This isn't working



  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    It's simple. Sugar is a drug. You have a little and what happens. As soon as you eat sugar it produces seratonin to the brain which over rides any reasoning and makes you crave more. Don't substitute fat for sugar, your body needs fat but it certainly dosn't need sugar. If you are savoury minded then salt is a drug but your body only requires 6g a day.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    try 800 calories a day be very stict and exercize my mom did that and lost 10pounds in one week but she didnt even exercize try that : )

    800 calories per day is unhealthy! Please don't do that!! :grumble:

    I agree, 800 calories per day will put your body into starvation mode and put all of your calories into storage. You will not lose weight this way.

    I agree also...but for an additional reason. She obviously is feeling very restricted by trying to eat healthy and by trying to restrict even further, it most certainly will screw her over big time. Utlimately leading to worse eating and binges than she's had. It's not just about immediate weight loss!
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    I hate to be the wet blanket here but I've read a lot of your posts and you don't seem ready to make the lifestyle change (and I don't mean that in a negative way, I have been where you are). Until you decide that your health is more important than the chicken nuggets and french fries you will not be successful. A lot of people have the vicious cycle of doing well with their eating all week, then it all goes to hell over the weekend and we say "Starting on Monday..." etc..

    You need to feel it in yourself to control your urges to binge on junk food, not obsess over it all of the time, and only then will you will successful. The "Aha Moment" as I like to call it. Until you flip the switch, it will be hard to do it any other way.

    Im going to agree with this post more so than any of the others. I used to be the same way, I said I was going to loose weight, make a change, be more healthy bla bla bla is all it really was because I wasnt at that place yet in my life, I wasnt ready to make a full and complete lifestyle change and that is why none of my past attempts ever stuck, sure, id loose a bit of weight but id always fall off the wagon and gain it all back sometimes plus some :(
    This time is so different! I dont know why it clicked this time, but it has and ive been very dedicated to making a true change! Im 29 years old and I have 3 kids, ive been doing the wife and mommy thing since I was 20yrs old and ive always put myself and my health on the back burner, thats why I am 75lbs overweight :( But ive decided that I want to be in the best shape of my life by my 30th birthday next June....I want to look hot in a tiny little black number for my man! I want to be able to run and play with my kids without getting tiered and having to stop after a few minutes. These are the things that motivate me! When you are truly ready to make the change, it will be easier for you, not totally easy, but when you are truly serious about changing your life its easier to kick those bad habits and cravings!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    try 800 calories a day be very stict and exercize my mom did that and lost 10pounds in one week but she didnt even exercize try that : )

    800 calories per day is unhealthy! Please don't do that!! :grumble:

    I agree, 800 calories per day will put your body into starvation mode and put all of your calories into storage. You will not lose weight this way.

    the poster who wrote that is only 12... :frown:
  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    try 800 calories a day be very stict and exercize my mom did that and lost 10pounds in one week but she didnt even exercize try that : )

    800 calories per day is unhealthy! Please don't do that!! :grumble:

    I agree, 800 calories per day will put your body into starvation mode and put all of your calories into storage. You will not lose weight this way.

    the poster who wrote that is only 12... :frown:

    Please do not put a frown sign against your post and say only 12. The young lady that has written this statement is on the starting block of being a yo yo dieter and with our help we may be able to educate her about healthy eating. Putting a frown is negative and even though she is young she obviously has weight issues the same as we all have. A frown may discourage her from participating and that's not what friends are for.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    the poster who wrote that is only 12... :frown:

    Please do not put a frown sign against your post and say only 12. The young lady that has written this statement is on the starting block of being a yo yo dieter and with our help we may be able to educate her about healthy eating. Putting a frown is negative and even though she is young she obviously has weight issues the same as we all have. A frown may discourage her from participating and that's not what friends are for.

    the frown is because a 12 year old should not be here. the frown is to say 'look at how a 12-year-old thinks it is okay to drop weight'. the frown is completely appropriate.
  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    This young lady may well have thought she was giving good advice based on her role model, her mother. There are more mature people on here chosing to eat far fewer calories than recommended by MFP and what our friend suggested .

    This young lady has broadened her research and is looking to this site for further guidance.

    Instead of giving this young lady a negative frown, advise her where she may find an alternative site to suit her age group and that her input is valued.

    No person's comment on here should make them feel they are discrimated against, no matter what. The rule on here is to be 18 but it's a diet site nothing more unless I've missed something, in fact there has been no swearing within my friends so what's the harm except the young lady may need more advice on growing bones etc.

    The way you came across was that you had discovered a secret. Support our youngers and don't frown on them.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member

    I discovered one day that my cravings were for a perfectly body-right reason, but you're going to laugh at why. I craved liver. Could you imagine. Liver.

    I knew that was unhealthy and at some point, didn't eat liver again. Just too much fat. And then I started getting a different craving....


    Sometimes there's something your body needs, but it doesn't know how to say that, except through the foods it already knows.

    In my case, I needed iron.

    So, think about all those foods you crave and write them down. They're probably not all the same, but I bet they all have something in common. That may be the thing you need the most. If you can't put it together, then ask us. Maybe we can help.

    Here's another craving I get sometimes, but I bet you can understand this one...


    especially at TOM.


    It's not necessarily what you might think.

    It's not about the sugar because I eat the chocolate that's 99% pure (one step short of unsweetened).

    It's managanese, and one square of the stuff does the trick.

    The best asset you have is your ability to sort out patterns in your life. If you can figure out what all your cravings have in common, you are very likely to be able to figure out how to satisfy them without falling off your food journal.

    FYI I was on the "Grapefruit Diet" at age 11. I've yoyoed for years because I never had a place to come like this one. I've learned so much here and so can you. The best thing you can do for yourself is make a plan for yourself and follow through with it. And then people will admire you. Best of all, you can be proud of yourself!

  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I know it sucks to see that angry red calorie total at the end of the day, but it's really better to log ALL the food you eat. Some fruit/veggies can really add up in calories. A medium banana is about 100! They are healthy calories, but calories nonetheless.

    You have to want to do this for yourself. Remind yourself WHY you want to lose weight and get healthy. Write down your reasons - be honest with yourself. They can be selfish reasons or "silly" reasons or serious reasons... but write them down and keep them somewhere that you can read them when you're struggling.

    I'd also suggest logging your food ahead of time each morning or the night before. This way you have a plan...I'm less likely to eat badly if I have my day planned out ahead of time.

    The better you eat and the better you feel the less you'll crave junk... but you have to get over the "detox" period first. It's hard, but you just have to stick with it.

    Good luck!
  • nicoledc
    nicoledc Posts: 37
    You may want to give weight watchers a try - there is nothing - NOTHING that you cannot eat. Everything in moderation, portion control - that way you are not depriving yourself of anything and will stop obsessing about what you can't have.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    The way you came across was that you had discovered a secret. Support our youngers and don't frown on them.

    that's not the way i read it; that's why i defended the person who wrote it.

    it's a moot point anyway, because if they they are not 18, mike will close their account. this is *not* the place for young children/teens; this is an adult fitness site.
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    You may want to give weight watchers a try - there is nothing - NOTHING that you cannot eat. Everything in moderation, portion control - that way you are not depriving yourself of anything and will stop obsessing about what you can't have.

    She can eat whatever she wants using MFP, there are no forbidden foods, whats great about this site is that after you put in all your info (age, height, weight etc.) and tell the system how much weight you want to loose and at what rate, it will tell you how many calories you need to consume to meet that goal...its simple really! She can eat what she wants as long as she stays within her calorie limit, its the same with weight watchers too except its a points system but its based on the same info!
    BUT, you will always get better results if you are eatting foods that are healthy and good for you and at least trying to get a decent amount of physical activity in.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I agree, I eat anything I want. I just don't ever want fast food, LOL. But anything I really want we make and modify it so it is lighter and healthier. I said a long time ago I was never dieting again since I always failed at dieting. From now on my concern is healthy, staying active and staying in a healthy calorie and nutritional range.

    Once I got over that forbidden forever food thing and just started paying attention to what I was eating and how it makes me feel it clicked, which is why I know I will be successful at losing the weight for good this time. Slow but sure.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    the poster who wrote that is only 12... :frown:

    Please do not put a frown sign against your post and say only 12. The young lady that has written this statement is on the starting block of being a yo yo dieter and with our help we may be able to educate her about healthy eating. Putting a frown is negative and even though she is young she obviously has weight issues the same as we all have. A frown may discourage her from participating and that's not what friends are for.

    the frown is because a 12 year old should not be here. the frown is to say 'look at how a 12-year-old thinks it is okay to drop weight'. the frown is completely appropriate.

    yes thank you for your response in seeing what I meant ...
    I wasn't meanin the frown to be negative or discouraging to anyone, but to show i was sad (i couldn't find a normal sad face?) that at 12 she thinks this is ok, that makes me sad :(
  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    the poster who wrote that is only 12... :frown:

    Please do not put a frown sign against your post and say only 12. The young lady that has written this statement is on the starting block of being a yo yo dieter and with our help we may be able to educate her about healthy eating. Putting a frown is negative and even though she is young she obviously has weight issues the same as we all have. A frown may discourage her from participating and that's not what friends are for.

    the frown is because a 12 year old should not be here. the frown is to say 'look at how a 12-year-old thinks it is okay to drop weight'. the frown is completely appropriate.

    yes thank you for your response in seeing what I meant ...
    I wasn't meanin the frown to be negative or discouraging to anyone, but to show i was sad (i couldn't find a normal sad face?) that at 12 she thinks this is ok, that makes me sad :(

    The frown is a negative sign. If you couldn't find a correct symbol don't use one. As for this being an adult site where better to get information from. It's a diet site not an illegal site. Get a grip. There is a lot of debate on here about the number of calories to eat a day and some far fewer than 800. Pick on them not the young ones.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Get a grip.

    wow, for real? and you are saying the previous poster is 'negative' because she used a frowny face? *shakes head in disbelief*

    i didn't correct you before, but i don't mind doing it now. this is not a DIET SITE, this is a fitness site. there are people on here who want to lose weight certainly, but there are also trainers and dieticians, people who want to gain weight, people who want to maintain weight, people who compete in fitness competitions, people who want to track their exercise, etc. FITNESS, not diet.

    this site is designed for adults. the boards have adult discussions about sex, time of month, bodily functions, eating disorders, and more, as well as debates about correct calorie consumptions, low-carb versus low-fat, exercise calories, what-have-you. not the place for a child. not to mention that a child's food needs are much different than an adults.

    please do not project your ?insecurities? about a frowny face being too 'negative' for the poor 12 year old to handle onto a post where it is not meant that way.

    to the original poster, i apologize for hijacking your thread.

    **edited: i was going to delete this, but i am going to let it stand. maybe i'm having a low blood sugar moment... :)
  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    Get a grip.

    wow, for real? and you are saying the previous poster is 'negative' because she used a frowny face? *shakes head in disbelief*

    i didn't correct you before, but i don't mind doing it now. this is not a DIET SITE, this is a fitness site. there are people on here who want to lose weight certainly, but there are also trainers and dieticians, people who want to gain weight, people who want to maintain weight, people who compete in fitness competitions, people who want to track their exercise, etc. FITNESS, not diet.

    this site is designed for adults. the boards have adult discussions about sex, time of month, bodily functions, eating disorders, and more, as well as debates about correct calorie consumptions, low-carb versus low-fat, exercise calories, what-have-you. not the place for a child. not to mention that a child's food needs are much different than an adults.

    please do not project your ?insecurities? about a frowny face being too 'negative' for the poor 12 year old to handle onto a post where it is not meant that way.

    to the original poster, i apologize for hijacking your thread.

    **edited: i was going to delete this, but i am going to let it stand. maybe i'm having a low blood sugar moment... :)

    I agree with all of what you said! I dont think its you that needs to get a grip, I dont think this is the place for a child either, not saying I dont think its great the kids want to be in shape or loose weight, but you are very right, a growing childs needs are much different than that of an adult.
  • SharonsJetSet
    WIll Power
    If you exercise you can still eat the guilty pleasures - you just have to make room for it.
    Don't deprive yourself of the things you love.
    But you also have to use your will power to stop putting all the crap food in your mouth too!
    You have to have balance.
    Good luck to you.

    This is so so true!! will power is the key and the really neat thing is that when you DO resist temptation, you get such a feeling of empowerment.

    While I do agree with everyone's suggestion about "You crave what you're lacking", my logged numbers are pretty consistant and I don't appear to be lacking in any area. I always surpass my fiber &protein but rarely surpass my carbs. I crave peanut butter on a daily basis because its just sooooooooooo yummy LOL

    Anyway, I agree that the main reason I exercise is so I can get more calories. Of course I realize that exercise is helping me get healthier too, its just that I see exercise as a way to eat more LOL

  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    I try to make to make a big pot of veggie soup and have it before my meals. Low calories and a good filler.