New member but frustrated

I have been eating clean for about 5 months. I have added exercise a month ago. I completely switched from bad eating fast food most of the time to eating healthy good foods. I eat approximately 80-90% fruits and vegetables, mostly raw. I was 390lbs now I am around 350lbs. I had measurements taken at the beginning of my exercise plan. I was measured again today and have lost very little inches on the upper part of my body, but have put on 3 inches on my thighs and 1 inch on my calves. I do believe i have gained the inches on my legs due to the working out but I expected to have lost more from my upper body. I have a trainer and we do a lot of body weight exercises, we do try and work the whole body. I was hoping for input into what might be going on.


  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    You probably need heavier weighted exercises. If you can add weight, you should.
    Are you logging your food? Consider making your Diary public so we can look at it. IF you are eating 80-90% fruits and veggies, you definitely need more protein. Your muscles will have a hard time recovering without it. The more you use your muscles, the less muscle mass you lose and the more fat you lose.
  • mshull123
    mshull123 Posts: 3
    Yeah I do not forget to eat lean meats and protein shakes, I just expected more because I was so drastically over weight and out of shape. when I started doing something, the changes would start out being drastic.
  • GoVeg33
    GoVeg33 Posts: 1
    being a mostly raw vegan myself, I don't think adding the protein would make much of a difference at all. you truly only need to eat 5-6% protein to make up for what you would break down in an average day. we don't need nearly as much protein as they say we do. I eat maybe 40 g in a day for the past 5 years and I haven't dropped dead yet!! the fact that you've already lost 50ish pounds is stellar! just keep doing what you are doing, and it will work. slow and steady is the way to go. plus, check your fruit/veg ratio as well. perhaps youre getting too much sugar?
  • dondimitri
    dondimitri Posts: 245 Member
    I don't have any suggestions but I wanted to congratulate you on your weight loss.
    40 pounds in 5 months is roughly 2 pounds per week of weight loss.
    That is excellent progress!
    I know how critical I can be of myself during this process so I'm hoping you can give yourself a pat on the back for the great progress you have made so far.
    I am so impatient, I want it all to happen now! :-)
  • missylee117
    missylee117 Posts: 66 Member
    Dont over dur it too fast all you will be left with is sagging skin, give your body the time it needs to get back into shape, it didnt take a month to put that weight on and its not going to all come off in a month, work with your trainer and if you can afford it someone to help you plan your meals etc. Good luck we are all here for ya...........
  • mshull123
    mshull123 Posts: 3
    Thank you all for your encouraging words, I guess I was a little down after seeing the numbers this morning. Good luck on all of your own quest for a fit and healthy life.:smile:
  • MrsDanner78
    MrsDanner78 Posts: 107
    You've lost a lot of weight which is fantastic!! Keep in mind, though, that since you started off with so much extra body weight, your body will melt it off ALL OVER your body which means that, since the loss is so spread out, it won't manifest itself as inches lost very quickly. In the next 20 lbs or so, though, I bet you'll see a huge difference! Just be patient and keep doing what you're doing - that 40 lbs gone means that what you are doing is WORKING, and at a very healthy rate!

    I, on the other hand, haven't seen a ton of weight loss (less than 20 lbs total in 4 months), but I lost over 17 inches in 10 weeks! That was the difference between 250 and 230, though, so I started a lot lower... just keep up the exercising - it will ultimately be what turns your fat loss into muscle gain which, in turn, burns more fat! :D Keep it up, and keep your head up!
  • tyb03
    tyb03 Posts: 52 Member
    mshull: I can't believe you lost so much so quickly! I envy you! melissadanner: I am in the same boat as far as weight loss. It makes me lack the motivation to continue at times. But then I reflect on what I'm eating/snacking on (HUGE snack person) and then I can see why it's taking me so long. As far as measurements, I've only measured myself once and never even followed up. Since January, I've only lost 17 lbs. but I don't complain because I'm not always consistent with my healthy eating. I'm trying to be now though. It's so hard!!
  • jdub224
    jdub224 Posts: 120
    You know, I once heard a guy say "life is a trap" (it was Aeneas Williams, but that's unimportant for our purposes) and it is very true.

    There are so many things to get tripped up on: what does the scale say? what does the measuring tape say? what does the doctor say? wife/husband/boyfriend/kids/neighbors say?

    Just keep working. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Work as hard as you can possibly work. What's "max" for you today, won't be maximum effort tomorrow. Keep pushing, digging, striving, climbing and just don't quit.

    99.9% of the people on here who fail, will simply fail because they settle on a reason to quit. There's no magic pill, there's just hard work and dedication and not quitting.

    Keep it up, don't get frustrated. Best of all Good Luck.
  • Chavoworking
    Chavoworking Posts: 4 Member
    I just realized we had a forum here and upon reading your post I decided to answer. First and foremost I would also like to congratulate you on your commitment and results so far. It takes so much just to get going but now that you are there keep it up. From my experience there are a couple of observations I would humbly like to offer:
    1. Though we are driven by weight loss, I believe that body composition is what we need to concentrate more on. I would venture to say that the inches you have gained on your legs are muscle mass which in itself will add weight to the scale.
    2. If you are doing total body workouts I would also venture so say that the reason you are not loosing as many inches as you would like in your upper body is because you are also gaining muscle mass in your upper body offsetting in a sense the number of inches in body fat you are actually loosing.
    This is where it gets tricky for some people. The first thing they will do is avoid doing anything that will add lean mass in order to loose more "weight". But as Melissadanner nicely put it : "it will ultimately be what turns your fat loss into muscle gain which, in turn, burns more fat! :D"
    Best of luck and keep it up.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I don't have any suggestions but I wanted to congratulate you on your weight loss.
    40 pounds in 5 months is roughly 2 pounds per week of weight loss.
    That is excellent progress!
    I know how critical I can be of myself during this process so I'm hoping you can give yourself a pat on the back for the great progress you have made so far.
    I am so impatient, I want it all to happen now! :-)

    THIS! Exactly. Slow and steady is what will help you. Don't get caught up in the "Biggest Loser" hype where people lose 8 pounds per week with extreme diet and exercise programs (that they are being paid to do 24/7, without interruption).

    You are doing AWESOME work and making huge progress. Stop and look at what 40 pounds really looks like - can you visualize large bags of dog food? Or 4 huge bags of potatoes from Costco? You've made that happen with your dedication and work. You are doing great! Keep at it!
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    That's 2 pounds a week - which is awesome. Keep it up!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Yeah I do not forget to eat lean meats and protein shakes, I just expected more because I was so drastically over weight and out of shape. when I started doing something, the changes would start out being drastic.

    Drastic changes are NOT good. Be patient. Have you figured your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)? Perhaps your caloric intake needs adjusting.

    If you measure yourself immediately after working out, your measurements will be bigger due to swelling and water retention. Wait a day and measure again before working out.

    ETA: I just realized that you are losing 2 pounds a week. That is frigging awesome! Keep doing what you are doing, it's obviously working.
    There will always be fluctuations for many reasons, try not focus too much on it right now, just do what you know is healthy and it will sort itself out.

    Also, keep in mind that there are two types of fat. The kind under your skin that you see and the kind around your organs that you can't see. Perhaps you are losing the internal kind around your organs which won't show much but will add years to your life.

    Anyway, I have total faith that you can do this, over time. Unfortunately, it's never fast enough for any of us.
  • stacyfit12
    Don't be too hard on yourself! Forty pounds is great!! Just keep it up. I think all the weight loss shows like Biggest Loser give people false expectations. In the real world you aren't working out 6 hours a day. Slow and steady wins the race!!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    You probably need heavier weighted exercises. If you can add weight, you should.
    Are you logging your food? Consider making your Diary public so we can look at it. IF you are eating 80-90% fruits and veggies, you definitely need more protein. Your muscles will have a hard time recovering without it. The more you use your muscles, the less muscle mass you lose and the more fat you lose.

    Listen to this person.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    being a mostly raw vegan myself, I don't think adding the protein would make much of a difference at all. you truly only need to eat 5-6% protein to make up for what you would break down in an average day. we don't need nearly as much protein as they say we do. I eat maybe 40 g in a day for the past 5 years and I haven't dropped dead yet!! the fact that you've already lost 50ish pounds is stellar! just keep doing what you are doing, and it will work. slow and steady is the way to go. plus, check your fruit/veg ratio as well. perhaps youre getting too much sugar?

    Ignore this person completely
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    I was about to say what iAMsmiling said.

    I don't have the link at hand, but the latest studies performed via the government (according to the abstracts) indicate that people in a controlled study had numerous benefits from taking in 1.5 times the RDA of protein.

    I would also promote going for feeling better, getting stronger, and being healthy. The fat will follow. Two pounds a week is great!

    Just keep doing the work and see where you are in another 6 months. You HAVE to take the long view.

    I started at 425 lbs. I have plateaued at ~350 lbs.....but I ran a Spartan Race at 350lbs. Because I focused on getting stronger and better. You can do that.

    Focus on what you CAN do, and what you have done!
  • SunshineGirl75P
    SunshineGirl75P Posts: 13 Member
    being a mostly raw vegan myself, I don't think adding the protein would make much of a difference at all. you truly only need to eat 5-6% protein to make up for what you would break down in an average day. we don't need nearly as much protein as they say we do. I eat maybe 40 g in a day for the past 5 years and I haven't dropped dead yet!! the fact that you've already lost 50ish pounds is stellar! just keep doing what you are doing, and it will work. slow and steady is the way to go. plus, check your fruit/veg ratio as well. perhaps youre getting too much sugar?

    This is only partially true. I do agree that you should check your sugar intake. Even healthy sugar, if your body cannot tolerate it well, can cause slower weight loss. Some people do not need as much protien as they believe and some people can survive on a very small amount, but there is research to suggest that building muscle requires an increase in protien. (Which mshull is doing with a trainer) Eric Helm touches on the research he is doing in the following podcast.

    mshull: Congrats on the weightloss! It may not feel like much, but as others have said it will begin to show more the smaller you get. As far as protien intake, track to make sure you are getting at least the reccommended amount. Then 'tweak' your meals to see if adding a bit helps. I know my mom can be vegetarian and eat very low protien and be fine. I on the other hand cannot. It affects my blood sugar and completely stops my weight loss. Unfortunately this is the part of the journey that takes some work and patience; finding out what works for your body with all of its uniqueness.

    :flowerforyou: Good luck, you are on the right track!

    melissadanner & tyb03 - I'm in a similar boat, but like tyb03 have not been as dedicated as I should in my eating. I have lost about 16 lbs since January.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    OK so you lost 40# in 5 months.... that's a little less than 10# a month which is fantastic progress. This isn't the biggest loser... it's real life. You need to have realistic goals. Losing it too fast and too drastically will 75% result in gaining it back.

    Just keeping doing what you do and you'll get there - you've done great so far.
  • jblackjr
    jblackjr Posts: 89 Member
    I had the same thoughts as the other person that said you should look over your caloric needs. If you are still eating the same amount of food you were eating at 50lbs and haven't made adjustments you may be eating more calories than you need. Just a thought to check into.

    You can eat healthy and still eat to much.