"Lifestyle Change" Feeling great :)

kmarsh10 Posts: 5 Member
I have been battling with weight roller-coasters my whole life. Some of it physically and some of it mentally. I say that because when I was in high-school, I thought I was a fat cow ... now that I look back at pictures, I see that it was primarily in my head due to insecurities and low self esteem. Now I am 20+ years older and I am happier in my life that I have ever been! I have more confidence in myself. I am a better person for me, for my family, for my Dwayne, for my career, etc. It is so true that happiness comes from within, from there, I think its cakewalk. Who'd a thunk that with just happiness, everything else trickles down into a world of positive direction(s). So, with that said, as of today (8/14), I have been tracking my calories on this site since Monday 6/21 and have lost a total of 18.6lbs in seven weeks . No starving, no wishing I could eat something I can't, nothing. It has just been that easy. Why? Because of my mental mindframe. If I want pizza, I eat it, but I eat a salad before and take into consideration the amount of calories if I eat 3 slices versus 1.5. I have also trained myself to eat when I am hungry, not just because. I never (very rarely) have that "stuffed" feeling like I am going to explode. I love it! I hope all of you can get to that same place (if you aren't already). I wish everyone much success in feeling comfortable with themselves, their health, their size, their energy levels, etc. I have not started to work-out yet, but I plan to soon. Finally, it feels so much better losing weight than it does gaining it :)

I have tried just about every "diet" possible. None of them successful (longerterm). Tracking my calories (good or bad) has been the easiest "lifestyle change". I am not calling it a diet, I will continue to eat healthy and exercise even when I hit my goal weight (57-67 more lbs to go). I feel great, I feel comfortable again in my clothes and can't wait to fit into all of the cute clothes I still have but cannot fit into.

I plan to live at least to my eighties, preferably nineties and in order to do so, I need a lifestyle change. I figure I'm 39, and have lived 1/2 of my life unhealthy (for the most part), so I am ready to make changes to live the 2nd 1/2 of my life - a healthier person. I also plan to have children in the very near future, I want to live on this earth as long as possible to spend as much time as possible with my family!

Cheers to all and good luck with your journey :)


  • Sonflower
    Hi there,
    I know how you feel..a lifestyle change is the best way to do this.

    I have gradually changed so much and I am so happy about it, feel free to add me as a friend, I have been on this journey a long time...I lost 105 lbs about 5 years ago and I have gained 50 of it back and now I just want 30 of it gone, so 6 weeks ago I starting changing little things...

    So if I can help just ask...

    I know what skinny taste like and it does taste so good..well I now would just like to be a normal size and not fat..LOL
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    I plan to live at least to my eighties, preferably nineties and in order to do so, I need a lifestyle change. I figure I'm 39, and have lived 1/2 of my life unhealthy (for the most part), so I am ready to make changes to live the 2nd 1/2 of my life - a healthier person. I also plan to have children in the very near future, I want to live on this earth as long as possible to spend as much time as possible with my family!

    Cheers to all and good luck with your journey :)

    Your entire post was beautiful, and I especially liked the quote above. You get it. Cheers to you!
  • kmarsh10
    kmarsh10 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you Sonflower! You are quite an inspiration! I would love to add you as a friend. Thank you for your input. I'm sure you'll shed your 30 lbs in no time. I can't wait to get to my goal weight, but I can see how getting to your goal weight is one challenge, and staying at that weight can pose other challenges.

    I just bought a beach-cruiser (with gears of course) - lol. Its been a while since I"ve riden a bike (I've owned bikes my whole life, but honestly, I cant remember the last time I rode one regularly - high school? I am so excited though. I am working on our second room this weekend ... it is/will be our office and gym. I have a stationary bike, one of those large blow-up balls, an ab-roller, a workout bench and weights. As I mentioned, I have not yet started a regular work-out plan, but I can't wait to start this week :)

    Thanks again and have a great weekend!
  • kmarsh10
    kmarsh10 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you balance09, I am just loving this journey! It feels great ... and thus far, it has been quite simple. I do find that the weekdays are so much easier than the weekends (we tend to eat out or have a couple drinks on the weekends), but I am still conscious of my calorie intake and I track each and everything that enters my mouth, good or bad. I don't kill myself doing it and my botfriend is so supportive. I am learning to cook healthier, well, thats a lie ... I am learning to cook - lol, but I love finding ways to cook the same meals for the two of us, but I alter mine or measure mine accordingly. I have an office job and he is a contractor, so obviously he needs the additional calorie intake.

    Thank you for your kind words and have a great weekend!
  • sergeant771
    Thank you Kim for sharing with us. We are a 'Band of Brothers/Sisters' when it comes to this issue of struggling with weight. We've all 'been there-done that' and share very similar thoughts and feelings.

    I hate the 'diet' word. Since March 12th I've been on MFP. March 20th was my first full week weigh in and I lost 4.5 pounds. My weight diary entry on that date is 'THE PLAN WORKS!'. I've felt in control of my weight ever since. My goal was 220 and I've been below that for a couple weeks now and am confident I'll stay there.
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