Coffee Addicts Unite!

tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
So, I've had a major caffeine addiction since I was 18, when I put that sweet hot cuppa coffee to my lips during a very chilly morning while camping in the middle of no where on Vancouver Island. It was soothing, it was comforting - and it's been that way ever since. I've had days where I drink anywhere from 2-10 cups, possibly more.

My problem is that I don't enjoy drinking it black at all, I can stand to eliminate the sugar but it has to at least have milk in it (oh, how I miss my cream). These days I've limited it to 3 cups max, and on a good day I only drink one cup... but I never go without. I understand that there's nothing wrong with a cup a day, but I often wonder how many calories I would be saving by eliminating it altogether (essentially because of the milk and sugar). I know I could go with just non-fat milk in my coffee, but it would suck. It's a day-by-day process.

Anyone in the boat with me here? :)


  • katm427
    katm427 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm a complete coffee addict. If I can't deal with it black (though I usually do), I go with skim milk and Splenda. Less calories. By much.
  • I am so with you on this one! I love my coffee and I hate it black. I like things like Starbucks and all those sugary coffees that are the worst for you. I'm having a hard time giving those up! I just started 3 days ago but I'm already suffering. I need a good alternative.
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    I love my coffee - can't quite do it black, actually must have lots of cream. My husband says I like a little coffe with my cream. I went sugarless years ago. I thought I was doing good using fat free coffeemate creamer, then I read the calories. UGH! I am adding about 100 calories (easily) a day, probably more. So now I am switching to skim milk - oh the horror:sick: If any one has good alternatives please let us know
  • jeans4
    jeans4 Posts: 7
    I jokingly say i would give up breathing before coffee, and I drink it all day until around 4pm. i have gotten used to it with a sweet-n-low or an equal, and an ice cube. I splurged and bought a flavored coffee creamer last christmas, and it was like i was drinking a hot milk shake
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I know that everyone has their own personal opinions on the artificial sugar front, but I'm weary of those and I don't touch them. I guess that's what makes this so difficult. I'm like a little stubborn mule :)
  • I too love my coffee...I actually like the flavored coffee creamers and whoa the are full of about 6 weeks ago I bought my last bottle...I was drinking 4-6 cups a day and I loved it...

    I switched to the powdered creamer that my husband drinks, still trying to drink 4-6 tasted so I finally got down to 1 cup and if I am really in the need of another on late in the day I will splurge. I only use 2tsp so that is not nearly what I was using of the flavored. I feel like I really have cut my calories by 3/4 by not drinking the flavored creamers..

    I am really glad I have given it up, I do splurge by having a Frappé once every 6 weeks...
  • Try one of the soy creamers? Silk's Original is 15cal/1g fat per tablespoon.

    Get a French press and a lighter roast coarse ground (instead of the autodrip ground). Coarse ground doesn't brew quite as bitter.

    Edit: as far as sweetners go, try Sun Crystals. 5 cals per packet. It's a mix of stevia (natural plant) and regular sugar.
  • I too love my coffee...I actually like the flavored coffee creamers and whoa the are full of about 6 weeks ago I bought my last bottle...I was drinking 4-6 cups a day and I loved it...

    I switched to the powdered creamer that my husband drinks, still trying to drink 4-6 tasted so I finally got down to 1 cup and if I am really in the need of another on late in the day I will splurge. I only use 2tsp so that is not nearly what I was using of the flavored. I feel like I really have cut my calories by 3/4 by not drinking the flavored creamers..

    I am really glad I have given it up, I do splurge by having a Frappé once every 6 weeks...
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    Every morning I have my cup of coffee with 1 oz of 1/2 and 1/2 (40 cals). I don't care for sugar in it but I refuse to give up that one little bit of pleasure. If I have Starbucks I get a tall nonfat latte and add one packet of Steevia and sprinkle cinnamon on top. If I have any more coffee I drink it black or if I am out and it is an after dinner coffee I will go ahead and count the calories and have 1/2 and 1/2.. I try and stick with one cup of coffee or one latte daily. I love coffee too and I believe I started drinking it at a very young age.:flowerforyou:
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Coffe is amazing, I couldnt get through a day without it. I just have a tiny bit of semi skimmed milk, should probably change to skimmed, but I dont think I have enough to make much of a difference.
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    :wink: Milk and splenda all the way ! If you like sugar than splenda is a great alternative ! Milk is way healthier than cream.....So a large coffee with milk and three spleda would only cost you about 35 calories.
  • shell1205
    shell1205 Posts: 138
    I was drinking about 6-10 20 oz. cups per day (but black). I've cut down to 1-2 (very rarely anymore do I have a 3rd cup, but I still do occasionally). thing is, I like it black, so it's all good, except for the effects of too much caffeine!

    I will NEVER give up coffee... that would be like asking me to stop breathing!! but I've cut down... and I do occasionally like it with cream. I bought the fat free creamers, and they're usually more thsn sweet enough that I don't need sugar or splenda...

    But I TOTALLY feel ya!!
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Try one of the soy creamers? Silk's Original is 15cal/1g fat per tablespoon.

    Get a French press and a lighter roast coarse ground (instead of the autodrip ground). Coarse ground doesn't brew quite as bitter.

    Edit: as far as sweetners go, try Sun Crystals. 5 cals per packet. It's a mix of stevia (natural plant) and regular sugar.

    ooooo, where would I find those? At a regular grocery store or do I have to check out the health store?
  • Honestly I would rather drink coffee with fat free milk and no sugar than give it up. Fat free skim milk has only 86 calories per cup so I figure it is an okay indulgence.

    SW 220 07/2008
    CW 180 08/2010
    Goal 155
  • Maybe Im a recovering coffee addict??? LOL
    I use to run to the store every morning and grab a large cappuccino and a pack of smokes and a DP for later. Im 30 mn from the nearest Starbucks but you can bet I managed to go there fairly often and of course it had to be the Venti! I had heard that caffiene makes it harder to stop smoking and know that in my head the two "go together". So when I quit 3 weeks ago, I swore off convenience stores and Starbucks. Ive also managed to not brew any coffee at home...although as Im talking about it, its sounding rather good. After 3 weeks, I think I could handle a cup without craving a cigarette. Oh and my "old way" would be to add a shot of caramel syrup and a swoosh of whip cream to my "at home" coffee...thinking I should probably scrap that idea :)
  • I was just looking at my food diary yesterday trying to figure out how to cut down on the coffee calories. I drink 1-3 cups a day with splenda, sugar free caramel syrup, and 4+ Tbsp half and half.

    I bought skim plus fat free half and half and tried it this morning. No dice...just not as tasty. I tried doing a little half and half and then topping off with the skim plus. Better but no better on the calorie front.

    I just decided that I will have to limit myself to one cup. I can have a second in the evening after the baby goes to bed if I have the calories left as a treat.'s one cup only. I would rather limit my cups and enjoy it than use fat free and not enjoy the taste as much.
  • Van3ssa_2468
    Van3ssa_2468 Posts: 76 Member
    I have coffeemate in my coffee. My husband has a sweet tooth and he uses sugar free flavored coffeemate.
    25 years ago I gave up the sugar in my coffee. It took a little getting used to, but now it would be too sweet for me.
    Also try flavored coffees. I belong to Gevalia and have found some wonderful flavors for my morning java addiction.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I've found that non-flavored powdered creamer has less calories than one would expect. Also, Splenda is a godsend! I have been drinking coffee since I was twelve so if I need to I will drink it black. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with coffee as long as you drink enough water to counteraction any dehydrating effects the caffeine may have.
  • Mamasota
    Mamasota Posts: 144
    I have one cup in the morning with hazelnut creamer and I enjoy it thoroughly. I count the calories and adjust accordingly. Depriving myself of my one good cup in the morning is not an option. I can lose weight without giving up everything I love. I can live without chips and cookies but I need that good cup of coffee in the morning to start my day. It's all about choices and portion control.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I drink coffee all night when I work nights the and the darker the roast the better I like, black, no cream or sugar for me. But if you like creamers try Blue Diamond almond milk. Low calories and it gives you that flavored taste. I have never tried it but it might be good if you like flavored creamers.
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