Simple Changes that Last?



  • Brenda4105
    Brenda4105 Posts: 117 Member
    I don't keep any type of treats in the house that I like. Ice cream is a serious trouble food for me, so the only kind I don't like is Mint Chocolate chip, guess what my family gets if they want ice cream. I keep things like baby carrots, celery, fruits, nuts that I can put in snack sized baggies to take to work. Pack your lunches and snacks. I keep extra snacks in my deck that are weight friendly so if someone brings in a treat that I really shouldn't indulge in, I can have my own snack and not feel left out.
    I also am a chocolate freak. I found that chocolate Krave cereal, is great. I am not a cereal eater, so this was big for me. I put the measured amount in a baggie and eat it as a snack, dry. The small bite sized pieces are a perfect finger food. A serving (2/3 cup) is only 120 calories.
    I hate to exercise in the traditional sense. I have tried and tried to make it fit my schedule/life and I just can't seem to stick to it. So I try to do other types of thing that involve getting off my backside and moving. I do like to garden and be outside, so if I get bored and want to eat I will go pull some weeds or wander around the yard and look at my flowers. I have gotten lots of little projects done this way. Make a list of things you want/need to do but either haven't gotten to or had time to do. Then when your bored or stressed want to eat feelings start - pick one and go do it. I have cleaned closets, swept the garage, painted, etc. This keeps you busy, not thinking about food and gets those little projects caught up.
    These are a few of the things that work for me. Best of luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • ctinawilson
    ctinawilson Posts: 127 Member
    To stop myself going over my carb macros, I've replaced portions of pasta / rice / potatoes in an evening meal with an extra side of vegetables - root veggies particularly like carrots and parsnips give me the carbs I need without going way over.

    I know it sounds small, but its made a huge difference to how I feel and helped me stick to my macros.
  • russellbrand69
    russellbrand69 Posts: 132 Member
    Lots of great advice here. Mine:

    - I only drink water - no soda, ever. Water now tastes sweet to me, but it took some time. Sipping water all day helped me stop smoking, and it's helping me lose weight now. It's free and it is my best friend.
    - I'm in Ireland, so most socializing out is done around booze. I have 2 large glasses of water for every alcoholic drink I have. I drink about 30% of what I used to, but still get to have a laugh with my friends and family.
    - No fast food, ever. I do go out to eat once or twice a week, but a meal in a proper restaurant. So I only eat out if it will take 1 and half hours or more, and I have a great time.
    - To help with no fast food, have a small packet of brazil nuts in your bag or at work. Three of those are a lovely snack that will keep hunger at bay till it's time to eat a proper meal.
  • sophiegrace543
    sophiegrace543 Posts: 143 Member
    I've got a crazy sweet tooth and I've just starting being healthy again after a few weeks of completely abandoning any healthy eating/working out so I'm currently limiting myself to one unhealthy thing a day. If I go to Starbucks and get a latte in the afternoon then I won't have some chocolate after dinner, things like that.
    If I do give in to cravings such as Starbucks, I give in as healthy as possible, for example, ordering the smallest size drink, splitting something with a friend, having sorbet instead of ice cream etc.
    I'm not a big fan of water and sometimes, mostly with my main meal, I can't stand to drink just water (I'm working on it though!) so I have water with a sugar free squash (or barley water squash because the barley is really good for you). For anyone who lives in the UK (I'm not sure if they sell it in other countries): Ribena's new 'Plus' range is really good because it's got no added sugar, they're in interesting flavours and they contain extra vitamins, minerals etc.
    I've also been recently trying the '15 minutes' tactic. If I'm craving something I say 'If I'm still craving in 15 minutes, I'll have something to eat'. 15 minutes later, if I'm still craving, I think exactly the same thing and so on!
    One of the biggest problems that I've had is finding healthy meals that are easy to make, interesting and something that my whole family will eat and enjoy (we never have separate meals and very rarely eat different things so I have to consider the fact that the rest of my family aren't losing weight like I am) but I've found that the recipes on Skinnytaste fit all of that criteria.
  • roundbutsound
    roundbutsound Posts: 18 Member
    I want to keep this thread to refer back to it How can I do that?:smile:
  • Fabulous_Fit
    These posts are awesome! Thank you to those who took the time to post on here, seriously, such a big help. I loved the ideas and the inspirational quotes! Keep them coming ;)
  • skinnylady2014
    skinnylady2014 Posts: 101 Member
    Just now read all of these tips!! Thanks for sharing! They are extremely helpful!!!!