Cabot Greek Style Yogurt- Please read while not eating



  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member

    That is disgusting, but I don't think it was human or cow skin but most likely was a mold culture derived from the whey protein fillers that could have solidified and become almost gelatinous, which could resemble skin.

    It could have been that or possibly a piece of fish skin - need to check and see if it is manufactured in a plant that processes fish.

    Here is a full list of ingredients of Cabot:

    Cabot Greek-style Yogurt - Ingredients: Pasteurized milk, cream, Whey protein concentrate, Milk protein concentrate, Live Active Yogurt Cultures: Acidophilus, Bifidus, L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus, Vitamins A,C,D,E. --- The fake ingredients are: Whey protein concentrate, Milk protein concentrate
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    Chances are that where the yoghurt is made that other things will be made too, and some of those might well have skin (like someone else said, maybe salmon?). There is most likely a very normal reason for cross contamination, and I think it's highly unlikely that it was human skin...

    There's only one way to ensure that you know exactly what is in your food, and that's to make it yourself, yup, even yoghurt. Unfortunately the company doesn't have anything other than your story, so it'll be difficult for them to investigate it. Even though you found it repulsive, if you wanted to know the outcome then you should have kept the foreign body (pun intended :tongue: ) and sent it to them, at least then they'd have something to track. Have you at least provided them with the production code off the container?

    Yes. I kept the container and gave them all of the information on it.

    From what I understand Cabot only makes cheese and yogurt... the may make other things.. I can't imagine why they might have fish there.

    We do mostly eat things we make ourselves at home... yogurt was one of the few pre-processed things that we buy.
  • emyishardcore
    emyishardcore Posts: 352 Member
    That's awful!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member

    That is disgusting, but I don't think it was human or cow skin but most likely was a mold culture derived from the whey protein fillers that could have solidified and become almost gelatinous, which could resemble skin.

    It could have been that or possibly a piece of fish skin - need to check and see if it is manufactured in a plant that processes fish.

    Here is a full list of ingredients of Cabot:

    Cabot Greek-style Yogurt - Ingredients: Pasteurized milk, cream, Whey protein concentrate, Milk protein concentrate, Live Active Yogurt Cultures: Acidophilus, Bifidus, L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus, Vitamins A,C,D,E. --- The fake ingredients are: Whey protein concentrate, Milk protein concentrate

    exactly the same link I was going to post.

    greek STYLE yogurt =/= greek yogurt.
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    well, I guess I have a stronger stomach than most as I kept on eating my yogurt bar (not cabot!) while reading this!

    that said, you should have kept what you found for a number of reasons, most especially if you were worried about other people ingesting it in their yogurt. It's hard if not impossible for Cabot to investigate the batch at al without anyway to identify it, even if they did take you seriously.

    I doubt it was cow skin as there is a long line of things between the cow and the yogurt. I also doubt it was human skin the way you described it.

    possibly it was some sort of gelatinous fermented product, or mold. Often they are pinkish and smell fishy/wormy.

    Sorry for your shocking experience, maybe it means you should be eating slightly less yogurt?

    As for those who are not familiar with Cabot, it's a fairly small scale New England dairy which I doubt gets shipped all that far South or West. I would think being located in Vermont and being smaller than most it would probably have a better quality control ethic than most.
    I've always enjoyed their cheeses!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    There's no possible way it could be cow skin. The milk is taken using a machine which has pretty small hoses and then run through filters on the way to the bulk tank, from which it is pumped into a tanker truck and taken to the plant. If the filters weren't on, the milk would fail QC due to hairs, dirt, etc. which get sucked in and caught on the filter.

    I'm really going with skin of pink mold.
  • lisab0864
    lisab0864 Posts: 154
    Totally gross!!! Just another reason to avoid factory made/processed foods.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I just threw up in my mouth a little. :sick:
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    Cabot is the bee's knees around here! I've gone on a tour of the facility myself!

    I'm sorry you had this experience, but as a New Englander, I would encourage people to still try Cabot's cheeses and milks. They are the best!
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    well, I guess I have a stronger stomach than most as I kept on eating my yogurt bar (not cabot!) while reading this!

    that said, you should have kept what you found for a number of reasons, most especially if you were worried about other people ingesting it in their yogurt. It's hard if not impossible for Cabot to investigate the batch at al without anyway to identify it, even if they did take you seriously.

    I doubt it was cow skin as there is a long line of things between the cow and the yogurt. I also doubt it was human skin the way you described it.

    possibly it was some sort of gelatinous fermented product, or mold. Often they are pinkish and smell fishy/wormy.

    Sorry for your shocking experience, maybe it means you should be eating slightly less yogurt?

    As for those who are not familiar with Cabot, it's a fairly small scale New England dairy which I doubt gets shipped all that far South or West. I would think being located in Vermont and being smaller than most it would probably have a better quality control ethic than most.
    I've always enjoyed their cheeses!

    Yes. I don't want people to misunderstand. Cabot is great. It's a coop and they are located in Vermont and are very open about their manufacturing practices and a person answered the phone when I called. I didn't get a machine that can't be said for most companies. I appreciate all of those things, and like you said... I should have kept it... but I didn't. I just want people to know so they don't eat anything like that. Whatever this thing was in is already out there.. on supermarket shelves. The container I was eating out of expired June 20. So if you're eating anything that expires after that date then I imagine you would be in the clear.

    I really, really don't think it was mold. I don't, but I'm not a scientist... it was two shades of pink... light on one side and dark on the other and very chewy and it smelled terrible.
  • Chickyjd
    Chickyjd Posts: 131 Member
    OMG that is disgusting! Holding back urge to puke! Poor you though having to go through that :(
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    well, I guess I have a stronger stomach than most as I kept on eating my yogurt bar (not cabot!) while reading this!

    that said, you should have kept what you found for a number of reasons, most especially if you were worried about other people ingesting it in their yogurt. It's hard if not impossible for Cabot to investigate the batch at al without anyway to identify it, even if they did take you seriously.

    I doubt it was cow skin as there is a long line of things between the cow and the yogurt. I also doubt it was human skin the way you described it.

    possibly it was some sort of gelatinous fermented product, or mold. Often they are pinkish and smell fishy/wormy.

    Sorry for your shocking experience, maybe it means you should be eating slightly less yogurt?

    As for those who are not familiar with Cabot, it's a fairly small scale New England dairy which I doubt gets shipped all that far South or West. I would think being located in Vermont and being smaller than most it would probably have a better quality control ethic than most.
    I've always enjoyed their cheeses!

    Yes. I don't want people to misunderstand. Cabot is great. It's a coop and they are located in Vermont and are very open about their manufacturing practices and a person answered the phone when I called. I didn't get a machine that can't be said for most companies. I appreciate all of those things, and like you said... I should have kept it... but I didn't. I just want people to know so they don't eat anything like that. Whatever this thing was in is already out there.. on supermarket shelves. The container I was eating out of expired June 20. So if you're eating anything that expires after that date then I imagine you would be in the clear.

    I really, really don't think it was mold. I don't, but I'm not a scientist... it was two shades of pink... light on one side and dark on the other and very chewy and it smelled terrible.

    well the process to make yogurt is basically a sort of fermentation, and with the Greek yogurt, they just strain/let it sit longer, so I am in favour of that particular batch just setting a bit badly and creating a more gelatinous product. It is basically milk left out in the heat for hours, after all!

    I hope you do get over your horrible experience, as I do agree, in general Cabot's products are terrific, and seem far better quality than most.
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    Gag!!! Thanks for the heads up!
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member

  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I worked at a commercial bakery for several summers in college and that cured me of any food squeamishness. I draw the line at things processed in China but as far as what you found in the Cabot yogurt that resembled skin -- it might have been formed by casein which is part of what coagulates in milk to make cheese.

    There may be somewhere in their machinery that such a coagulation was developing and it let loose into your container of yogurt and probably some others. Casein plastics can be very strong and were used to make buttons. Casein glues were used in gluing the wood frames of early airplanes. So, as you can imagine, a skin of coagulated yogurt might resemble skin of something else especially since yours seems to have been developing long enough that it developed a pink tinge, probably from bacteria.

    Still in all, you were right to report it. Did they ask for any of the lot numbers on the container? They should have.
  • meribethd
    meribethd Posts: 92 Member
    my god.