Looking for Bodybuilding Friends :)


I'm not new to MFP, I've got some fab friends so far through this site. I lost 33lbs last year and I'm back this year with a view to losing more & going into bodybuilding.
Looking for lots of inspiration, like minded friends :)

If thats you then feel free to send me an add :D


  • Darryl4126
    Darryl4126 Posts: 267 Member
    Yes I agree I also want to discuss weight lifting routines and not hear about thyroid issues bad backs I am tired of the whining that goes on in these message boards OK I am over my rant
    I will gladly help you I have been lifting since I was 18 yrs old whoa thats been 21 years and I know the exercises that will help you but 70% of it is eating right took me a long time to figure that out . So I will send you a request
  • Nano1360
    Nano1360 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey! I also lost 25.lbs last year! I just recently updated my goals so I'm going for full body transformation! I am aiming to see my 6 pack by the end of summer!
    Eating clean and 5-6 times a week work out (lifting and cardio). I love studying about fitness since knowledge is almost as important as work out! would love to have some one with similar goals in my journey!
    feel free to add me!
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    I'd love to add you as a friend. I've already lost 65lbs, but now I'm taking a new approach.
  • karen19711
    karen19711 Posts: 99 Member
    I like BB too. Add me. Smile K xo
  • agata44
    agata44 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey guys,

    You could add me as well. :) I started lifting weights as i want to maintain more muscles. I have never had big problems with being overweight but was always the skinny fat type. Would be great to have someone in friends having the same approach. Cheers Agata :)
  • ernestbecker
    ernestbecker Posts: 232 Member
    Add me. I'm looking to gain 10 lbs and maintain below 10% BF. I insist that people who invite me have measurable goals, share food and workouts, you do, and post a new pick every 3 months.