Continuing to sweat after shower

Why is it that the body continues to sweat after you get out of the shower after a work out. I get on the elliptical and work up a really nice sweat. Then I jump in the shower to cool off and even after a 10-15 minute shower I get out and continue to sweat!! Why does the body do this??


  • fierydeluge
    My PT told me that this is afterburn. He advise me to cool off after workout if I don't wanna sweat after showering.
  • grandevampire
    Why is it that the body continues to sweat after you get out of the shower after a work out. I get on the elliptical and work up a really nice sweat. Then I jump in the shower to cool off and even after a 10-15 minute shower I get out and continue to sweat!! Why does the body do this??

    Is your heart rate back down to resting when you hop in the shower? If you shower right after stopping and your heart rate is not back to resting, your body is still "working out", and you haven't actually cooled down.

    To avoid the shower that "doesn't take" (George Costanza), wait 10- 15 minutes, drink some water, do some stretching. Then you won't need...two showers. :)
  • triskaidekaphile13
    triskaidekaphile13 Posts: 92 Member
    I've showered, got dressed, driven to work (35 minutes) and got out of the car and am still sweating! I've just learned to cope with it and continue to drink loads of water to compensate.
  • grandevampire
    I've showered, got dressed, driven to work (35 minutes) and got out of the car and am still sweating! I've just learned to cope with it and continue to drink loads of water to compensate.

    The other contributing factor may be that the more you work out and get fitter, the more readily your body starts (restarts, in this case?) sweating, especially if you drink loads of water. Nowadays I start dripping just going up some stairs or walking around. Not tired at all, but my body gets right down to cooling off without any hesitation.
  • edcardenas1227
    Why is it that the body continues to sweat after you get out of the shower after a work out. I get on the elliptical and work up a really nice sweat. Then I jump in the shower to cool off and even after a 10-15 minute shower I get out and continue to sweat!! Why does the body do this??

    Is your heart rate back down to resting when you hop in the shower? If you shower right after stopping and your heart rate is not back to resting, your body is still "working out", and you haven't actually cooled down.

    To avoid the shower that "doesn't take" (George Costanza), wait 10- 15 minutes, drink some water, do some stretching. Then you won't need...two showers. :)

    I LOVE any and all Seinfeld quotes or sayings. Too funny!!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    A cold shower will solve the problem.