
Okay guys and gals... I have a confession. I am losing hope on here. I try reading all the forums and being motivated, but I have not lost anything and my appetite is through the roof. I have tried watching my carbs and sugar. I exercise everyday, with my job alone i generally walk 5 miles at work a day. I feel fat every day and I get so disappointed every time I need to find something to wear. Any advice will be helpful. Also, has anyone tried adipex for weight loss? There is a diet center by my house that is advertising that for an appetite suppressant. My youngest sister is due in December and I want to be drastically smaller by the time of the shower.


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Are you feeding an emotional hunger rather than your physical hunger?
  • WhiteGirlWasted13
    WhiteGirlWasted13 Posts: 178 Member
    Couple of things. First, welcome! Good for you for taking the first step. Ok, you made several statements about what you've been doing that haven't worked, but your diary is closed, so we can't see what you're eating or how you're exercising. I'd suggest you fix that. Second, how long have you been trying? A couple of weeks isn't long enough. Without those bits of information, it's doubtful anyone can do more than give you a nice pat on the head and say keep at it.
  • bug1106
    bug1106 Posts: 31 Member
    Probably. I am a very emotional person, so I wouldn't doubt it. If that's the case, how do I fix it. Obviously shutting it up with cookies isn't working. LOL
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    what is your calorie goal set to?
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Buy a journal and jot down your feelings (or random sentences) throughout the day. You could also write down how you feel before you eat. Forcing yourself to put it in to words you're not sharing with anyone else will help you find out why.

    Repeat after me: I can only control myself. I cannot control others.

    Are you premenstral? A lot of women eat *everything* around that time, as well as ovulation.

    What worked for me to lose the last 50# and keep it off for the last 3 years was at I didn't create it, I am not financial vested in it. But it has worked for me. It is very simple, very logical.
  • bug1106
    bug1106 Posts: 31 Member
    Couple of things. First, welcome! Good for you for taking the first step. Ok, you made several statements about what you've been doing that haven't worked, but your diary is closed, so we can't see what you're eating or how you're exercising. I'd suggest you fix that. Second, how long have you been trying? A couple of weeks isn't long enough. Without those bits of information, it's doubtful anyone can do more than give you a nice pat on the head and say keep at it.

    My diary is closed because I dont really know how to use it, so i write everything down in a journal. I exercise by walking through the day and about 4 nights a week doing weight training or cardio at my Intune fitness gym:) I have been on and off dieting basically my whole life. I have always been the bigger sister, and im tired of it.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    When I just can't stand the emotional hunger, I'll reach for something I can put in my mouth that isn't calorie-dense. Watermelon, gum (this is especially nice), water, club soda with lemon, etc. It's harder if I want something salty or savory, but even if it's pretzel sticks, that's a lot better than chips.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi! It looks like you just joined within the past few weeks and you've lost a couple of lbs. that's great! Losing a hundred pounds takes a long time. You could lose a bit in time for the baby shower, which I'm guessing is in about 4 months, but set a reasonable goal, a reasonable calorie target, and keep in mind that the hundred pounds is the long term goal.
    Do you have a reasonable calorie goal? Just asking since you say you are feeling really hungry.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    ok - guessing your calories really doesn't work

    Up top where it says food, click on it - when it opens to today, click on the meal and add what you ate, you can search for it.
    At the bottom, is a water glass counter

    At the end of the day, click Done.

    In settings? you can change who can view your diary.

    Look around some, check stuff out, you can't break it :)
  • bug1106
    bug1106 Posts: 31 Member
    what is your calorie goal set to?

    On MFP it says 1770.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    you joined in may, its june. a month is not enough to make sure you are doing it right.

    you need to learn how much as well as what to eat.

    do you eat enough fibre and protein?

    you are expecting results too soon and giving up too easily.

    I can tell you one thing for sure, if you give up, you definitely won't loose weight, so either you will maintain or gain - most likely gain, until you reach a point where either you hit rock bottom and try to loose even more weight, you have to loose weight due to health issues, or it kills you.

    people don't know hunger. most of the time your thirsty or you have low blood sugar or you are tired or mainly you want emotional gratification through food.

    open your diary, stop talking about giving up and make a lifestyle change.
  • bug1106
    bug1106 Posts: 31 Member
    When I just can't stand the emotional hunger, I'll reach for something I can put in my mouth that isn't calorie-dense. Watermelon, gum (this is especially nice), water, club soda with lemon, etc. It's harder if I want something salty or savory, but even if it's pretzel sticks, that's a lot better than chips.

    I have been trying to keep fruit at my desk when I am inputting patient information. I really like the ranier cherries. I am trying to drink more water also. I am not a Soda drinking, my problem with water is that I just dont drink through the day really. Between vitals, shots, patient care, i just forget.
  • katevictorious56
    I understand how you feel. This whole process can be so frustrating and discouraging. First of all, hang in there! Don't give up. Your picture shows a beautiful, enthusiastic woman. I know it's hard to see your own beauty on the tough days but it is there. You aren't alone in the struggle.

  • sirenical
    sirenical Posts: 46 Member
    Do you have a smart phone? Or wear a watch with a timer? Set an alarm to go off every hour with a reminder to drink some water. Do you use MFP on your phone too? Or just online? The phone is great for tracking everything as you eat it. To help you feel full, higher protein, higher fiber, and lower calorie.
    Keep at it. You CAN do it. Every finds their time for different reasons and at different times in their life. I know. I am 31, spent the last 8 years attempting to lose weight, being successful for a few months and falling off the wagon. This time, something clicked. It was like a light went off and I haven't looked back. I allow myself treats, off days, rest days, but there have been changes that have become part of my lifestyle and not just a diet or a weightloss plan. Give it time. You will get there. If you are losing a pound a week, it is slow sure, but much more likely to stay gone than if you drop 5 pounds a week to reach your goal sooner.
    I will repeat: YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :-)
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    listen - it's easy to give up. it's easy to find excuses for why you can't do things (use the online food diary, drink more water). it's easy to say "this doesn't work".

    believe me - i know. i've BTDT most of my adult life.

    if you really want to make a change - then make the change.

    there are dozens of people here on these boards who are very very helpful. they will be your cheerleaders and kick-in-the-butt-ers. but nobody will make the steps *for* you.

    do you want to take hold of your life, take control, lose the weight, be a healthier person? then do it. now.

    start by logging your food here online. don't cheat on this - be honest.

    put in the exercise you do.

    drink water (get a bottle and keep it at your desk - and drink it). i keep a 1.5 liter bottle that i fill each morning at the cooler.

    follow the program, ask questions, and listen to what the wise ones are telling you

    good luck
  • bug1106
    bug1106 Posts: 31 Member
    you joined in may, its june. a month is not enough to make sure you are doing it right.

    you need to learn how much as well as what to eat.

    do you eat enough fibre and protein?

    you are expecting results too soon and giving up too easily.

    I can tell you one thing for sure, if you give up, you definitely won't loose weight, so either you will maintain or gain - most likely gain, until you reach a point where either you hit rock bottom and try to loose even more weight, you have to loose weight due to health issues, or it kills you.

    people don't know hunger. most of the time your thirsty or you have low blood sugar or you are tired or mainly you want emotional gratification through food.

    open your diary, stop talking about giving up and make a lifestyle change.

    I dont want to give up. I have failed many times before. I started running about 4 years ago. Lost 50 pounds, was feeling great. had a huge surgery, and started nursing school, which is not an Excuse and I take full responsibility, but I put back the weight and then some. I set my profile up for everyone to view my diary. I just want to win this time.
  • ILuvMoo
    ILuvMoo Posts: 41
    Just track your calories and make sure you're doing so very accurately, and stay close to your calorie goal. Some days I go a bit over, but as long as I don't completely eliminate my deficit, I don't beat myself up about it.

    If you find that you're hungry, look for foods that keep you full longer: things with lots of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. I've been eating peanut butter and saltines for breakfast recently, and 8 saltines + 1 total Tb of PB (made into cute little sandwiches!) keeps me sated til lunch. 1 poptart (my running late breakfast lol) only has 10 more calories than my crackers, but I'm STARVING by about 10am...

    And yesterday, I don't know what I did, but I was SO STUFFED I couldn't get to my calorie goal, even though I kinda wanted to, because I'm training for a half marathon and I'm sore from "arm day" (on one of my non-running days) and I figure my body probably needs it.

    And your calorie budget is bigger than mine, so you'll be fine with a bit of strategy to keep the munchies at bay :) I'm at 1290 calories or something like that. (I'm alllllmost 5 ft tall and 145lbs... aiming for around 125ish. Shorties get small calorie budgets.)
  • kohldawg9
    kohldawg9 Posts: 13
    Emotional eating is very common and with practice is controlable. Pay attention to what's going on that day or in that moment that's making your reach for those cookies etc. Recognizing the signs will help you control the cravings.

    Water, water, water should be your best friend. Replace your fruit with veggies instead, most fruits are high in sugar and can put
    you over your daily sugar limit really fast.

    Weight loss is 80% food, 20% activity. Calories in and calories out. If you're getting lots of excersice then you need to take a good look at what you're eating.

    Watching your food intake is frustrating at first, making it part of your day will become a habit and within a few weeks it will get easier. It's all about planning.
    Every evening before bed I plan my food for the next day...that way I stay within my alloted calories and don't go over in fat, carbs or sugars.

    If you want it bad enough you will do it. No excuses right!!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    you joined in may, its june. a month is not enough to make sure you are doing it right.

    you need to learn how much as well as what to eat.

    do you eat enough fibre and protein?

    you are expecting results too soon and giving up too easily.

    I can tell you one thing for sure, if you give up, you definitely won't loose weight, so either you will maintain or gain - most likely gain, until you reach a point where either you hit rock bottom and try to loose even more weight, you have to loose weight due to health issues, or it kills you.

    people don't know hunger. most of the time your thirsty or you have low blood sugar or you are tired or mainly you want emotional gratification through food.

    open your diary, stop talking about giving up and make a lifestyle change.

    I dont want to give up. I have failed many times before. I started running about 4 years ago. Lost 50 pounds, was feeling great. had a huge surgery, and started nursing school, which is not an Excuse and I take full responsibility, but I put back the weight and then some. I set my profile up for everyone to view my diary. I just want to win this time.

    well you sound like you have the spirit, and you have done it before! there's a lot of support here :)
  • kodyjs
    kodyjs Posts: 2
    Add Casien Protien to your diet. No guarantee it will help, but it fills you up and digests slowly. Also add some weight training, muscle is supposed to burn more calories and a pound of fat is the size of a pound of marshmallos compaired to the size of an apple for a pound of muscle. You may find toming up is a better option for you that just the idea that the scale tells all.