200+ (Week 43) Getting Fit For Fall!

akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Another week comes to a close. Everyone check in by the end of the weekend, so we can see everyone's progress.

Good luck!!


  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm proud that I made myself get out and walk. I really didn't want to but I burned enough cals to even up for the day. I know this week will show a gain. I will be so disappointed with myself if I don't 't lose 50 pounds in a year so I've got a little over a month to get down to 210. October 1st is my goal. Its time to get serious.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    AAAGHHHH!!!!! I watch the entire season of So You Think You Can Dance to have the satellite go out right as they were about to announce the season winner!!! fml
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    This will not be a good weigh in week. TOM started yesterday and I went out for ribs last night but came in under cal since I ran 6 miles yesterday. I'm up in the middle of the night on purpose - spent 20 min outside watching shooting stars - priceless!!! I was wishing Kendal was here with her camera (those firework and sparkler shots were cool). I counted 20 in my time outside. My biking partner cancelled for the morning - she knew she wouldn't want to get back up at 6. Well, I should try to get back to sleep.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Nic - you asked how to accurately measure pasta. I weigh the dry ingredients and figure total cal out. I then weigh finished noodles or finished meal (after adding all cal together). I divide the total cal by total weight and multiply by 100. Then weigh it out on my plate in 100 gr incriments(?sp). It takes time but is accurate. If I'm feeling lazy, I measure out 3 dry servings to cook and then eat 1/3 of the meal. DH is a pasta freak and eats the rest.
  • thickntired
    thickntired Posts: 76 Member
    Hi all, I was wondering if I could join you. I'm in search of groups to give and get support to help keep me motivated and you all sound like the place I need to be. I'm currently at a "starting over" phase of my weight loss as it just hasn't "clicked" yet with the weight loss. I'm determined to see it through this time, I just wish it wasn't so hard in the beginning. I hope through being here I will get that push I need. I hope you are all doing well on your weight loss and I hope to be able to join you in your happy weight loss dance soon. Just a question, what day do you all weigh in? From what I gather you do it on the weekend? Thanks in advance for any info on that. :-)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Morning ladies, happy Friday!!! My weigh in for the week has me exactly the same as last week <sigh>. I'm getting sick of seeing 221.6 on the scale. The saving grace is that I updated my measurements (I don't do it weekly, more like, every 3 weeks or so) and I have lost 3.5 inches off my body in the last couple weeks! I lost and inch off my waist and a half in off my hips!!! I was soooo stoked after seeing that, that I almost don't care that the scale is going down. Almost.

    Thickntired: Hi there & welcome. We are a great & supportive group. Jump on in & start posting. We do our weigh ins over the weekend (some on Fri, some on Sat & some on Sunday) so any time during that time period to check in is just dandy!

    Victoria: how cool is it that you saw a meteor shower!!!! Definitely worth losing some sleep, I think.

    Kendal: Wow...that satellite issue sux. I've had similar things happen (generally a DVR issue where the show runs over & the DVR cuts off) & it is pretty enraging. Now I only have Armed Forces Television (here in Germany u either watch that or get German TV - which is in German) so I don't usually get to see shows that are playing now in the states AND I totally miss having a DVR. The up side is that I watch A LOT less TV.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    As expected - today's weigh-in is up... Sausage fingers and stomach cramps told me that before I even got on the scale. I was up to 184.25 (+1.5 lbs) and it's all related to TOM issues which started yesterday (*sighs*). I may reweigh on Sunday. If not, oh well. I expect it to come down quickly. I was soooooo tired this morning and cranky that I skipped working out. Yep, that friend accountability thing is needed to get me out the door when I don't feel like it... But the stars were so worth it... On the positive side, my 14s felt baggy yesterday (*wide eyed look*)... I have a few 12s but haven't been wearing them in public since they are a bit snug. I may have to pull them out. I just bought 3 more pairs of running shorts and another tank top so that I have 5 workout outfits for running. I also bought a weighted hula hoop with workout DVD and hope to try it this weekend. Somehow, I will get 30 min of exercise in later today...

    Good luck to all on your weigh-ins!!! Amy - shrinking is even better than losing a number on the scale...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Thickntired:flowerforyou: We look forward to getting to know you.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Welcome thickntired :flowerforyou: , good luck, it is dang hard...but together we can do it!!

    Amy....Hun, I hear ya with the mean nasty scale, mine isn't ever very nice to me...no matter what I do....I have to fall back on Mr. Tape measure all the time, he's much more sincere..:laugh: :laugh: I lost inches from about a three week measurment too...not sure if I posted that on this group or not...but it does help to keep me motivated and to keep going...especially when beating myself up with Shaun T :wink: ...on another positive note....while doing max circuit, he does a series where you do walking push-ups...my wrist was bothering me so I just stayed put and did as many push-ups as I good during the time, I imagine it was around maybe 35 seconds (cus I did do the first set with him) but I kicked out 46 push-ups in that amount of time..and this was towards the end of the workout...I thought that rocked, I'm getting stronger :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Good luck everyone this wekend no matter what your goal is!!

    I'll post Sunday..but the scale is the same for me too....so far this week...but not that I'm jumping on it everyday or anything:wink:
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Well, TOM showed up today. 2 days early...boo. Weigh in for me is tomorrow so let's see where I am then.

    pinbotchick - right there with ya. I also measure my pasta the same way since I am cooking for more then myself.

    thickntired - Welcome to our group. This is a great bunch of gals and are really supportive.

    anvy1221 - The same thing happens to me, no weight loss, but inches disappear. You are doing GREAT!

    Victoria - I am glad someone saw the meteor shower. I forgot about it.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    thickntired- welcome to our group! I wouldn't have been able to lose the weight I've lost without the wonderful, amazing support of the ladies in this group. I hope you decide to stick around! What really helped weight loss to "click" for me is when I finally externalized the process. By that I mean I don't ask myself what *I* want to eat, I ask what does *my body* need for energy. Granted, I will give in to what I want rather than listening to my body on occasion, but it really comes down to a calories in/calories out scenario. Its a slow process for me, but at least its a downward trend. Don't be ashamed if you fall of the wagon cause, trust me, we all have at some point. But we'll be here to sympathize with you and then crack the whip to get you back on track. :smile:

    I'm weighing in at 219.2 this week. Thats up .8 from last week. I knew that was coming.

    Tonight my parents are throwing their monthly shag/dance party and then my friends and I are going to a bar afterwards to see a band. I won't get any exercise but I will be burning calories dancing and standing and moving around all night. :bigsmile: My parent's party is a black and white theme party since its Friday the 13th and I tried on my black bubble dress last night that I haven't worn in over a year. I didn't want to take it off! I forgot how comfortable that dress is! I can't decide how I want to do my hair though. I could wear my black fedora hat with it but I don't know if that'll be over doing it for the night. And I wish I was one of those girls who could wear crazy high heels cause I have some HOT shoes I would like to wear that would make my legs look GREAT but I think I will go for comfort and wear flats. haha...I'm sure you guys were just sitting on the edge of your seats reading that! Such a life altering dilemma. Thanks for letting me ramble. :laugh:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Put me down for a maintain this week: 183.4 I was less yesterday, but I had a pizza fiasco for dinner, which upped my sodium and calories considerably for the day.

    If I weigh less on Saturday or Sunday, I might count those instead. I am feeling a bit smaller this week and my clothes continue to fit better, especially in my thigh region, which has always been massive. I am getting frustrated being around the same weight for the past month. Come on 170s already!!

    I'm definitely in a funk at the moment. If I didn't know better, I would think it's TOM, but it isn't. Just every little thing that remotely goes wrong, I just catastrophize it. I know what I'm doing, but it's hard to stop those, well, automatic negative thoughts. I'm hoping a weekend of rest and calm will rejuvinate me a bit, cause I'm still crankypants like whoa!

    Yesterday, I wanted to crawl into a corner and die, but made it through the day. I was craving pizza like whoa, and I got it, which I'm pissed at myself about, but I'd been fighting the craving for a couple of weeks. At least I did get to the gym and do the treadmill. Worked a bit on speed, and was able to run for several minutes at 6.0mph, which I was pleased with. Still not comfortable at that speed, but am getting there. So my damage could have been worse yesterday with the pizza, but I sort of sabatoged my weigh-in this week. *sigh*

    Kendal- sorry you missed the end of SYTYCD. I'm pleased with the result, but didn't have much invested in it. There weren't that many memorable routines this season, so it was sort of a meh finale for me. All my favs had Alex in them. haha.. or weren't performed. The only one I really liked that was was the Neil/Kent contemporary with the "friend" stabbing the other in the back. Great partnership. Have a great time at the party this evening!

    Victoria- I would love to see some shooting stars! How cool! At least you have a reason for your gain this week. Your weight will drop quickly! Way to go with the shrinking! It's so interesting to see what sizes people are at different weights. We're about the same weight, but I'm only starting to approach the size 14 territory and they're already baggy on you. Way to go!

    Amy- wow to all the inches lost! I'm not surprised though... you're working really hard!! Plus, I'll take inches over weight any day!

    Debra- 46 push-ups??? :noway: Um, yeah.. .I can do maybe 3 real ones... on a good day so I'm in awe of you. *bows down*

    Mish- looking forward to your check in!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kristina- I'm sorry all the little things are getting to you. Sometimes it feels like they just keep pounding you down and never give you a chance to take a breath and get back up. I definitely know the feeling. Need a vacation? Want to go camping with me next week?? (I'm serious....you can totally go camping with me :bigsmile: ) And you should NOT feel guilty about having pizza yesterday. This isn't about depriving yourself of foods you want, its about limiting the bad stuff and you are doing an absolutely excellent job.

    And by the way, I laughed real hard when Ellen was trying to do that dance.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- the Ellen dance was hilarious. When I heard that they were going to do the dance with someone else, I was like AWW HELL NO! But someone like Ellen was okay, cause it's wasn't super serious... quite amusing and I was pretty amazed she was able to get as much of it as she did. Thanks for the offer to camp it up with you. I would LOVE to... if only I had more vacation time. That's my biggest gripe about the job- I just can't seem to accrue it fast enough. I'd like to take a couple of days when my parents visit for a week in October and would like a decent holiday break. Hey, if you're around come the winter holidays, I'd love to meet up, as I'll be in NC. Maybe we can have a group camping trip next year?? That would be AMAZING and I could plan my time ahead.

    My day is dragging, but I'm in the home stretch. I have social work supervision at 3 and then will be done for the day. I'm thinking about heading to the mall briefly. I sort of didn't want to go shopping, until I got out of the 180s, and I shouldn't be spending much money, but I really need some new tops and will keep an eye out for anything else that is practical.

    Hope everyone is having a good Friday!
  • nic3595
    nic3595 Posts: 7
    Victoria thanks for the great tips! I need to be strick with my pasta so I'll probably do the extra work for the accurate calorie count! I'm getting my scale today!! I'm new to this journey and have been hiding from the scale for years. I am hoping I see improvements right away from dramatically changing the way I eat!
    I was wondering if anyone else has been new to morning eating. I just never seem to be hungry in the mornings! I know its good to eat because I always get up and go. All of you are super helpful and have made so much progress, I'd love to hear your input.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    TGIF!!!! I'm finally done with clients and can't wait to get home and change. - it's 87 and humid. I do have one more person tomorrow afternoon. Enjoy your weekends.

    Nic - I was new to breakfast. I never ate early then pigged out for lunch. Now I take time to eat 1 serving of yogurt or cottage cheese with fresh fruit. Or a hard boiled egg plus a banana. I ear moreon heavy running daysi find I'm less hungry later in the day.
  • Hello all! I'd love to join your group.

    I'll tell you a bit about me. My name is Danielle, I am 29 with 2 children daughter 12 and son 9 months. I am newly married, last August. I have been overweight since I was 11. And very obese for the past 4 years. I have been doing this journey now for 7 weeks. I have made no progress :grumble: I started at 288.8 and am currently at 285 (this morning) I have consistently gained and lost almost 10 pounds the last 7 weeks. Up and down like a yo-yo. I have admitted that I probably shouldn't have started in July, but I am always getting back up and doing it again. Meaning I'm not letting myself get upset by the inconsistency of my weight loss.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Ok, TOM showed up this morning. Even though this happened I still managed to lose another pound and I am bloated from TOM. So, I can't wait to see what I am after TOM departs.

    SW: 237.8
    CW: 194
    TWL: 44
    GW: 135
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Danielle:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You can do this!!! Take it 1 pound at a time.

    Mish -Great job on your loss!!! Next week should be even better. Thanks for sticking with us!!! TOM SUCKS!!!!
  • thickntired
    thickntired Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. :blushing: I'm usually very shy so joining new groups and friending people here brings me out of my comfort zone, but I know I will love joining you all here.

    Since I just started yesterday I guess this isn't an "official" weigh in, but today I was 265.5, down from 288 the day before. So woo hoo for a small victory. Ok, so it's water weight, but it's weight either way so I will happily take the loss. :happy:

    Amy, kudos on the inches loss. I agree with everyone here that inches are better than weight as your focus right now. You could be putting on muscle and that weighs more than fat so while you may not notice on the scale you are still actually losing. I know it doesn't make it any easier to deal with it not budging, but just know you are still doing a great job and forget about the scale for now and maybe just focus on your tape measure and the fit of your clothing for now. :smile:

    Victoria, TOM...what can you do, right? Well the good thing is that it's only for a couple of days and then things will go back to business as usual. Congrats on the 14s being loose! I know that has to be exciting. I so want a weighted hula hoop, but I know there are arm exercises that go above the head and my ceilings aren't high enough for it so I haven't bought one yet. I would still love to get one though. Maybe I will try it and work my way around the arm exercises that take the hoop up high. You'll have to let us know how you like it. Oh I have heard you get bruised from first time usage of it but it fades over time and then you get used to it and don't bruise any more. Just a heads up in case it happens. Don't give up on it if it does. It will get better. :smile:

    Debra looking forward to your weigh in. I'm hoping the scale will surprise you and give you a lower number this weekend. :wink:

    Mish, you must have a four leaf clover with you. Losing weight while dealing with the dreaded TOM is awesome. Now stay off the scale for the next few days so you don't get disheartened from weight flux. And kudos on the weight loss. :smile:

    Kendal, thanks for the great advice. I know these first few weeks are going to be tricky for me trying to figure out what will work best for me. But the important thing is that I don't give up and I do it in a healthy way, unlike how I used to lose weight. So I will listen to my body and decide what it needs to have in order to become healthier. And sorry you had a slight gain, but it could be for a wide variety of reasons and I'm sure you will knock that .8 off by next week. I hope you had fun tonight at your parents party and danced the night away. :happy:

    Kristina, sorry to hear about your funk. I know we can all relate to those. I hope you are able to find a way to deal with it. Maybe buy a new cd and sit back and relax to some new tunes. Or pick up a new relaxing hobby like knitting or crocheting. Or maybe just talk a walk and become one with nature. Whichever you pick, I hope that it helps take some stress off you. If you headed to the mall I hope the retail therapy helps. Always makes me feel better after a hard day. :wink: Kudos on the clothes feeling looser, now that's something to be happy about. So I hope that puts a smile on your face when the day gets rough.

    Nicole, I was watching some video clips from the Today Show about the Joy Bauer health club session of the show, and one person asked her a question about breakfast. She said something along the lines that if you are a controlled eater who could keep on their diet at lunch time after skipping breakfast then it's ok to skip it. But if you are like a lot of people, me included, that you are so hungry by lunch time that you just pop anything in your mouth then you should have breakfast or at least brunch when you are ready to eat. It will help you stay on track and not be starving by your next meal time.

    Hi Danielle, I'm new to the group too. While 3 pounds may not seem like much to you, it's 3 pounds you no longer have on your body, so that's a big woo hoo!!! As for not doing more in 7 weeks, are you trying to lose by diet alone? That will make things go slower. I am currently doing diet alone until I get portion control into control so I am not expecting crazy weight loss while I do it this way. Or perhaps you have to much salt in the day and it's causing you to retain water. Also if you aren't getting your water in that can make you retain water. I guess what I am saying is go back and look over your days and see if maybe you are doing or not doing something that's keeping the weight on. If not then perhaps you need to speak to the family doctor, just to make sure everything is on the up and up. I do hope that the plateau will break for you and you start seeing results. I'm keeping my fingers crossed tight that the next weigh in will give you a positive weight change.
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