600-700 a day diet ?

Hi I am new to this and I haven't tried many diets before I'm worried about people talking about starvation mode and if this will stop my weight loss I am aiming at eating 600-700 cal per day through soups fruits and shakes which I considered to be healthy I'm 5'3 and 180lb so I am aiming at a 30-40lb loss . How many of you have tired these low cal diets are they best for me loose fast or is it best to up calorie intake to loose faster if so how much any suggestions would be appreciated guys thanks


  • Raeontherun
    Raeontherun Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, you are aiming to consume Way too few calories. You need to eat at least at your BMR to sustain organ function....... Seems borderline excessive! I would seek a Dr
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    You will lose fast eating so little but it won't be fat loss. It will mainly be muscle loss. You aren't eating enough to fuel your body at rest (your heart, lungs, other organs take calories to run). Eating so little will not allow you to get proper nutrition in. Eating so little will make it so much harder to lose eventually and make it nearly impossible to maintain.

    Research BMR and TDEE. Eat between those two numbers. Eating your plan of 600-700 cals through soups, shakes and fruit will lead to muscle loss, health issues, hair loss, and a lot of other issues.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Hi I am new to this and I haven't tried many diets before I'm worried about people talking about starvation mode and if this will stop my weight loss I am aiming at eating 600-700 cal per day through soups fruits and shakes which I considered to be healthy I'm 5'3 and 180lb so I am aiming at a 30-40lb loss . How many of you have tired these low cal diets are they best for me loose fast or is it best to up calorie intake to loose faster if so how much any suggestions would be appreciated guys thanks

    What are you in a hurry for? That's way too few calories IMO. I agree with looking up BMR and TDEE info to eat between those 2 numbers to lose at a healthy rate.
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    In addition to the toll it will take on your body internally, you will have absolutely no energy. It will affect your moods and your emotions, and the likelihood you will gain the weight back when you begin to eat normally again is somewhere near 100%.

    Aim for a lifestyle change, not a diet. Make healthier choices that will educate you and make you more aware of the nutritional content of the food you come into contact with, and you'll be able to take the weight off slowly-- and healthily!-- and then keep it off through good habits and smart choices!
  • blondiecon
    blondiecon Posts: 13
    I would not suggest 600- 700 calories a day. Adequate nutrition is 1200 calories a day or above. We all want to lose weight and fast. However, it is NOT an overnight thing. If your calories go that low, yes, you may lose weight but I can promise it will come back. Slow and steady without depriving yourself. Best of luck....
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Actually, you will still primarily lose fat but you will lose some lean tissue also. " soups fruits and shakes which I considered to be healthy" is a little vague. Are you getting enough protein? Enough fat (yes, you need a little)? Enough ...etc... ? The answer pretty much has to be no at that level. It is too low.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Oh you're going to wish you hadn't posted that. This is not the site for a very low-cal diet. MFP will not advise you to eat any less than 1,200kcal.

    My friend is successfully completing Lighter Life at the moment, but that's taken a lot of hard work, expensive packaged foods and regular meetings with groups. It's not something you should do without help.

    My advice: Either go to a group who can help you with a low cal diet, or change your own personal goals to something more realistic.

    Good luck.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    That's not safe or sustainable. You will be much better off in the long run if you take a more moderate approach with a more gradual weight loss through dietary changes and an exercise regimen you can keep up for life.
  • wmstormvet
    wmstormvet Posts: 145
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    MFP doesn't even allow you to eat that low, which means it obviously isn't healthy. Aim for a MINIMUM of 1200 (lots of people on here say you should even eat a lot more than that). Losing weight is not a race, it's a lifestyle. Don't start something you can't do for the rest of your life. Good luck!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Why would you even want to eat that little if you can eat more and still lose? I don't get it.
  • sstillwell
    sstillwell Posts: 20 Member
    What they're saying...your body will start essentially cannibalizing itself to stay alive. You'll lose weight, sure...but so did concentration camp victims...and that wasn't pretty.

    Besides, if you lose weight that fast, you'll lose faster than the elasticity of your skin can recover...baggy, saggy skin. Not good. Give your body time to accommodate its new size and shape.

    If you eat less than you burn, the weight WILL come off...don't worry about that. Do it safely.
  • Bretto
    Bretto Posts: 196 Member
    One of the most common side effect of this diet, is that your hair will fall out!!! I know several people who have tried it and would lose a ton of hair. Your not giving your body enough to run the mail organs, so your body will quit suppling nutrients to your hair and it will either brak off or fall out in handfuls.

    I also agree that you will lose all your muscle before your fat. Muscle takes more calories to maintain.

    You are better off to eat at least 1200 healthy calories and do some exercise. I am about your samt size with the same goals. I would be happy to add you as a friend and you can view my food diary.

    I exercise quite a bit and I know I have the most success at losing weight when I eat around 1700 calories a day.

    Remember the more muscle you have the quicker you burn fat.
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    Will you lose weight? Yes. Will a lot if it be muscle? Yes, will you gain all of the weight back plus some once you start eating more calories? Absolutely. I know this from experience. Just do it the right way and you won't be forever yo-yo dieting
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member

  • qingc
    qingc Posts: 9
    I eat between 700-1000 cal a day. But I have been eating like that since I was a kid. I'm 5,4 and 105-110. I'm also a competitive swimmer and a varsity badminton player. But everyone's different. I have a really small and light bone structure. My doctor gave me the approval to eat what I eat currently because of my body structure and how it functions. I think you should get a check up and ask your doctor first before changing your diet drastically.
  • danid1275
    danid1275 Posts: 1
    Take it from me i starved myself all the way down to nothing! Hair fell out, periods stop, and health issues arrised! BE healthy about it! It will stay off!
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    That is to low, you will loose weight BUT it will come back really fast once you eat normal again.
    This needs to be a life style change,
    ( been there done that!)
    The best way is calorie in, calories out.
    Good luck to you
  • Thanks for input guys !
    Daft question but i calculated my bmr 1611 does this mean I should aim for that number or below , I know mfp doesn't support low cal diets I just wanted fellow dieters input as to whether me consuming more or staying on 700 would help me loose more .
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I eat between 700-1000 cal a day. But I have been eating like that since I was a kid. I'm 5,4 and 105-110. I'm also a competitive swimmer and a varsity badminton player. But everyone's different. I have a really small and light bone structure. My doctor gave me the approval to eat what I eat currently because of my body structure and how it functions. I think you should get a check up and ask your doctor first before changing your diet drastically.

    I would suggest finding a new doctor. 700-1000 calories a day is not good for a sedentary person let alone one that exercises. You cannot get proper nutrition.
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