Good Morning America is going to talk about us

Good Mornig America is going to feature a report this morning, 8/14/2010, about websites like My Fitness Pal and other weight loss peer type sites.
If you happen to see it, post your thoughts.


  • snookeroo
    snookeroo Posts: 1,992 Member
    Very bad spin
    "Humiliation Dieting" That is not what this site is about! This site works! No humilitation. Great support and advice.
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    I didn't catch it, but if it was that bad I'd write in and let them know.:noway:
  • soundofsong
    I think that if people were feeling humiliated they wouldn't be losing weight.. would they?! This site rules.
  • veganon50
    Hi all
    I am in the UK, so let me know what the programme said? Was it negative? It would be a great shame if it was - this is such a supportive network and definitely not humiliating at all!!
    One of the things I love about this site is how it is about loving yourself as you are and making positive changes, not hating yourself and deprivation.
    If the programme is really biased, maybe people should write in, as suggested? It would be a shame if it put people off finding the support we have all found from this site.
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
  • snookeroo
    snookeroo Posts: 1,992 Member

    Thanks for posting the link!
    They mainly talked about Twitter. But, yea, I would say it was negative. Just listen to the inflection in the reporters voice.
    Their guest thought there were more cons about these sites than pros.
    I agree with Soundofsong. If we were being humiliated, why would you come on here at all.
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    They were specifically talking about twitter on ABC news. I think MFP is! You know,it does not matter much what anyone says about MFP..........Myself and alot of others are proof positive that this site works....................enough said:wink:
  • tamalea
    tamalea Posts: 107 Member
    I watched it online. They talk about negative dieting - humiliation, and yet the only thing I have ever found negative is them. I see it as accountability. I think it is amazing how almost all diets promote a food diary, however if it is online and public it is humiliation. Whatever.......
  • aimstein
    aimstein Posts: 94
    There was a lady on the Today Show last week....she was on the Joy Fit Club segment. She had lost 153 pounds in around a year and she stated when she decided to lose the weight her friend told her about MFP. She said she used the site for support and motivation to lose the weight. That was about all that was mentioned about MFP, but it was positive. Proof MFP works! Have a great weekend everyone and keep pushing forward!!
  • coniconstance
    coniconstance Posts: 321 Member
    Humiliation Diet is not the eating plan I'm on. There was some good points in the clip, like accountability, support, group atmosphere.. just that title though HUMILIATION. WTF I've never heard that used here.. nor have I ever had that feeling here.
  • stringcheeze
    I see it as accountability.

    This, and support! Really. Sharing your successes (or set backs) helps to motivate yourself and others. You'll only be humiliated if you want to be, but in reality, we should all be extremely proud of ourselves for wanting to do something healthy!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    There was a lady on the Today Show last week....she was on the Joy Fit Club segment. She had lost 153 pounds in around a year and she stated when she decided to lose the weight her friend told her about MFP. She said she used the site for support and motivation to lose the weight. That was about all that was mentioned about MFP, but it was positive. Proof MFP works! Have a great weekend everyone and keep pushing forward!!
    That's our Tamara:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    First, it's not about MFP, so it's okay.
    Second, I NEVER felt humiliated here. Seriously, I have NEVER had so much support and friendly comments from people.
    Third, seriously, I share more private informations on facebook than here. It's up to every single person how much they tell about their lives, their weights, their foods.
    MFP has nothing to do with humiliation dieting.

    Sure, in one point they are right (but that's true for every diet - and we all know MFP is a life change, not a diet at all) ... you have to be careful who you are listening to. Being akinny ndoesn't mean you are healthy. But this community is so huge and supportive that I barely believe someone would get the wrong advice. There are so many opinios and point of views, in the end every single person is accountable for the decisions they make. We are adults, no kids that have to be hold hands with.
    Just my two cents ... :flowerforyou:
  • countrymama08
    I think the reporter was negative and the media has given the name "humiliation" diet. I really don't see that here. The one point I did like was her talking about seeing a registered dietitian. I see a lot of people on here tell new people, you need to ____ (insert their opinion here). I think that might set some people up for failure or feeling bad about their choices.

    A WW leader once said....
    Eating in private, shows in public.

    So why not post what I eat.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I didn't see anything about MFP...did I miss something? It seemed to be all about Twitter and their group they have.

    It definitely generalized quite a bit and I imagine the dietician popped open a site or two but never joined any sites and stuck around for long to really see any group in action. There are days on here and of course other groups that a thread will start off with 'I'm Fat & Ugly' etc., not too many but sometimes when a person is feeling low it happens. Looks like she took a quick glance at other site and decided they were all about that?

  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    That was totally not us. They were talking more about Twitter, and didn't talk at all about the tools we have here. They didn't get the point either.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    The one point I did like was her talking about seeing a registered dietitian.
    I agree, this can help SO much because then it's individualized and not generalized. Because each of us really are very different in our needs.
  • LostButterfly
    LostButterfly Posts: 38 Member
    Just watched the video.... ridiculous! This site & having the support on here is what has helped me lose 67 lbs since May!

    I noticed a comment box to the right of the video, maybe we should flood it with comments and support for this site.
    Let them know that sharing with others is a form of support not humiliation!
  • everyoung
    everyoung Posts: 67 Member
    I agree, this site is great, both my friend and I lost so much weight from the support and motivation of this site. Without the site, I am still a FAT lady. I lost over 70lbs and my friend lost even more (she won't tell me but i can tell); we love MFP, it's the best!
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    If you choose to make (or not make) your food journal public, how can there be humiliation?

    What are we.. sub/doms? Hardly!

    This reporter didn't find the lurid exposee she was looking for, apparently. So how does a reporter cover the story? Make it borderline sensational so people will read it.

    I do so wish the reporters would clue in that we want to read happy stories too.

    Btw, reporter, if you are reading this after the fact, think about the fact that you are supposed to be giving an accurate picture, not some C- grade report in elementary school. Hike up your pants and join MFP!
