Lose 5 pounds a month AUGUST 2010 CHALLENGE



  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey everyone! I am in! I would love to lose 5 LBs a month! I have been working really hard this month, so hopefully it is doable.

    Wish me luck!
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    I blew it!!! :explode: I was losing this week, I knew I was! My mum broke her ankle last night and I just got so stressed of not hearing anything I gave in to 2 slices of pizza:devil: , think I would have went over by about 200cals in the end:grumble: Weighed this morning and was up 0.6lbs! Gutted! I'll just have to burn off those extra cals. Back on track today though, might walk (30mins) to the grocery store to get some food in for my poor mother! I feel so bad for her, she doesn't really have the strength in her arms to use her crutches properly (although she seems to be managing) so she needs assistance! Im gonna have to be doing so much more housework! lol I do my own laundry but we'll have to split the rest between us
    My mum is a driving instructor, so she's out of work for 6 weeks as she cant use her dual controls! My sister is going to Dublin to do her post-grad mid-september and Dad will be going back to work (teacher)/little bro and little sis to school in september so it'll mostly just be me in the house. :noway: My uni doesn't really start back till close to the end of september.

    Sorry for rambling!! I just needed to verbalise my thoughts! I can't believe how much one broken bone can affect the entire family! Shocking stuff. Hopefully the outcome will be more calories burned on my part! :laugh:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning everyone....got my 30 min old gym school workout in again first thing this am...oh, forgot to log mine from yesturday..oh, well........off to the local farmers market/flea market with the kids....I will be back with loads of fresh fruits and veggies and proabaly a lot of crap (sorry) the kids will buy that we don't need.....they always have a lot of food there but nothing usually temps me, not my style of food.....anyway, should be about 3-4 hours of walking--pushing my little girl inthe stroller (can't let her loose--you;ve heard of the bull in a china shop, well, that is her...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ) so I am going to wear my ugly HRM to see what I burn...talk to you all later.....have a GREAT Friday !!!!
  • dmgaloha - YESSS - lets have a weight date!! I can usually only get away on Wednesdays, and next week will be weird (I have my 4 angels plus my sister's 3 angels - 7 little angels . . . the gym may not be possible next week :sad: )

    Amanda B - I am eager yet a little afraid (how infantile is that) to try quinoa - I don't know what to do with it. I have only tried it once in a dish someone else made and I didn't care for the dish so I blamed the quinoa . . . but will try with my own recipe for a fresh perspective! Ever tried millet?

    suckitup - AWESOME about the shopping spree! I highly recommend taking someone else with you because they WILL give you perspective you don't have yourself. Best thing I did recently was take my husband to the dress store. He picked out the black dress in the picture - something I would have walked right by on the hanger. Friends CAN help you make exciting different choices.!!!

    krinio - sorry about your mum, hang in there!

    8/1 weight - 157.4
    goal for August - hold between 155-160 - maintaining my losses from June/July
    Today 8/13/10 159.6 - so holding withing my goal range which is good enough for me right now (especially since some really bad eating days have thrown me up as high as 164.4)

    EATING: This may be encouraging for some, discouraging for others but I am maintaining my weight and eating 2000+ calories per day. The whole 'reduce processed foods' theory really seems to be working! And yesterday I ate 2800 caloriess (I did have a 4mile run and did some gardening) and am still holding in range today!! I even ate some stuff yesterday that I should not have (400 calories of cheezy poofs and 1/2 brownie).

    I have lots of good sore spots from my first attempt to return to weightlifiting 2 days ago - so that's good! :happy:

    Tomorrow I am planning a 5 mile run early then we have a wedding tomorrow night - totally not worried about the eating, I feel like I have new 'habits' that will help me make generally better choices!!!

    Have a great Friday and great weekend everyone!!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    August 1st weight 179.2
    August 6th weight 178.6l
    August 13th weight 178.8 Up .2.

    Something gained nothing lost. But ran 4 miles yesterday. At the beginning of the month 2 miles was hard. Hopefully as I get to the point where I can run more the weight will come off. Also I am happy the gain is not more because we went out for Mexican food on Wednesday and I splurged. I ate chips and salsa. I ate a chicken and seafood burrito with a sour cream cheese sauce. IT was sooooo good! Now I need to get back on track.

    I am very tired today. We had thunderstorms last night. Wave after wave of storms. The weather alert radio went off almost every hour from 1 am until 5:30 when I got up and again at 6:30. So I slept terribly. I woke up with a headache and stiff neck. The house was hot even with the air condtioner running. This has been one of the hottest weeks in years. Now the sun is shining and it is going to be hot and humid, yet again. More storms later today then a break from the heat and humidity... not looking forward to this months electric bill.

    I love my husband but I agree with you Jen men are dumb. He was complaining this morning about a book I bought. This is from the man whose marathon weekend cost us around $500 (hotel, food entrance fee, new shoes...) who decided we need to fly to Oregon to visit his dad (flying 5 people, a rental car, food, hotel on the coast.....) and who decided it was time to finish the in-floor-heat in the basement (it will cost about $1300.....why do I have over $2000 in credit card receipts on the statement)
    I don't spend a lot of money on myself so I was a little annoyed when he complained about the book. Oh yeh and he bought 3 books on marthon training before he started training. Enough said!

    Today's diet myth...

    Many dieters believe eating several small meals a day is a guaranteed way to quash hunger. But scientists have not turned up substantial evidence that eating frequency really matters, according to a review of research by scientists at Newcastle University and Griffith University in Australia. In fact, a 2009 study with more than 10,000 subjects reported that between-meal nibblers were 69 percent more likely to pack on pounds over five years. Frequent noshing only works if you choose nutritious foods and control portion sizes. After all, it's not hard to turn six small meals into six large ones. Again, it all comes back to calories. "You can eat three times a day or 10, as long as you have the same caloric intake that will induce weight loss," says Gidus.

    Still, runners need snacks. Eating something small prerun followed by a postrun snack or meal can improve performance and recovery, says Gidus. If you run at lunch, nibble on some dried fruit or yogurt before heading out, and eat a mix of carbs and protein a! erward, like a turkey sandwich. For the rest of the day, Gidus recommends tuning into your hunger to tell you when to grab a fork and knife.

    Have good one! Stay cool!

  • Good morning everyone. I hope its ok if I jump in and join. I didn't join until this monday. So far I totally love myfitnesspal. Its such an awesome place. I've been on weight watchers, nutrisystem, etc etc etc and this is by far superior - better than that, its FREE!!

    Last year I lost 54lbs on Nutrisystem. While I was successful doing that program, as soon as I tried to do it on my own, I gained 20lbs back. At least I stopped before I ballooned back up.

    I'm 5'8" and currently weight 195...OUCH. My goal is 165. If I obtain that goal, I may go lower but I wont make that decision until I get there. Each time I've dieted, I always set my goal at 165. The closest I've come to that was 168 about 7 years ago. Its almost as though I'm afraid to hit my goal (that's weird huh?). THIS time I'm going to do it.

    I can't wait to get to know you all

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    August 2: 213.8
    August 9: 212.6
    August 16: 209.8

    One more pound to go for the month and I think I just may hit my 2nd goal soon :) (1.8lbs away from it)
    I'm so happy to be inching closer to onderland..hell I haven't been this weight in at least 5yrs!! It's been a long time coming!

    Can't stay for too long, time to head out for a walk before the heat really picks up. Swimming most of tomorrow, well being in the pool, not sure if it will be actual swimming. Hubby decided we need a pool keg party tomorrow..I very rarely drink any beer, but I may choke down one or two. Monday is my brothers 13th birthday, so we're playing laser tag tonight!! Have a great weekend all and I'll see ya Monday with my friend Melissa's BMK Challenge :)

    XoxoxoX Bru
  • Dounia—sounds like you have had a really fun week! All of that dancing is a great, fun exercise. I wish I had more people to dance with here. I think I’ll sign my bf and I up for dancing lessons so he will feel more comfortable on the dance floor.

    Krinio—Don’t be so hard on yourself! 2 pieces of pizza isn’t the worst you can do, especially if they only put you over your calories by 200. Drink lots of water today and the scale will forgive you for it! Send your mom our best wishes that her ankle heals ASAP and also that she gets used to those crutches soon.

    Timbotina—I love love love the farmer’s market! Have fun!

    Fivefatcats—I have not tried millet, yet! I meant to get some last time I was at Whole Foods but decided to wait until we finished off some of our other grains before trying something new. Have you had it? How is it? I think you should definitely give quinoa another shot. I made an excellent quinoa pilaf the other night that was SO good! I can send you the recipe if you want.

    Terri—I read something about this myth the other day and was shocked! It goes against everything we have always heard. I do snack before/after exercise to avoid problems with my blood sugar but have never been one to eat many small meals. I am happy to hear that it doesn’t really matter.

    Sharon—Welcome! You will love it here!

    Bru—Have fun playing laser tag! I have never done that before. And GOOD LUCK getting to onederland! That will be a great accomplishment!

    I am at 160 today. This is a 2lb gain from my last weigh in with you guys but a 3lb loss from where I was on Monday at the end of my vacation. I am just happy to see the scale moving down, even if it had to move up first! :laugh: I am doing really well with my eating and resisting temptations well but I am struggling a lot with exercise. I need some help getting motivated. Any advice?
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Ok, 55tolose, my end of July weigh-in was 154.75. The race is on! Any peeking I've done at the scale has been in the 156 range, so I have a ways to go to lose that 1st pound this month. I'm headed to a friend's bday bbq tonight, so that should give you a head start! :laugh:
  • jesse14472
    jesse14472 Posts: 161
    OK...so where do I log "holding back 65 lb dog who wants to chase 7 ducks while walking up hill"? I have never seen ducks run so fast! LOL I was laughing so hard the drivers passing me probably thought I was nuts! LOL

    Terri - thanks for today's myth. My husband is a grazer and I'm not, yet were in the same boat. So this makes sense. I'm so impressed that you are able to run 4 miles in the heat. Wish we had just some of your rain here. It's like walking into a wall when you go outside.

    Bru - We played lazer tag for my son's birthday last year. It was a blast!

    Have a great day all!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Amanda, I bought some quinoa a month or so ago, but I have yet to make any. Can you send me your pilaf recipe?

    5fatcats, I have a hard time getting away to the gym as well, so I will have to do my weights before or after my yoga or pilates class. Unless I go at lunch… hmmm, that might work.

    Suckitup, I recently bought some clothes that FIT me as well. What a difference! It looks like I lost 10 more pounds than I really have. I bet you’re rocking those jeans! :love:

    Sharon, I know EXACTLY what you mean about being ‘afraid’ to hit your goals. For me, it’s a form of self-sabotage that I need to be aware of, and it doesn’t only hit when I’m close to goal, it hits whenever I lose as little as 5 pounds!

    Bru, so much for that funk – congrats on your loss!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    mini goal met!!!

    august 1 148
    August 6 146.2
    august 13 144

    Congrats to all who have lost. Keep on keepin on to those who have been not so successful this week. It will come.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member

    Terri - thanks for today's myth. My husband is a grazer and I'm not, yet were in the same boat. So this makes sense. I'm so impressed that you are able to run 4 miles in the heat. Wish we had just some of your rain here. It's like walking into a wall when you go outside.

    Have a great day all!

    I am a bum I run inside on my treadmill with a fan blowing on me!:laugh:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I know I said I was only going to weigh in every 10 days this month, but I was SO close to the 30 lb mark so had to weigh in!

    August 01: 220.6
    August 11: 219.8 (much better considering I was at 222.0 on Saturday and it was fair week & TOM!)
    August 13: 218.0 YAHOO! I killed that 30! :bigsmile:

    Traci - your hubby picked a great dress! You look great!

    Terri - sorry about the thunderstorms - we had them a few weeks ago & they kept me up all night! So I feel your tiredness! :yawn: Also - ITS ONLY A BOOK! REALLY? :laugh: MEN!

    Sharon - WELCOME! There's a lot of great people in this group! :flowerforyou:

    Bru - LOVE LASER TAG! I haven't done it for about 10 years tho! :laugh: And I KNEW you weren't in a FUNK! :bigsmile:

    Amanda - What the heck is QUINOA??? :huh:

    55tolose & dmgolaho - HAPPY RACING! :laugh:

    Jesse - I want to see that video of you & the dogs & the ducks! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    AND YAHOO TO ROBIN!!! So happy the scale was in your corner! YAY!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Bought a digital scale in the summer and I was loving weighing in every morning.Then it stopped working. I think the batteries are dead! so since I have not had it to check in I am freaking out that I am gaining weight. I have not been logging on at all. What I mean is logging on my calories. I don't know why I am hitting a wall. I was like one pound from the target weight they gave me. Maybe I am doing a little self-sabatoge too. What is up with that? I don't want to get all fat again but I am not doing so well the past few days. Birthday dinner feel too hot to even exercise and I am stressing about school starting and not feeling ready. PerhapsI need a routine. You guys ( gals ) are so motivated and I admire you all. I just need a kick in the pants.:noway:
  • lifenow
    lifenow Posts: 7
    I am so in I need this push!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Aug 1st- 183.5
    Aug 6th- 182.5
    Aug 13th- 180.4

    You have all been so crazy busy, it's kinda hard to keep up with everyone...

    Phyljen- you've done lots of wonderful and well deserved celebrating, give it time to settle down, everything will be fine.

    Bru- It's always fun to see the variety of ways you are getting in physical activity- laser tag is always fun!!

    Kelly- Congrats on kicking the 30!!! Quinoa is a grain from Peru very high in Protein

    Amanda- Quinoa is awesome, I tried it for the first time this last weekend, my vegetarian cousin (who was intriduced to it when she stuided in Peru) made a cold salad with tomatoes and some other stuff- it was amazing!! Planning to add it to my cupboard.

    Jess- I agree with Kelly, I would love to see the video, I can only imagine! Hope you and the dogs are OK, ducks can be mean, luckily they ran away and not at you...!!

    Please everyone have a beautiful and safe weekend. :drinker: :happy:
  • I will post the quinoa pilaf here in case anyone else wants it. It is from the book "Clean Food" by Terry Walters.

    1 cup quinoa
    1.5 cups water or vegetable stock
    1/4 cup currants (I omitted this.)
    1/2 cup marinated or roasted cipollini onions, quartered (I just used a red onion, not marinated.)
    1/4 cup diced fennel
    1/4 cup toasted pumpkin seeds
    1/4 cup toasted sunflower seeds
    1/4 cup toasted sliced almonds
    1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro or flat parsley (I used flat parsley.)
    1/4 cup EVOO
    2 tsp ume plum vinegar (I used red wine vinegar.)

    Put quinoa and water into a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until the water is absorbed (It takes about 15 minutes.) Let cool for a few minutes, then fold in currants, onions, fennel, seeds, nuts, and cilantro or parsley. Drizzle with olive oil and vinegar, and stir to mix it all in. Viola!

    When I made this, I changed the ingredients a bit (as you can see by my notes above) but I also sauteed the onion and fennel before adding it to the quinoa. It needed a little salt and pepper, and I probably added more vinegar than the recipe called for but it came out GREAT!

    ::EDIT:: I forgot to mention that you have to soak the quinoa first! This is important because.... I don't really know why. It has something to do with some kind of acid! I can never find a set length of time to soak it. Some people say 2 hours while others say 15 minutes. I buy it pre-washed but try to soak for some time in between those times anyways.
  • Amanda - What the heck is QUINOA??? :huh:

  • Amanda - when i started running last fall - my only goal each day was to beat myself - I mean my previous time or distance - even if it was by only a second. I listen to the same dumb CD everytime (need to put together something more fun) but spend alot of time during my run calculating how fast I need to run to be my old one mile time by a few seconds, or a few calories, or how far I will have gone this time after 8 minutes . . etc. ALSO - I do alot better since I turned my treadmill to face the window - I spend lots of running time "visually landscaping the yard" if you know what I mean.
    -and thanx for the recipe!!!

    Bru - Ah my girl!! Doing great so far!

    jesse - I think holding the dog falls into resistance/weight training - U made me laff!!

    Robin - Yeehaw on the mini goal!!!

    Terri - I run inside too!! With a fan!! Thank your for the myth series!!

    Kelly - thank you for the compliment! Ain't shoppin' fun!?!

    Phyllis - where's your butt - here's my foot!! U can do it!!:flowerforyou:

    Randi - doing GREAT!! Keep it up!!
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