At top of my calories but hungry :(

What do you do when you're already at or almost at the top of your allowed calories for the day but you're still hungry.. But it's still too early ( way too early) to sleep. Do you eat? Do you eat and exercise more? Do you try to not eat? If you try to not eat how do you take your mind off food?


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    How many calories are you eating?
  • Agi0817
    Agi0817 Posts: 19
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    What do you do when you're already at or almost at the top of your allowed calories for the day but you're still hungry.. But it's still too early ( way too early) to sleep. Do you eat? Do you eat and exercise more? Do you try to not eat? If you try to not eat how do you take your mind off food?

    Times like that I might have a salad with my Bolthouse Farms Honey Mustard dressing ~ big bowl, such as 2 cups of spinach and 2 tbs dressing, would be about 60 calories. But really, I don't sweat going over a bit, when I'm hungry I eat.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member

    Might help responses if you open your diary.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Depends on how many calories I have left. Usually I don't worry about it and just eat something healthy and go over a little. If I have time and am in the mood, I might exercise to make up for it. If not, no big deal. If you're hungry you should eat.

    Also, I don't want to turn this into a big "you should eat more" debate, but you may want to calculate your BMR and make sure 1300 calories is enough for you. If you get hungry a lot, increasing your calorie allowance might not be a bad idea.
  • optimusaudrey
    optimusaudrey Posts: 1 Member
    And really, fruits and vegetables are the best way to go...really filling and full of fiber. Studies have shown that when you eat more fiber, your body doesn't absorb all of the calories that you eat.

    And yes, sometimes I exercise more so I can eat more :)
  • Agi0817
    Agi0817 Posts: 19
    Right.. Well as per calculations I only lose 2lbs a wk if I stick to my 1300 calories and lot of days I can pull it off but sometimes I just can't and I find that two bad days (a careless weekend lets say) can make me gain back those 2lbs that I managed to lose..
    I know people always say to have a healthy breakfast but for example I had breakfast today and it seems that when I have breakfast I get hungry sooner, I don't eat any less and the breakfast alone can be around 300-400 calories which sounds like a lot when I know that if I skipped it I still would've survived.. I won't have breakfast :-/
  • misscharleygirl
    misscharleygirl Posts: 66 Member
    Honestly, one of the first things I do in the morning is plan my meals so I can be sure that I'm spacing them appropriately so I don't run out of calories at the end of the day. I also make sure that my final meal of the day is something more filling and keep the bulk of my calories for that meal. (About 250 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch/afternoon snack and 550-600 for dinner/light evening snack).
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    1300 read the you must eat more responses....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Depends on how many calories I have left. Usually I don't worry about it and just eat something healthy and go over a little. If I have time and am in the mood, I might exercise to make up for it. If not, no big deal. If you're hungry you should eat.

    Also, I don't want to turn this into a big "you should eat more" debate, but you may want to calculate your BMR and make sure 1300 calories is enough for you. If you get hungry a lot, increasing your calorie allowance might not be a bad idea.

    oh but you did...
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    You most likely are not eating enough protein and fiber!

    When I am hungry, I do count out 14 almonds-which is a 1/2 serving and drink lots of water!

    Tomorrow, try to eat more veggies/fruits with protein and fiber to keep you filled up! I eat a greek yogurt late afternoon so i know I am not hungry. I just want to eat!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Right.. Well as per calculations I only lose 2lbs a wk if I stick to my 1300 calories and lot of days I can pull it off but sometimes I just can't and I find that two bad days (a careless weekend lets say) can make me gain back those 2lbs that I managed to lose..
    I know people always say to have a healthy breakfast but for example I had breakfast today and it seems that when I have breakfast I get hungry sooner, I don't eat any less and the breakfast alone can be around 300-400 calories which sounds like a lot when I know that if I skipped it I still would've survived.. I won't have breakfast :-/

    You have to understand that 2lbs a week weight loss is for people who are very over weight, and mostly men. Some women can lose 2lbs a week, but you have to realize if you don't eat enough, you can easily stall out and not lose weight. Or you can end up binging(such as in your case cause you're hungry).

    This! Maybe change your goal to 1.5 pounds a week or even 1 pound a week. That's still a great rate to lose weight at, and you'll get to eat more on a daily basis... which usually leads to less "careless weekends" and such.
  • Raeontherun
    Raeontherun Posts: 107 Member
  • k_saenz
    k_saenz Posts: 126

    You're not eating enough, you should change your calorie intake...
    Go here:

    Enter your info, and it will tell you how many calories you need to maintain your weight. Multiply that number by 0.80 and eat that many calories a day. Don't eat back exercise calories on this method.

    I tried to use this for myself and it says I'm too young and short lol
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    I would just make that day my cheat day and then work out during the week. Or, play my Sims game and watch them eat.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I'd probably eat more. ...not sure if this was a trick question or what.
  • muziclver
    muziclver Posts: 145 Member
    Just something to consider, I have seen quite a few people actually aim for their WEEKLY calories instead of daily. So you go over 500 today, over the next few days just sub liquid calorie source for water or something small like that and don't sweet that day you went over. You'll still break out even.
  • Raeontherun
    Raeontherun Posts: 107 Member
    Lol, agreed
    1300 read the you must eat more responses....
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    sometimes I have a cup of coffee, sometimes I brush my teeth. If I still can't kick it, I will have a little something, a piece of fruit, or a source of protein like some cheese.
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    When I actually stick to the program I eat what I want to fill up and then do something to burn off the calories. Such as eating peaches and then walking the calories off.