Can I Ever Get Rid of This Belly Overhang?



  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
  • velloxal
    velloxal Posts: 78 Member
    Abb exercise will slowly tighten your belly.

    You can exfoliate your belly and any part of your body with rock salt. Wet those areas and slowly rub salt in, after few days you will notice how soft and tight your skin will become :bigsmile:
  • I hate to be the bringer of bad news. But Wraps and all the Exercise wont work.

    Your body has been its ways of dealing with the loose skin. Sometimes we can get lucky and it may go back. Just like all these models out there... Pregant one day and Smooth flat tummy the neck.

    Well they are the lucky one. Wraps may help to a point. But I was told...

    Take a ribber band. Put it around a bottle or a 2 liter. Leave it that way for a month.
    Take that rubber band off.
    Now see how Loose it is.
    Now put it back on the bottle again
    Month Later take it off.
    And once again, See how much more loose it is.

    Now if you set the rubber band to the side. Or in a draw some where. Keeping in mind this Rubber Band is our belly's. And you can see after time the rubber band isnt going back to the Tight Feeling it had once before.

    I think once you loose as much weight as possible. See a doctor about the belly fat. And get his opion. Not saying surgery. Just see what he says. Maybe there is some new age medicine or some great new cream or wrap out there.

    My sister has the same problem. She wear spandex over the roll of skin and keeps it tight to her body and keeps it lotioned with Coco Butter. Till she is at the point where she is ready to see the doctor.

    I dont know if this makes any since. But its the just of it. We have stretched our skin to disrepair in some cases. If it gets to the point its depressing you. See the doctor. And like I said... Maybe they will know what can help you better.

    Good Luck

    Only in some cases, but not all. I've seen a million B&A pics of women who look just like me, and they were able to save their tummys. If they can do it, I can.
  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I hate to be the bringer of bad news. But Wraps and all the Exercise wont work.

    Your body has been its ways of dealing with the loose skin. Sometimes we can get lucky and it may go back. Just like all these models out there... Pregant one day and Smooth flat tummy the neck.

    Well they are the lucky one. Wraps may help to a point. But I was told...

    Take a ribber band. Put it around a bottle or a 2 liter. Leave it that way for a month.
    Take that rubber band off.
    Now see how Loose it is.
    Now put it back on the bottle again
    Month Later take it off.
    And once again, See how much more loose it is.

    Now if you set the rubber band to the side. Or in a draw some where. Keeping in mind this Rubber Band is our belly's. And you can see after time the rubber band isnt going back to the Tight Feeling it had once before.

    Really BIG difference: your rubber band isn't alive. It isn't continuously sloughing off dead cells and replacing them. And it will lose it's elasticity over time whether or not you do anything to help that process along. Rubber rots. So does skin, eventually, but considering the OP is only 18 years old and weighed less than 200 pounds at her heaviest, I think her odds of a happy outcome are very good. At least they are if she can lose the fat and keep it off, and is sensible about how she does it.
  • EthanJeremiahsMama
    EthanJeremiahsMama Posts: 534 Member
    I think eating a very clean diet and doing some serious strength training may help, although it will probably still be there until you are down to a low BF %

    I agree with this!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    The only way to do it is to lower your body fat %.

    Here is a BF Calculator

    25% is average. If you want that flat tummy, you are going to have to get to at least here. Unless genetics has blessed you.

    You're 18, you are young enough that your skin should tighten up once you lower your BF.
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
  • hellonheels88
    hellonheels88 Posts: 262 Member
    I wear this:


    Not only does it support my belly while I walk/run/elliptical (which if you have a bit of an overhanging belly - the jiggle/flop of it can be kind of uncomfortable) but it definitely helps with the slimming. I definitely see some results. It helps me keep better posture as well. Obviously I know you can't pick and choose where you lose fat from and which areas slim down faster than others...but in my own opinion and my own experience...I swear by this thing.

    Here's my blog entry after wearing it for 10 may not be able to see MUCH difference...but I do...and I feel a difference:
  • hellonheels88
    hellonheels88 Posts: 262 Member
    And can I also just add - you can do this. And you can feel amazing in a bikini. It's all in how you feel about yourself. I felt great at 145 in a bikini...5 years ago. I felt great in a bikini at 185 last summer. I was not in the best shape of my life but I had been working my a** off for 3 months straight and I was proud of what I had to show for it. Who cares if anyone looked at me and said "eww...she should not be wearing that bikini"....I was d*mn proud of what I had accomplished and I felt like I looked awesome. And that's all that counts! :)

    But seriously...try the waist slimmer thing. I :heart: it. Plus it's only $5...what have you got to lose?
  • I just wanted to say THANK you for that suggestion! I never even thought about wraps.....all I was thinking was surgery and I really did not want to do that :) So thank you again!!
  • To answer your question with complete honesty...once the skin is so stretched out it can not and will not bounce back. My suggestion: Once you hit your goal weight look into abdomnoplasty. In that procedure they removed excess skin.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    remember all of these ideas should start with In MY OPINION:laugh:

    besides eating and exercise, it totally depends on a persons age and genetic makeup.

    She isn't super big and is fairly young...if she works hard she has a high potential of reaching success.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    To answer your question with complete honesty...once the skin is so stretched out it can not and will not bounce back. My suggestion: Once you hit your goal weight look into abdomnoplasty. In that procedure they removed excess skin.

    Good thing nobody told my skin that. I'm nowhere near being a candidate for abdominoplasty. A boob job, maybe, but not a tummy tuck. And yeah, my belly did look a lot like the OP's at the same weight. True, she started out heavier than I did, but less than 20 pounds, and I'm more than 3 times her age.
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    To answer your question with complete honesty...once the skin is so stretched out it can not and will not bounce back. My suggestion: Once you hit your goal weight look into abdomnoplasty. In that procedure they removed excess skin.

    Wow......"once the skin is so stretched out it can not and will not bounce back". Guess I'm the exception to THAT rule too. I seem to be the exception to what LOTS of people say on MFP. No two people are alike. I've had 3 kids, all c-sections. I'm 5'1 and gained more than 50 pounds with each. Joined mfp a little over a month ago. Down to 113......would like to lose a little more, but I don't see a tummy tuck in my future.
  • These are wraps you can do at home :) No spa needed and they are WAY cheaper then 100-300$- more around $60 for 4 of them :) It's nice that they aren't only available at spas now!

    Could you send me the info about these wraps too? Thanks!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I wear this:


    Not only does it support my belly while I walk/run/elliptical (which if you have a bit of an overhanging belly - the jiggle/flop of it can be kind of uncomfortable) but it definitely helps with the slimming. I definitely see some results. It helps me keep better posture as well. Obviously I know you can't pick and choose where you lose fat from and which areas slim down faster than others...but in my own opinion and my own experience...I swear by this thing.

    Here's my blog entry after wearing it for 10 may not be able to see MUCH difference...but I do...and I feel a difference:

    Does this make you sweat a lot? I have been thinking of getting something to help with my posture since I sit all day but I don't want to be sweaty too.