Weight training - measurements not changing

Hi everyone. i have been on MFP since March and have about 20 pounds left to lose. I have been taking a weight training class twice a week for about 3 months now. We use weight machines, free weights & our body weight for the 35-40 minute class. I am thrilled to see a little bit of definition in my arms & legs!

I am not so thrilled to see the scale staying on the same number, or my measurements staying the same. Here's the thing I don't understand-- my clothes are fitting a little differently, but my measurements have not charged at all since starting the weight training! Has anyone else experienced this? Or can help me understand this? I'm getting frustrated & am teetering on the edge of saying "the heck with it!"

Thank you for any feedback you may have to offer.


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Are you tracking your food every day? Every single thing you eat? Do you weigh and measure all of your food?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Are you tracking your food every day? Every single thing you eat? Do you weigh and measure all of your food?


    Exercise is only accounts for 20-30% of weight management. The rest is about your calorie intake.
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    Try doing a bit more cardio, that will help drop the weight and should change the measurements a bit more. Don't forget also, with all of the weight training you are doing, you will be gaining muscle, and losing fat, so your weight will fluctuate. Try reducing your complex carb intake, and applying some greek yogurt into your diet and green tea (both of these are great for eliminating belly fat.) and make sure your monitor and properly count your food portioning.

    Never give up, there is always a point where you feel like giving up, but you have to dedicate yourself to what your doing and persevere.

    A little inspirational quote that helps me:

    "It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things."
    ~ Leonardo da Vinci

    Keep pushing, and try adjusting your sugar, and carb intake and try doing a bit more cardio to trim and burn calories and lbs.

  • Trytogethealthy1
    Trytogethealthy1 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you for the replies. To answer the question about food tracking - I do weigh out & track my food. MFP has me at 1240 cals per day & I do currently eat my exercise calories (which I determine by wearing my HRM). I will say that the past month I have been good on my food intake about 75% of the time. I gave myself a good talking to last week & am now tracking successfully every day.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Thank you for the replies. To answer the question about food tracking - I do weigh out & track my food. MFP has me at 1240 cals per day & I do currently eat my exercise calories (which I determine by wearing my HRM). I will say that the past month I have been good on my food intake about 75% of the time. I gave myself a good talking to last week & am now tracking successfully every day.

    Then you need to keep tracking 100% of the time and wait.

    If you've only been giving it 100% for the past week, that's probably not enough time for a change in measurements. That lack of 25% previously is what has been holding you back.