Gotta brag a little

this is my awesome husband Jon


I took this picture of him this morning when i was tying my shoes to go to work, its hard to see what hes doing but hes not only making my lunch, but hes MEASURING the portion size. all this after he woke up when I couldn't fall back to sleep at four am. (I'm pregnant) recently I've been waking up at four and cant get back to bed, he gave me a massage, which helped me get back to sleep. then donated blood, then came home made my lunch for me. I have open amazing and awesome husband. I wanna yell it on a mountain! sometimes when i tell people how good my man is they ask, "Oh, he must be a stay at home dad?" no baby, after all this he takes the baby to daycare and then goes to work himself fulltime. He is amazing, my rock, my everything!

what does your spouse do that is amazing? brag about em. good karma baby :)


  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    That's nice of your husband! If you want to post the pic to the site use lowercase with the img tag.


    not IMG
  • brboydjr
    brboydjr Posts: 43 Member
    That's awesome!
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Hey I know that guy! lol You two are amazing together! Just an FYI!

    My hubs supports me in basically any crazy whim I decide to try.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    Hey I know that guy! lol You two are amazing together! Just an FYI!

    My hubs supports me in basically any crazy whim I decide to try.

    thats so good, support is so huge.
  • lilkat_0087
    lilkat_0087 Posts: 55 Member
    Love this! That is incredibily sweet.
  • jinna86
    jinna86 Posts: 93
    He sounds awesome! :smile: My bf supports my efforts, but he doesn't really know how to support me (if that makes sense). Also, if he happens to ever use the kitchen, it looks like a tornado has been through there :laugh:
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    He is a Keeper! It is really good to have someone by your side who is loving and supportive. Unfortunetly, I can not teach my cat how to measure things accurately. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    Seems like you have a good man - its GREAT to see a post from someone bragging on their husband for a change :smile: ! I also have a great husband - definitely blessed (even though he's not about to go into the kitchen and cook/measure LOL).
  • lkplibra
    lkplibra Posts: 147 Member
    Glad to see a good man and glad to see you recognizing and praising him for it :smile:
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Aww, it's hard to find good men like that. So sweet.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    That's so sweet! My husband has done a ton for me, like driving across the country every time he had a three day weekend in the army just to visit for 36 hrs before having to drive back.

    Now that we're married and living together if I had a rough day at work and am exhausted he'll make my tea for me so I can just sit around and be lazy. He also tucks me into bed every night since I go to bed first. :) He's also been really supportive of my weight loss journey and will give my "sore" muscles a rub, even though he's probably 10x as sore from working on cars all day.

    Best of all, he makes me laugh every day.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    I have a great husband, my 2nd :tongue:
    He has always been super fit, but loved me at any size or shape, even when I had cancer and lost all my hair and gained LOADS of weight.
    He does all the washing up and kitchen cleaning when I have made a mess with my creative cooking.:blushing:
    He makes muesli and chopped fruit for breakfast every day. All kinds of delicious, healthy berries.
    He has patiently encouraged me to take exercise and does a gym session with me every day. Now he puts up with my Born Again passion for fitness and tells me how great I am doing. I am now 8 lbs lighter than when he met me.
    Oh and he finds me hot.:blushing: He is 67, I am 63.:love::love: :heart:
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    That's so sweet! My husband has done a ton for me, like driving across the country every time he had a three day weekend in the army just to visit for 36 hrs before having to drive back.

    Now that we're married and living together if I have a rough day at work and am exhausted he'll make my tea for me so I can just sit around and be lazy. He also tucks me into bed every night since I go to bed first. :) He's also been really supportive of my weight loss journey and will give my "sore" muscles a rub, even though he's probably 10x as sore from working on cars all day.

    Best of all, he makes me laugh every day.

    sounds like mine! he tucks me in bed every night too. not joking when i say im blessed and i know it with this guy.
  • ccjohnso
    ccjohnso Posts: 39 Member
    My husband did one of the worst, but best things to help me this go round with my weight loss. When I first started, I asked him to help me stay on track, keep me motivated, and be my support system for the first three weeks because I could never make it past that time frame. He told me NO! I was so sad that we argued about it everyday during the first week. He did not want to talk about it with me, help me, or NOTHING! The funny thing is that we have been together 10 years and he knows me very well. I tend to have this thing where when something is not given to me or done when I ask, I prove that I can do it on my own. Guess what happened? I used my anger to prove to him that I did not need him and that I would do it on my own! My motivation was to show him that I didn't need him! Week 3, my husband came home with new weights and a jump rope for me and told me CONGRATS!!! He said that it was so hard for him to ignore my cry for help, but he knew that I would not quit because I wanted to show him that I didn't need him...He has been my support system every time I tried to lose weight but because I was depending on him, it never lasted. The two weeks that he made me do it for me, by myself, helped me to zone in on why I needed to lose this weight! Since week 3, he has been doing the normal, asking me about my day, asking me to work out together(my husband works out everyday). He has even started eating cleaner with me so that I am not tempted and things have been great! I experienced a few injuries over the past 5 weeks and he has been there to tell me don't give up! I will never be able to thank him enough for pushing me through what is always the hardest part of my journey, the 1st 2 weeks, because had he helped me, I may not have deveopled the independence to get fit on my own:)
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    He's keeper :heart:
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    OMG - shes does freakin' everything! Great mom, great cook, runs her own business, makes me laugh - the list goes on and on.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Aweee, that's adorable! I'm so glad you found such a great guy. And, you are also a great gal... or else he wouldn't do that for you. Hehe. Congrats on the pregnancy. It's nice to see a woman post something like this about their husband. The world is filled with negativity--horrible "baby daddy" stories. This made me smile, very wide. <3
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    yay for awesome men!!!

    my boyfriend is a little lost in the kitchen so i would not let him prepare my meals (last time he did that he trow frozen spinach and raw potatoes in a frying pan and cooked spaghettie for 1 hour) but he measures my food when i asked him to get me something and he keeps his chocolate and sweets at work and not at home where i am tempted :heart:
  • ProudMotherof4ProudWife2007
    last wk my hubby
    blind folded me and took me outside. had a blanket laid down with rose petals on it and one of my favorites cd's playing on the laptop and candles lit around us .He had a dessert and some sparkling juice . we laid down watched the stars then a songs came on and we danced which was fun and romatic,and he got me flowers too and a cute card that he wrote a bunch inside

    Then the week before
    Got up with the kids them morning got their diapers changed,Breakfast ready and a load of laundry started. Matt asked me what was wrong told him i was just tired. He told me to go back to sleep he'd take care of the kids. I woke up and the living room was cleaned up, he finished cleaning the kitchen and laundry room/back room
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I'm also pregnant, 37 weeks, but I have been bedridden most of it with HG, hooked up to IVs and a PICC line, my husband works 12 hours a day, picks the kids up, cooks dinner, helps with homework, puts them to bed, helps me with meds, cleans the kitchen, preps breakfast for me the next day and makes the kids lunches for school the next day. He never complains, even when cleaning up my puke. He's always this fabulous, though.