Lose 5 pounds a month AUGUST 2010 CHALLENGE



  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    I will post the quinoa pilaf here in case anyone else wants it. It is from the book "Clean Food" by Terry Walters.

    1 cup quinoa
    1.5 cups water or vegetable stock
    1/4 cup currants (I omitted this.)
    1/2 cup marinated or roasted cipollini onions, quartered (I just used a red onion, not marinated.)
    1/4 cup diced fennel
    1/4 cup toasted pumpkin seeds
    1/4 cup toasted sunflower seeds
    1/4 cup toasted sliced almonds
    1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro or flat parsley (I used flat parsley.)
    1/4 cup EVOO
    2 tsp ume plum vinegar (I used red wine vinegar.)

    Put quinoa and water into a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until the water is absorbed (It takes about 15 minutes.) Let cool for a few minutes, then fold in currants, onions, fennel, seeds, nuts, and cilantro or parsley. Drizzle with olive oil and vinegar, and stir to mix it all in. Viola!

    When I made this, I changed the ingredients a bit (as you can see by my notes above) but I also sauteed the onion and fennel before adding it to the quinoa. It needed a little salt and pepper, and I probably added more vinegar than the recipe called for but it came out GREAT!

    ::EDIT:: I forgot to mention that you have to soak the quinoa first! This is important because.... I don't really know why. It has something to do with some kind of acid! I can never find a set length of time to soak it. Some people say 2 hours while others say 15 minutes. I buy it pre-washed but try to soak for some time in between those times anyways.

    the reason you need to soak the Quinoa first is to get rid of the "soappy" layer that covers the grains (coating of bitter-tasting saponins).. you will notice that each time you cover it with water you'll get that "soappy" layer.. get rid of it and re-do the washing until you no longer get that.. Removal of the saponin helps with digestion; the soapy nature of the compound makes it act as a laxative. The taste would be much better too. In any case most boxed quinoa has been pre-rinsed for convenience, but just re-rinse them again until you get rid of that soappy layer.
    Quiona is a very healthy grain originally from Peru that can be used just like Couscous (instead of white rice or pasta). It has tons of protein, fiber and iron..
    Happy eating
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Dounia- Where in Egypt is your friend from? I live in Egypt now and wondered if she is just visiting you there or lives there too? It would be fun to know if I live now where she is from originally? Sounds so fun to be doing all that dancing. I have not been dancing at all this week. but I have cleaned and unpacked like crazy getting ready to start teaching Sunday. I am kind of doing the last weeks cleaning challenge more than this weeks dancing one. I guess as usual I am about a week behind!!!!!! Story of my life.

    7 teachers that I work with took me out to dinner last night. FUN! and Jenn I agree men are dumb!! My husband forgot to even tell me Happy Birthday until half way thru the day. I am glad the girl friends remembered and came thru with a plan. MEN are so DUMB!

    Hi Phyljen
    My friend is originally from Cairo.. She has been living here in the States for 18 years now.. her kids are all born here (all three of them) and she has three of her cousins who live nearby.. It is so much fun when they are all together.. between the food, the dancing, the culture.. We just love it (you get to learn so much without leaving your home:)).
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member

    We are glad you are here! My starting weight at 5'8" was 190 and my goal was 160. I said that I could be "happy" at that goal. After starting to walk with a friend, which later turned into jogging, and logging my days on MFP, my 160 goal is now 145. I'm only a few pounds away and can 100% say that it NEVER would have happened without logging my days. That was my missing link. This website is a life changer and the people here can help with everything. :) Good luck!!!! :happy:
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    While I posted my success of the slammin' jeans, I need some prayers and encouragement so I don't have a back slide. Tomorrow, my mom is coming up for movies and drinks for her birthday and then Sunday we will be going to our annual trip to PA to put flowers on my grandma's grave (her birthday was my mom's too). While we are there for that somber occasion, we go to all of the happy places I enjoyed as a child when we would visit the grandparents. Shopping is financially tempting, but the famous frozen custard place and Gardner's Candy store will be my demise! I look forward to this time with my mom each year and believe my grandma would love that we do it, but I am also daydreaming about the chocolate store and what to buy. Really???? How do I do this day in "moderation"?

    Words of wisdom? :ohwell:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Jesse, would have loved to see you, the dog and the ducks.....how funny!!

    Bru--have never played laser tag but I bet it is fun...don't have anywhere around here to play...closest thing is paintball and I swear I need to try that...

    DId a great job at the farmers market---got corn, celery, watermelon, plums, peaches, cauliflower, strawberries, bananas and sweet potatoes....(I think that's it)....oh, and big sweet banana peppers.......the kids didn't kill me buying too much junk.... and burned good calories pushing the stroller.......

    have a great eveneing everyone
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    While I posted my success of the slammin' jeans, I need some prayers and encouragement so I don't have a back slide. Tomorrow, my mom is coming up for movies and drinks for her birthday and then Sunday we will be going to our annual trip to PA to put flowers on my grandma's grave (her birthday was my mom's too). While we are there for that somber occasion, we go to all of the happy places I enjoyed as a child when we would visit the grandparents. Shopping is financially tempting, but the famous frozen custard place and Gardner's Candy store will be my demise! I look forward to this time with my mom each year and believe my grandma would love that we do it, but I am also daydreaming about the chocolate store and what to buy. Really???? How do I do this day in "moderation"?

    Words of wisdom? :ohwell:

    you hit it right.. Moderation..
    it is fabulous that you get to have that mother-daughter bonding.. Enjoy it.. walk everywhere [if you can get an early run while everyone is asleep in the morning, then do it] and eat everything in moderation.. Don't deprive yourself.. a little taste of everything is very satisfying..
    have fun
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I have been doing TERRIBLE this week! My best friend was on vacation so I guess I was on vacation, too! :sad: I am not gonna weigh myself this week because I really don't want to see the damage! I did log my calories today and plan on having a great week after tomorrow. Tomorrow, I am going to go have adult beverages with some friends. I know I will go over my calories but I usually don't drink. I have to get that scale moving back in the right direction!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I did HORRIBLE today. Both of my Grandparents are in the hospital right now, so I've been sitting there all day. We had huge baked potatoes for lunch but I did drink water LOL.
    I got in 30 mins last night and tonight. So hopefully at least that and water will help me.
    What are some things that you snack on during the day? I need ideas badly!
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    I did HORRIBLE today. Both of my Grandparents are in the hospital right now, so I've been sitting there all day. We had huge baked potatoes for lunch but I did drink water LOL.
    I got in 30 mins last night and tonight. So hopefully at least that and water will help me.
    What are some things that you snack on during the day? I need ideas badly!

    My fav snacks now a days are: Popcorn, Indiana Cinnamon Kettle Corn (AMAZING and low calories), Diamond Butter Toffee Almond (good for you and not bad on sugar), Jello Mousse Temp. Chocolate MINT (yum and NO sugar), Jello Cinnamon Roll pudding (also no sugar), and Special K Strawberry Crisps (like thin poptarts) I have a crazy sweet tooth and have been strongly watching my added sugar. These have made my summer very satisfying. I'd love to hear other ideas too. Oh, yeah, I found all of these at Walmart!

    **I'll be praying for you and your grandparents** :heart: Hang in there
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    I did HORRIBLE today. Both of my Grandparents are in the hospital right now, so I've been sitting there all day. We had huge baked potatoes for lunch but I did drink water LOL.
    I got in 30 mins last night and tonight. So hopefully at least that and water will help me.
    What are some things that you snack on during the day? I need ideas badly!

    how are your grandparents doing?? Hard at times like this...last thing you need to worry about is eating.....but snacks....i like the 100 cal pack of anything almost.....and I always carry a bag of almonds with me just in case.....I also like fiber bars (quick, easy to take and filling)......hope this helps!!!......hang in there
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    I've been doing pretty good this week... I'm actually kind of excited about weighing in tomorrow morning! :)
  • I did HORRIBLE today. Both of my Grandparents are in the hospital right now, so I've been sitting there all day. We had huge baked potatoes for lunch but I did drink water LOL.
    I got in 30 mins last night and tonight. So hopefully at least that and water will help me.
    What are some things that you snack on during the day? I need ideas badly!

    I hope your grandparents are OK. Sending positive vibes your way!

    For snacking, I eat a lot of nuts and seeds. My boyfriend also makes jerky and dried fruits for us to snack on. Today, we made little "sandwiches" out of apples, almond butter, raisins, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. They were delicious and will definitely be one of our usual snacks now!
  • well im going to give this a go at moment only thing ive moved are my fingers on the keyboard but im going toleave you all right now and go out and clean the house a bit
    i know i know not very good effort but at moment its my best effort
    i will however try some stretching while im picking things up and from their i will walk up and down the back yard twice im on a double block so its to cold to really want to be out their but although i sound very slack these few things is better than my normal daily challenge of just getting out of bed before 700am and staying out
    ill fill u in on what i actually achieve or don't achieve
    so ...to the laundry , then the kitchen to wash and put dishes away a quick clean of the bathroom
    full vac of whole house and then out side to clean up yard a bit from all the crap i just left their when i pruned last week
    my current weight is 11 i/2 stone
    lets see if i can get to ten and stay their
  • nurseenf
    nurseenf Posts: 26 Member
    It's going a little slower this month, but at least I am in the 140s. Haven't been there in years!

    8/1/10 150.6
    8/13/10 149.4
  • Yes! Me too!!
  • well i did vac the front sun room
    i cleaned the pruning s i cooked tea but it looks so small im still hungry before i eat it
    this is going to be harder than i thought i soooooooooo love food
    i did some wash and i folded stuff i guess this is not really what losing weight is about im guessing i need to really devise a plan of attack suggestions anyone
    to just get me started
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    This week has been good to me :smile: I'm finally starting to notice a change when I'm wearing my clothes..I can now fit into one of my old Size 10 UK shirts although it is too short now :laugh: and I can put on my jeans without unbuttoning them so have to wear a belt now to keep them up! I cant wait for my next weigh in :blushing:

    Hope everyone else has had a good week and hope your weekend is good too!
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    I weighed in this morning... 3 more lbs lost! woohoo!

    July 31- 192.5

    August 8- 190.5

    August 14- 187.4

    Only half way through the month and I've already met the challenge! Now let's see how much more I can lose! I'm going to schedule my hair cut (my 1st reward) today!!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    I weighed in this morning... 3 more lbs lost! woohoo!

    July 31- 192.5

    August 8- 190.5

    August 14- 187.4

    Only half way through the month and I've already met the challenge! Now let's see how much more I can lose! I'm going to schedule my hair cut (my 1st reward) today!!!

    Sara--Way to go....you really have the hang of this.....Get a nice hair cut (though it looks like you have pretty hair anyway)...

    Good morning everyone......hoping to get another 30 min old gym workout in...don't think I am going to get a new food in...but I am going to try dancing with the kids (probably won't make 90 min quota)....have a WONDERFUL day everyone!!
  • I just started here at MFP on Monday. I've been 95% good with my food choices, staying within the calorie ranges and exercising at least 4 out of the 5 days. Wednesday was my birthday. I ate A LOT and didn't exercise. However, I got right back into the grove on Thursday. I've gone to the gym twice this week and rode my horse 3 times. I've been drinking ALL my water and more. I stepped on the scale this morning and gained 2lbs. I'm hoping this is just a result from over-eating on Wednesday and that by Monday it will reflect a loss.

    Any thoughts on this?
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