I need help!

Today is my first day on this site and so far I love it and feel this will make a lot of difference in my weight lose journey. I am somewhat confused though... If my daily goal of calories is 1731 and I have consumed 1025, wouldn't this be good to have a deficit-weight loss? The automated message I got was I had too little and would go into starvation mode. Any help or advice would be great.


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    If your daily goal includes a weight loss assumption, which I assume it does, then try to eat near that number. Because it's a goal.

    Going crazy the first few days, eating well under target and "not feeling hungry" is normal. But eat anyway. Your objective is lifestyle change, not a 1-week record weight loss (which won't happen anyway).
  • Yes, that number contains a 2lbs/week, weight loss. I want to loose weight in the most healthy way possible. I have so much weight to lose I'm worried I will get saggy skin.. Normally I do not count calories or anything, I just eat what and when I want. Since I began counting calories and "actually" looking to see what is a serving I can tell that I'm not as hungry.
  • masterjosue
    masterjosue Posts: 11 Member
    If your daily goal includes a weight loss assumption, which I assume it does, then try to eat near that number. Because it's a goal.

    Going crazy the first few days, eating well under target and "not feeling hungry" is normal. But eat anyway. Your objective is lifestyle change, not a 1-week record weight loss (which won't happen anyway).

    Focus on your goal. Slow weight loss will be easier to maintain, and you'll be less likely to binge. Wish you the best!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    eat all the calories it says to it already took a big chunk out
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    it already has a deficit built in it, so eat that amount.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Since I began counting calories and "actually" looking to see what is a serving I can tell that I'm not as hungry.

    This is a very common mental effect for people just starting to diet. It's misleading at this point. Trust the plan, eat to target, and log accurately.
  • jbing07
    jbing07 Posts: 46 Member
    What everyone said above. The calories you are at now as a goal is much lower than the calories you were eating before you started focusing on your weight loss. Eat what it has you at now. Also, set up mini weight goals for your self. Maybe start out at losing 20 pounds, then from there, make another 20 pound goal and change your goals on your site. Good luck!
  • jmarie1967
    jmarie1967 Posts: 51 Member
    This site is accurate, your metabolism will go into starvation mode if you don't feed it. It seems odd, but it's true. It's also true that calories are calories, however, it is better for us to eat increased portions of veggies, fruit, lean protein, watch the fats, and eat good carbs. I myself am doing a very low carb diet right now since I just started, I will gradually add carbs back in. I find that I am not that hungry and staying away from carbs also helps to control blood sugars, no spikes in insulin. Sorry if this is too much info. Everyone is right, eat as close to your calorie goal as possible....foods high in fiber will help you feel fuller longer too. Good luck!
  • Thank you for all the replies. I had some more grilled chicken. Which I'm about to log. I'm completely surprised how hard all of a sudden it is to eat. Is there a cut off point when you should eat. I have been told not to eat after 6pm. Are calories just calories no matter when you have them? I notice that when I eat right before bed I eat too much and I feel like crap the next morning. Then I do not want breakfast and my workout is affected. It is a horrible cycle that I need to break.
  • Generally they want you to eat 1200 net calories a day minimum for safe and healthy weight loss. Some days I am under and it yells at me, but it is usually due to exercise or I had a veggie craving day. Oh, the net calories is your consumption minus what you've burned. Good luck. If you are sticking to your diet and exercise but aren't loosing weight in 5-6 weeks, consult your doctor.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Thank you for all the replies. I had some more grilled chicken. Which I'm about to log. I'm completely surprised how hard all of a sudden it is to eat. Is there a cut off point when you should eat. I have been told not to eat after 6pm. Are calories just calories no matter when you have them? I notice that when I eat right before bed I eat too much and I feel like crap the next morning. Then I do not want breakfast and my workout is affected. It is a horrible cycle that I need to break.

    It really doesn't matter when you eat, your body cannot tell time. That said, if you notice you have less energy in the morning after eating a lot right before bed the previous night, it might be a good idea to set up a food cut-off time. For energy and personal preference reasons, not because it will hinder your weight loss at all.

    Also, pay attention to WHAT you eat before bed that is making you feel like crap the next day. Are you scarfing down nachos and soda right before passing out? Or any food in general? Does simple, lower-calorie food do the same thing to you? That would be good information to have about yourself.
  • I scarf down quick to make junk food. I do not drink soda. Thankfully I gave that up 2 years ago. I lost some weight from nixing soda but I need to control myself in other areas.