Low-carbing as a Vegetarian

So, every diet that I see that's low carb seems to be predominantly meat. Which would be great except I'm a vegetarian. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how high carb my diet was until I started trying to cut them out. Any suggestions on food that I can eat, especially on the go, that isn't going to cost me a fortune?


  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Tofu is low carb. Also, some of the Morning star type products are low carb and high in protein but also have a ton of sodium.
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    If you're a vegetarian you CANT go low carb considering
    That is mainly what fruits and vegetables are comprised of.
    Carbs are minimally important anyways.
    Calories in<calories out= weight loss, no matter
    If you're, low carb,low fat,low protein,low whatever just eat
    Less than you burn.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Eggs. Cheese. Tofu. Enjoy
  • Yeah that's the thing, I noticed that most meat substitutes like Morningstar Farms had a ton of sodium. : / sad day!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Is this serious?
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    If I was you (and obviously I don't know your reasons for doing this), I would focus more on better carbs, rather than fewer carbs. I think you'll be fine if you eat a lot of whole grains, brown rice, brown pasta, etc. It seems to me that since you are already limiting your diet, it could be hard to keep a varied diet without carbs. But as I say, I don't know your reasons.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    lol. So...what the hell would you eat?
  • As for the "are you serious" thing, yes, I've been a vegetarian since I was like 8 years old, not even for health reasons. But I am trying to limit my carb intake to healthy carbs like fruits and veggise and try to eliminate most processed sugars. I am trying to get leaner, and while I'm building muscle I'd like to lose fat as well.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Nuts !

    Choose the low carb ones like almonds - a cup of almonds is over 800 calories but only 14g of net carbs (of which 6 are sugars).
  • Alphastate
    Alphastate Posts: 295 Member
    First, good for you for staying disciplined for so long! I'm going on 8 years now. I use protein shakes as my main low carb, high protein food. All the meatless products do have a ton of sodium, honestly something I just had to get over. I try to limit my sodium intake throughout the day in anticipation of those higher sodium meatless meals I usually have for dinner.
  • jennontheroad
    jennontheroad Posts: 142 Member
    I am taking Vega protein powder, it is vegan and all natural.
    I also eat cottage cheese.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If you think eating processed low carb, vegetarian food is healthy (or even ethical) then fly at it. Good luck. Otherwise, you should accept that vegetarian diets are high in carbs. My diet is high in fat, moderate in protein, low in carbs. I rely on animal foods to do that and I do it for health. Strange, but true.

    (Nevermind. If your goal is to weigh 95 pounds then I'm not sure health is your primary focus.)
  • Herohorse
    Herohorse Posts: 108
    Quest bars are a great vegetarian protein, on-the-go snack/ meal sub. I am also a low-carbing vegetarian. I took me some time to figure how to adjust my routine to it.

    Sargento's low fat mozzarella sticks are low-fat, low-cal and highish protein.

    Chocolate Covered Katie has a Protein Tofu French Fries. They are tasty, and if you can tolerate tofu well, they are great vegan protein traveling snack.

    Dry roasted unsalted soybeans from Now Foods are also great all around snack...

    I hope this helps!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Hello fellow veggie!
    Tofu, tempeh, protein power (vega sport choc-a-lot is really good), seitan, eggs, greek yogurt, cottage cheese if you can handle the texture!

    I've tried low carb before and it worked -- but I was super cranky and found myself to have really low energy levels. I just make sure to eat carbs within reason - fruits, vegetables, quinoa, rolled oats, brown rice, ezekiel bread, black beans, chick peas, etc! But yeah, just do what works best for you.
  • I'm a Vegetarian too (by choice) - I tend to stick with as much homemade food as I can. As long as you're getting some type of exercise I wouldn't worry about your carb intake (unless you're eating massive amounts of pasta and breads). You need carbs so your body can function - especially if you're burning a lot of calories through work-outs! I'm gluten free because of allergies, so some options are: I will premake quinoa early in the week and just mix it with salads, grilled veggies and tofu throughout the week for meals. For snacks I will stick with homemade hummus with cucumbers and celery or raw almonds or a vegan bar (I like the Go Raw Pumpkin Bar and the Gluten Free Cafe Lemon Sesame Bar). I also make mini polenta cakes that I can eat cold or hot, depending on if I'm in a rush. They're delicious with mozzarella!

    Ignore the negative comments on here, too - some people can't help that they're miserable and mean. Stick with what works for you! :) Good luck!
  • Alphastate
    Alphastate Posts: 295 Member
    If you think eating processed low carb, vegetarian food is healthy (or even ethical) then fly at it. Good luck. Otherwise, you should accept that vegetarian diets are high in carbs. My diet is high in fat, moderate in protein, low in carbs. I rely on animal foods to do that and I do it for health. Strange, but true.

    (Nevermind. If your goal is to weigh 95 pounds then I'm not sure health is your primary focus.)
    Ethical? Really? I can't help but notice a condescending tone. How ethical is it to make comments like this on a vegetarian's post if you're not one?
  • If you think eating processed low carb, vegetarian food is healthy (or even ethical) then fly at it. Good luck. Otherwise, you should accept that vegetarian diets are high in carbs. My diet is high in fat, moderate in protein, low in carbs. I rely on animal foods to do that and I do it for health. Strange, but true.

    (Nevermind. If your goal is to weigh 95 pounds then I'm not sure health is your primary focus.)
    Ethical? Really? I can't help but notice a condescending tone. How ethical is it to make comments like this on a vegetarian's post if you're not one?

    AGREED. There are countless arguments that show a vegetarian diet is actually much healthier than one filled with MEAT. Strange, but true.
  • RawCarrots
    RawCarrots Posts: 204 Member
    Just replying so I can follow this thread :wink:

    While I'm not a vegetarian I really don't like meat and eat it rarely. I'm not trying to go low carb but trying to cut down on carbs a bit and increase protein, it's really hard! I don't even meet my default MFP macros, let alone get 1g protein per lb body weight.

    Tried eating more eggs but got sick of them after two days, haven't been able to look at another egg for few weeks now. Tried eating nuts but fat is so high I go over on that, plus calories are quite high for amount of food you get, so I'm still hungry afterwards. I'm eating lentils and yogurt, and that's about it at the moment:blushing: Will be following this for more ideas!
  • If you think eating processed low carb, vegetarian food is healthy (or even ethical) then fly at it. Good luck. Otherwise, you should accept that vegetarian diets are high in carbs. My diet is high in fat, moderate in protein, low in carbs. I rely on animal foods to do that and I do it for health. Strange, but true.

    (Nevermind. If your goal is to weigh 95 pounds then I'm not sure health is your primary focus.)
    Ethical? Really? I can't help but notice a condescending tone. How ethical is it to make comments like this on a vegetarian's post if you're not one?

    Agreed. As far as the actual weight loss thing, I'm less concerned with a number and more concerned with the way that it looks on my body. I have a small frame; I'm 5'2 and a half or 5'3, so even a little extra weight shows. I'm not looking to starve myself; on the contrary I am trying to do this as healthily as possible. I am a commercial model and for that reason, my look is my job. I have to stay toned and fit as part of my job, which can be harder being a veg simply because carbs are an easy go-to source of food. Although saving the animals is not my primary reason for being a vegetarian, I support those who do that, and I support people who eat meat. It's your personal decision. But I'm not going to sit and lecture people about their diets/ life decisions.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I am LOWER carb and vegetarian. My diary is open to friends and I log every sip and bite.