600-700 a day diet ?



  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member

    competitive swimmer and a varsity badminton player? 600 - 700 per day? get a new doctor please!
  • ampresume
    ampresume Posts: 2 Member
    I find by working out everyday I can eat normal food and still have plenty of calories left over at the end of the day 60 minutes a day on treadmill and ellipitical burns about 600 calories.I did the shakes and when I went back to normal eating the weight came back
  • qingc
    qingc Posts: 9
    You will lose fast eating so little but it won't be fat loss. It will mainly be muscle loss. You aren't eating enough to fuel your body at rest (your heart, lungs, other organs take calories to run). Eating so little will not allow you to get proper nutrition in. Eating so little will make it so much harder to lose eventually and make it nearly impossible to maintain.

    Research BMR and TDEE. Eat between those two numbers. Eating your plan of 600-700 cals through soups, shakes and fruit will lead to muscle loss, health issues, hair loss, and a lot of other issues.

    Depends on how much fat you have on you.
    Obese eating at or near a 50% calorie deficit burn fat first.
    Lean eating at or near a 50% calorie deficit burn lean muscle.
    In addition to the toll it will take on your body internally, you will have absolutely no energy. It will affect your moods and your emotions, and the likelihood you will gain the weight back when you begin to eat normally again is somewhere near 100%.

    Aim for a lifestyle change, not a diet. Make healthier choices that will educate you and make you more aware of the nutritional content of the food you come into contact with, and you'll be able to take the weight off slowly-- and healthily!-- and then keep it off through good habits and smart choices!

    I just started eating a 900-1000 calorie diet last week. My stress was unbelievable before, so my hair was falling out. In the past week, I have eaten less, had more energy for my workouts (treadmill, elliptical, Jacobs ladder, boxing) than before, and my mood and energy are just fine. I'm sure someone will say "but it's only been a week- wait for the long term!" - but it's working for me right now.
    Oh you're going to wish you hadn't posted that. This is not the site for a very low-cal diet. MFP will not advise you to eat any less than 1,200kcal.
    Pretty much. Going below 1200 stirs up a mob frenzy on MFP. I understand... I use to agree with it myself.
    I eat between 700-1000 cal a day. But I have been eating like that since I was a kid. I'm 5,4 and 105-110. I'm also a competitive swimmer and a varsity badminton player. But everyone's different. I have a really small and light bone structure. My doctor gave me the approval to eat what I eat currently because of my body structure and how it functions. I think you should get a check up and ask your doctor first before changing your diet drastically.
    LOL, but you can't be an outlier and not fit into the rules!!! That just isn't right! :tongue: It's nice to hear someone say they don't fit into the norm and are maintaining a healthy life.
    the "dr's" are out in force again today....

    still love to know where the magic 1200 comes from..

    i advocate lifestyle change instead of diet, but... thats personal prefference not science,

    science says calories in vs calories out ...

    the rest is purely opinion
    Agreed. Everyone is an expert. Soon they'll be pulling out their links to articles that can be refuted with links to other articles. Look at the news -- one month coffee is bad for you and will heighten your risk of cancer, the next month coffee is good for you and will help mitigate strokes.

    The numbers don't lie. Eat at a deficit and your body should shed weight. The amount of weight depends on the deficit. How quickly you lose it and your proclivity to gain it back are based on the dieting/eating styles you maintain.

    THANK YOU! At least someone understands that not everyone fits into the rules. And 700-1000 is NET depending if I have practice that day or not. But if I don't then I still eat around that amount. I'm absolutely not advocating my lifestyle/eating habits but I'm just pointing out that it does work for some people.
  • ajcmoran2005
    ajcmoran2005 Posts: 173 Member
    I eat between 700-1000 cal a day. But I have been eating like that since I was a kid. I'm 5,4 and 105-110. I'm also a competitive swimmer and a varsity badminton player. But everyone's different. I have a really small and light bone structure. My doctor gave me the approval to eat what I eat currently because of my body structure and how it functions. I think you should get a check up and ask your doctor first before changing your diet drastically.

    I would suggest finding a new doctor. 700-1000 calories a day is not good for a sedentary person let alone one that exercises. You cannot get proper nutrition.

    I agree about finding a new doctor. I can't imagine any qualified and intelligent doctor actually approving a diet that low in calories for someone as small as you are. My goodness that is just insane.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I eat between 700-1000 cal a day. But I have been eating like that since I was a kid. I'm 5,4 and 105-110. I'm also a competitive swimmer and a varsity badminton player. But everyone's different. I have a really small and light bone structure. My doctor gave me the approval to eat what I eat currently because of my body structure and how it functions. I think you should get a check up and ask your doctor first before changing your diet drastically.

    I would suggest finding a new doctor. 700-1000 calories a day is not good for a sedentary person let alone one that exercises. You cannot get proper nutrition.

    ? A lot of Asians are my weight/height and they live to be over 80 with no health problems. My grandmother is 5.5 and 110. She is 86 and she does not have high blood pressure/diabetes whatsoever. She does tai-chi and swimming every morning still at her age. My great-grandmother lived until 92. Like I said, it totally depends on understanding YOUR OWN body. What works for me may not work for you.

    Not quite understanding. Are you saying Asians typically consume 1000cals or less? If so - SHENANIGHANS!!!!
  • foodfastfit
    foodfastfit Posts: 154 Member
    The only time I ever intake less than 600 calories per day is during a fast day when I'm on the 5:2 diet.
  • qingc
    qingc Posts: 9
    I eat between 700-1000 cal a day. But I have been eating like that since I was a kid. I'm 5,4 and 105-110. I'm also a competitive swimmer and a varsity badminton player. But everyone's different. I have a really small and light bone structure. My doctor gave me the approval to eat what I eat currently because of my body structure and how it functions. I think you should get a check up and ask your doctor first before changing your diet drastically.

    I would suggest finding a new doctor. 700-1000 calories a day is not good for a sedentary person let alone one that exercises. You cannot get proper nutrition.

    ? A lot of Asians are my weight/height and they live to be over 80 with no health problems. My grandmother is 5.5 and 110. She is 86 and she does not have high blood pressure/diabetes whatsoever. She does tai-chi and swimming every morning still at her age. My great-grandmother lived until 92. Like I said, it totally depends on understanding YOUR OWN body. What works for me may not work for you.

    Not quite understanding. Are you saying Asians typically consume 1000cals or less? If so - SHENANIGHANS!!!!

    DUDE, read what I just posted. I'm not ADVOCATING any thing. I'm just stating what works for me...
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi I am new to this and I haven't tried many diets before I'm worried about people talking about starvation mode and if this will stop my weight loss I am aiming at eating 600-700 cal per day through soups fruits and shakes which I considered to be healthy I'm 5'3 and 180lb so I am aiming at a 30-40lb loss . How many of you have tired these low cal diets are they best for me loose fast or is it best to up calorie intake to loose faster if so how much any suggestions would be appreciated guys thanks

    Whoa! .... no one here is going to support this idea.

    #1. People of this type of diet are usually under medical supervision and morbidly obese.

    #2 . This is not about "starvation" mode .... this is about giving your lungs, heart, kidneys, etc ..... enough calories to do their job.

    #3 Really low calorie diets PROMOTE muscle loss. Do you want the NUMBER on the scale to read xx .... or do you want to like how you look after weight loss?

    #4 Finally "starvation mode" ..... you have to work really hard to screw up your metabolism..... people with eating disorders have "wounded" their metabolisms. Part of the reason is muscle loss ....muscle burns calores at rest ... fat does not.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I eat between 700-1000 cal a day. But I have been eating like that since I was a kid. I'm 5,4 and 105-110. I'm also a competitive swimmer and a varsity badminton player. But everyone's different. I have a really small and light bone structure. My doctor gave me the approval to eat what I eat currently because of my body structure and how it functions. I think you should get a check up and ask your doctor first before changing your diet drasticall

    I would suggest finding a new doctor. 700-1000 calories a day is not good for a sedentary person let alone one that exercises. You cannot get proper nutrition.

    ? A lot of Asians are my weight/height and they live to be over 80 with no health problems. My grandmother is 5.5 and 110. She is 86 and she does not have high blood pressure/diabetes whatsoever. She does tai-chi and swimming every morning still at her age. My great-grandmother lived until 92. Like I said, it totally depends on understanding YOUR OWN body. What works for me may not work for you.

    Not quite understanding. Are you saying Asians typically consume 1000cals or less? If so - SHENANIGHANS!!!!

    DUDE, read what I just posted. I'm not ADVOCATING any thing. I'm just stating what works for me...
    Dude I did. And still doesn't change what I typed.
  • bartman4
    bartman4 Posts: 24
    Seems like too few calories to me. I'd start with 1200 and then adjust up or down as need to maintain a 1-2 lb per week weight loss. If you are tiny, your number my may be 1000 or possibly lower, but this isn't likely. Personally I've been eating 2000 calories and adding in for exercise and losing 1-1.5 pounds per month. I've now moved down to 1600 with no adjustments because I'm a tad impatient. My BMR is 1813. People will tell you that you'll lose muscle on lower calorie amounts but science doesn't support that. You won't lose that much muscle proportionate to fat until you get to ~4% body fat.

    The key (at least in my mind) is finding a calorie amount that works for you (in the 1-2 lbs/week loss range, not more) and eating a balanced diet. That way when you hit your goal weight the only change you are making is adding some additional calories into your already balanced diet to maintain your weight.

    Another key is weighing yourself daily at roughly the same time under the same conditions and using a running average of your weight, not the daily variance. This will average out things like how much water you are retaining, if you drank alcohol the night before and are dehydrated, etc.

    Personally, I've spent about 20 years figuring this stuff out. ;) Best of luck in your journey.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Don't be silly..my dog eats more than that..you need to eat enough..the only time I eat that amount is when I'm ill with a bad tummy.
  • amitglinkedin
    amitglinkedin Posts: 223 Member
    A simple rule...just try to eat health..dont eat junk..and eat until you feel comfortably full...you will not even be required to see your calories, the numbers would manage themselves..

    Do not starve..
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