To eat or not to eat. That is my question

The low down: I'm 205pounds. 5' 10". 1200 calorie diet. Goal- 175pounds by November (Doable?)

Is it healthy to not eat back the calories I burn during a workout? I've hear that you don't want to eat back your calories so you can lose more pounds. I've also heard that on a 1200 calorie diet you NEED to eat them back otherwise your body shuts down.

Thoughts? Comments?

Thanks in advance,


  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    Eat your food!!!!!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    1200 is too low at your size. I am 5'11, 220 lbs and am losing quite steadily at 1900 calories a day.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    You should CERTAINLY eat back your exercise calories, esp. when you eat that low. I'm the same weight, eat about 1700 daily, eat back my exercise calories, and am losing weekly.
  • 007FatSlayer
    007FatSlayer Posts: 132 Member
    Your goal is definitely doable by November...make sure you stay consistent, that's truly the key.

    About the calories-- I would have more than 1,200 or at least eat a majority of your exercise calories back. You will find the sweet spot by trial and error.
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    I never drop to 1200 calories ... it leads to binge eating for me. But, I say if you need them ... eat them. If not, don't. Some days I'm really hungry and need the extra, others I don't. Listen to your body and just don't go hungry ... you'll be fine.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    The low down: I'm 205pounds. 5' 10". 1200 calorie diet. Goal- 175pounds by November (Doable?)

    Is it healthy to not eat back the calories I burn during a workout? I've hear that you don't want to eat back your calories so you can lose more pounds. I've also heard that on a 1200 calorie diet you NEED to eat them back otherwise your body shuts down.

    Thoughts? Comments?

    Thanks in advance,

    Your body won't shut down, but will adapt. Metabolic adaptation is what some people believe will happen when you are on very low calorie diets. Ultimately what can happen is that the ability to lose becomes increasingly more difficult. The best approach is to lose weight taking in the most calories you can while still being at a deficit. This gives you more room to make adjustments when plateaus occur.
  • alisaglem
    alisaglem Posts: 36 Member
    I'm also super confused on the whole eat or down eat back your exercise calories. Majority of people I've seen on MFP with amazing results did the TDEE calories minus 20% which is essentially almost the same as the MFP plan if you eat back your exercise calories. The caveat is to be completely honest and accurate with what you eat and also get a heart rate monitor because the calorie calculations on here are far from accurate. I mean 40 mins on an eliptical and MFP tells me I burned 400 calories.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I have always eaten back exercise calories, and done my best to improve my calculations. I like that I can eat more when I work harder.
  • NicoleFray
    NicoleFray Posts: 82 Member
    I never drop to 1200 calories ... it leads to binge eating for me. But, I say if you need them ... eat them. If not, don't. Some days I'm really hungry and need the extra, others I don't. Listen to your body and just don't go hungry ... you'll be fine.

    I totally agree.. If most days your 1200 calories work for you then awesome! I'm also at a 1200 cal at 196lbs and i'd say 97% of the time it's enough but of course you have hungry days..
    I never eat back my calories because the point of working out is to burn the calories you take in to loose weight and inorder to loose weight you need to burn more calories a day then you take in. Just be careful and make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need!
    I burn about 3000 a day and eat about 1200ish and have been loosing weight steady and feeling awesome!
    Hope I helped. :)
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I never drop to 1200 calories ... it leads to binge eating for me. But, I say if you need them ... eat them. If not, don't. Some days I'm really hungry and need the extra, others I don't. Listen to your body and just don't go hungry ... you'll be fine.

    I totally agree.. If most days your 1200 calories work for you then awesome! I'm also at a 1200 cal at 196lbs and i'd say 97% of the time it's enough but of course you have hungry days..
    I never eat back my calories because the point of working out is to burn the calories you take in to loose weight and inorder to loose weight you need to burn more calories a day then you take in. Just be careful and make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need!
    I burn about 3000 a day and eat about 1200ish and have been loosing weight steady and feeling awesome!
    Hope I helped. :)

    Your reasoning makes no sense. Pick a deficit and run that deficit. The reason for picking a moderate deficit, rather than a really steep deficit, is that you want to actually look good at the end of the whole thing, not rush to a lower number on the scale and look like you cut corners.

    Slow and steady weight loss gets the best results. 1000 cal deficits are fine at higher body fat percentages, but as you get leaner it's important to keep your wits about you.
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    We have similar stats. I am 5'9" and was 209 when I began. I started with 1200. I was losing a pound a week, but I was always hungry. After reading lots of posts on here, I upped my calories to 1500 - 1600. Surprisingly, I am still losing an average of a pound a week, but I am not hungry. I don't do a whole lot of exercise, usually just a 30 minute walk a day and some hand weight exercise, so I don't eat back exercise calories. I don't recommend the 1200 calorie route. Send me a friend request if you want. Good luck.
  • I did 1200 and it caused binge eating because I was so hungry all the time...

    Granted I'm smaller than you (5'5, starting weight 140, trying to get to 120-125, highest weight was 167), but I'm at 1400-1500 calories a day and slowly losing like I intended (.5-.8 pounds a week), and I do eat back what I exercise off, especially if I'm hungry. If not then I save them and hopefully lose more if it balances out.
  • vkc1978
    vkc1978 Posts: 63 Member
    I am 5'10" and started at 210# back in February. I was at 1200/day and ate back up to 1200/day omn days that i worked out and lost 2.5#/week for the first 4 weeks. That rocked!!! But then started to plateu, so i bumped it up to 1500 for a few days and started losing again. Im aiming for 170, and with 20 more to lose (halfway there) im slowing down to 1lb a week and it seems to be working. Just keep doing what works, definitely eat back up to 1200/day, and if you stall out, take it up a few hundred and get your excercise on :)

    Good luck in your journey!!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    The low down: I'm 205pounds. 5' 10". 1200 calorie diet. Goal- 175pounds by November (Doable?)

    Is it healthy to not eat back the calories I burn during a workout? I've hear that you don't want to eat back your calories so you can lose more pounds. I've also heard that on a 1200 calorie diet you NEED to eat them back otherwise your body shuts down.

    Thoughts? Comments?

    Thanks in advance,

    Your body won't shut down, but will adapt. Metabolic adaptation is what some people believe will happen when you are on very low calorie diets. Ultimately what can happen is that the ability to lose becomes increasingly more difficult. The best approach is to lose weight taking in the most calories you can while still being at a deficit. This gives you more room to make adjustments when plateaus occur.

    This. I think the problem with eating too few calories is that it's slowing down your metabolism and much much harder to maintain after. Slow is better to lose weight.
  • csek165goal
    csek165goal Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone! I upped my daily calorie goal to 1500 and will go from there :)
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    The low down: I'm 205pounds. 5' 10". 1200 calorie diet. Goal- 175pounds by November (Doable?)

    Is it healthy to not eat back the calories I burn during a workout? I've hear that you don't want to eat back your calories so you can lose more pounds. I've also heard that on a 1200 calorie diet you NEED to eat them back otherwise your body shuts down.

    Thoughts? Comments?

    Thanks in advance,

    Read this and it will help explain:

    Well, your body won't just automatically shut down, but YES you need to eat more than that. Why eat 1,200 when you can eat 1,800 or more and lose fat? I'm 5'8 and weigh 161ish and have a TDEE of 2,400. So this means, I burn an average of 2,400 calories just by living my life. I'm losing slowly eating 2,200 calories a day. Yes, I eat 2,200 calories a day!!!

    I lost the majority of my weight eating 1800-2000 per day. Eat the food and enjoy it. Be sure to do some kind of strength training with either weights or body weight to help maintain LBM and look better. BTW - Now, I basically eat at TDEE-10% or approx 250 calorie deficit a day. Last week, my daily calorie intake varied from 1,800 to 2,500, but averaged to 2,200 per day. When I had more to lose, I ate at a slightly deeper deficit.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    oh 1200 calories again.

    Good luck!
  • NicoleFray
    NicoleFray Posts: 82 Member
    I never drop to 1200 calories ... it leads to binge eating for me. But, I say if you need them ... eat them. If not, don't. Some days I'm really hungry and need the extra, others I don't. Listen to your body and just don't go hungry ... you'll be fine.

    I totally agree.. If most days your 1200 calories work for you then awesome! I'm also at a 1200 cal at 196lbs and i'd say 97% of the time it's enough but of course you have hungry days..
    I never eat back my calories because the point of working out is to burn the calories you take in to loose weight and inorder to loose weight you need to burn more calories a day then you take in. Just be careful and make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need!
    I burn about 3000 a day and eat about 1200ish and have been loosing weight steady and feeling awesome!
    Hope I helped. :)

    Your reasoning makes no sense. Pick a deficit and run that deficit. The reason for picking a moderate deficit, rather than a really steep deficit, is that you want to actually look good at the end of the whole thing, not rush to a lower number on the scale and look like you cut corners.

    Slow and steady weight loss gets the best results. 1000 cal deficits are fine at higher body fat percentages, but as you get leaner it's important to keep your wits about you.

    You made no sense.. but okay..
    My mom was at 300+lbs and did exactly that and lost 150lbs and got a trainer who told her that was perfect (as long as she wasn't hungry and binge eating) and its been working awesome for me and 2 other of my friends sooooooooooooooooo...........
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I never drop to 1200 calories ... it leads to binge eating for me. But, I say if you need them ... eat them. If not, don't. Some days I'm really hungry and need the extra, others I don't. Listen to your body and just don't go hungry ... you'll be fine.

    I totally agree.. If most days your 1200 calories work for you then awesome! I'm also at a 1200 cal at 196lbs and i'd say 97% of the time it's enough but of course you have hungry days..
    I never eat back my calories because the point of working out is to burn the calories you take in to loose weight and inorder to loose weight you need to burn more calories a day then you take in. Just be careful and make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need!
    I burn about 3000 a day and eat about 1200ish and have been loosing weight steady and feeling awesome!
    Hope I helped. :)

    Your reasoning makes no sense. Pick a deficit and run that deficit. The reason for picking a moderate deficit, rather than a really steep deficit, is that you want to actually look good at the end of the whole thing, not rush to a lower number on the scale and look like you cut corners.

    Slow and steady weight loss gets the best results. 1000 cal deficits are fine at higher body fat percentages, but as you get leaner it's important to keep your wits about you.

    You made no sense.. but okay..
    My mom was at 300+lbs and did exactly that and lost 150lbs and got a trainer who told her that was perfect (as long as she wasn't hungry and binge eating) and its been working awesome for me and 2 other of my friends sooooooooooooooooo...........

    I did say higher deficits are fine at higher body fat ranges.

    Exercise is about building fitness. Losing weight is done through eating less. Seen from that perspective, eating more when you work out becomes an issue of managing recovery. If you have tons of fat stores though, it's not a huge issue. On the other hand, the slowed you lose, the more time your skin has to adjust, which can help cut down on the loose skin thing.