 4 year old goes to their babysitting service.

    Sometimes, I'll work out when he's asleep, too.
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    He'll be a little drill sergeant in no time. Now I'll be sitting on my butt looking at recipes and my daughter will march in and yell, "LET'S DO PUSHUPS, MOM! I'LL COUNT. WE NEED TO DO ELEVENTEEN (17) TODAY!"
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    This is a question for all of the moms with toddlers at home. How to do find time to exercise with the little ones always running around? I usually get home from work between 5:30 and 6:00. I really need major HELP from people who are in the same shoes as me!

    Are you a single mother? My wife pretty much just tells me what I need to do and what she's going to do and that's that....
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I squat my two year old. I just have her workout with me. We call it dance time. Other than that I pay a hearty sum to keave her at my gyms daycare.
  • JBoard0411
    JBoard0411 Posts: 20
    Have you considered using the toddler as a kettlebell?

    You could get an excellent circuit training regime going.

    I havent thought of that. I will try today!
  • JBoard0411
    JBoard0411 Posts: 20
    This is a question for all of the moms with toddlers at home. How to do find time to exercise with the little ones always running around? I usually get home from work between 5:30 and 6:00. I really need major HELP from people who are in the same shoes as me!

    Are you a single mother? My wife pretty much just tells me what I need to do and what she's going to do and that's that....

    No im not a single mother but with my husbands job he is gone for days at a time :(
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    No im not a single mother but with my husbands job he is gone for days at a time :(

    My husband owns a bar and I work in an office, so our "at home" times seldom overlap sufficiently for me to want to "waste" any of that time on a workout. I feel you there. +1 on the jogging stroller. I take my daughter to a park 1.5 miles from the house on weekends. Sometimes we turn on "Zombies, RUN!" and she yells supportive instruction as we careen down the sidewalk. It's kinda fun...
  • ruth3698
    ruth3698 Posts: 305 Member
    It's hard....I either try to get up super early or do it super late.There's a lot of "Mia move honey, move......move please..move.....Move....MOVE!!" Lol.That or the baby starts crying.Lately I've been trying to get her involved. I give her water bottles for "weights" and I have her do it with me.
  • wing5
    wing5 Posts: 13 Member
    Mine is not a toddler yet but at the moment I am dragging myself out of bed early to do a 45 min vid before he wakes then i plonk him next to the treadmill for a run after Ive given him his bottle- when he starts moving im not sure ha ha, im thinking I might get a little play pen to put by the treadmill. (that was the best investment by the way except its too noisy to get on while he asleep!, got it cheap 2nd hand), also walk with him in the arvos, I think you really have to make the effort and it is hard some days! Good luck
  • JBoard0411
    JBoard0411 Posts: 20
    Thanks everyone for all of your input and help with this. I got my son involved with me last night as I exercised and he actully had fun lol. He woke up this morning asking to exercise again.