40 something and hoping to improve myself

Just finished EA Sports 2 9-week but have a long way to go. Belly fat is my nemesis. Have lost about 10 pounds from beginning of EA Sports but have about 30-35 more I'd like to shed. Waiting for Insanity to arrive and will be headed to the beach soon (sadly still chubbier than I'd like but fitter than 9 weeks ago). Hoping I can keep up the Insanity and trying to decide whether to start it before or after I get back from my trip.


  • moggles
    moggles Posts: 5
    Another 40 something here....in same boat!
    Just started insanity this morning!
    We should be friends!
  • Wildflowers70
    Wildflowers70 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks! How was it? I am a little scared, but I need something drastic to get my rear in gear.
  • Chicabear1
    Chicabear1 Posts: 38 Member
    Just another 40 something here...
    I've been at this since January 25th. That's the day that changed my life. I was weighing in at 214 lbs. My friend told me about MFP and has been coaching me all these months. I've been learning about understanding food labels, portions, etc. My exercise habits coupled with MFP have helped me tremendously! I've lost 36 pounds so far! I feel wonderful. My clothes fit a bit baggy now. I can't begin to tell you how different I feel. I'm healthier and happier then I've ever been! Hard work really pays off if you want it bad enough! Wow!
  • DeniseSanchez18
    Congratulations on getting Insanity. I did that program - it's no joke. My husband and I just started Body Beast this week. We finished day 3 today. I'm loving lifting weights again.

    How are you liking Insanity? You must be about a month or so into it now.
  • DeniseSanchez18
    Super Congratulations!!:smile:
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I'm early 40s and did the EA Sports Active 2 9 week program to start as well. I kept at everything and lost more than 60 lbs since October (I lost 6 lbs before joining MFP). I'm currently working on maintenance and toning now, and am very happy with the results that MFP helped me obtain.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    hi! I'm 48... got 2 more years to be 40something! lol!!! wow!!! insanity! I heard it's an awesome workout!!!! good for you!
  • Lachesis
    Lachesis Posts: 36 Member
    I am going to start working on my Wii sports (the one that came with the game system). I am 43 (as of yesterday). It seems to be working for my upper body which is a start :) Last weekend I put 16 hours playing with the kids :D From Friday-Sunday. Holy cow, I was sore. ;)
  • Wildflowers70
    Wildflowers70 Posts: 72 Member
    36 pounds lost! Way to go-you have worked hard! Your story inspires me. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • Wildflowers70
    Wildflowers70 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks for sharing your experience with Insanity. I just completed EA Sports Active 2 9-week Moderate and am now doing the Hard Cardio, Basketball Boot Camp, and other harder pre-made exercises while Insanity is in shipment. I hope I love/hate Insanity as much as most people seem to. I'll report in once I find out. I haven't yet looked to see if there is an Insanity forum/group here yet. Just really got into the boards and don't really know my way around here.
  • Wildflowers70
    Wildflowers70 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi ChezJuan,
    I have loved th EA Sports. It has been more like a game (albeit a challenging one). It helps to know others who share things in common who have met with success. 60 pounds since October is amazing. Us forty-somethings still can bring it! Hope I can step it up like you have and see more results.
  • helenlouise01
    Hi im another 40 something here also been doing this for about 4 days now we are coming into winter here and im finding it so hard to get motivated. Any aerobic exercises I could do at home ?

    would like to hear views from others

    Helen :)
  • Wildflowers70
    Wildflowers70 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks! I hope it is as great as I have heard. I know I am in for some serious burn. When you said you had two more years to be forty, i thought you meant you were 38 and that 48 was a typo. You look great! Good for you! :)
  • Wildflowers70
    Wildflowers70 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi, Lachesis! Waving!
    I actually really started first with my WII Fit program too. I had a really involved knee accident that kept me down for a long time. I started with the Yoga in Wii Fit to help me get back more weight-bearing strength and flexibility. About a month later, I added in the EA Sports Active and repeated it a couple times. I quit over the winter and gained back some of the weight I had lost. However I started back again 9 weeks ago. This time I am not going to quit. I AM going to do reach my goals.

    BTW, Are you a weaver or a spinner (your username makes me think of thread)? I am a spinner and a knitter.
    Let's both hang in there!
  • Wildflowers70
    Wildflowers70 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi HelenLouise,
    You can do it! I am by no means an expert - but what helps me is to find something FUN but stil a challenge that makes me work at the edge of my ability without being too hard. That has meant trying different things and reading reviews from others who sound similar to me in situation.

    I can tell you that for me - I have enjoyed my WII EA Sports Active 2- and when traveling I have used the app Zombies Run to run in place in my hotel room. That said, I wouldn't necessarily advocate going out and buying a Wii. I just used what I happened to have. What I like about it is that there is a mix of activities and I didn't get bored.

    I hope others will share other in-home activities cause I'd like to know more about what is out there to do too.

    Hang in there! On days when you don't feel motivated, imagine how much better you will look and how great you will feel if you go on and do it. That helps me beat the "don't wanna" days.
  • DeniseSanchez18
    I just started the boards yesterday so don't know how to navigate well either. Good luck!
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    Way to commit, OP and wow, it's great to see a bunch of 40-something women here. I started about 15 months ago with MFP and about 13 months ago with regular exercise. I have ebbed and flowed with commitment to eating clean and healthy but stayed more consistent with exercise than I have ever been in my life. I will be 44 this month and probably in the best shape I've ever been in. Would love to have more 40-something friends so we can support each other through a healthier lifestyle. Accountability partners are awesome!! MFP is a great place to find them.
  • zipidy_curly
    zipidy_curly Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, new to MFP, im 43 & 80kg, need to loose 15kg to get to my goal weight, finding it extremely hard with 3 children.. Would love to have some friends to keep the motivation going, will be glad to have you aboard..
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    I turn 43 next month. I've been on and off MFP for a while. I hurt my hip early last year and then gained weight. In November I decided to go to the doctor and get my BP under control (I was in denial) and started eating better. I've lost about 12 lbs since then. A few days ago I decided to start adding exercise into the mix. I work a lot so I thought it would be difficult since we don't have any equipment at work. Then I found 30 Day Shred on YouTube so now I can exercise at work!
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member

    I am in my forties as well. I started MFP two years ago with a weight of 240 and I have lost 81 pounds just by modifying my diet and walking 2 miles every day. When I got down to about 180 I started going to the gym and now I am running almost every day. I still want to lose about 30 pounds but would love to have some new friends on this journey!