Am I wasting my time?



  • SydneyRenee2
    SydneyRenee2 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm with you Sydney, the eating every two hours works for me. My calorie count is actually lower when I eat more often then when I used to eat twice a day. I hate when people say "hate to burst your bubble but it doesn't work". How do you know? Did you try this? Everyone truly does lose weight differently. I know people who have stopped drinking soda and they lost 10 pounds in a month with only that change. I think I've only had 10 cans the past year and a half and no change.

    Don't get discouraged OP! Just keep going. The first month is always the hardest for me because you expect everything to happen right away but it is small changes over time. Before you know it, it's been three months and you not only look a lot better, you feel better. I haven't lost that much because it's been 3 weeks, but I feel worlds better.

    Thanks for the support rosellasweet, I thought that was rude too. :happy:

    Everyone's advice on here has been really good too! Weight loss takes time. As long as you're exercising and eating healthy you'll get there! Surround yourself with like-minded people who will help support you and give you good advice like everyone here! :smile:
  • fuffyfluffy
    Never give up. :wink:
    I think it takes some time to find out what works best for you and your diet/work out plans.
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    Hi all

    Just started my journey - was 252lbs on 20th May and lost 6lbs in 11 days (246lbs on 31st May). Am closely logging all food, pretty much stopped snacking entirely and am doing 45 mins of circuits every weekday and running 3.5 miles at least once a weekend. Was feeling really happy till I weighed again today (a week later) and am still at 246lbs. Why the hell haven't I lost? Is it even worth carrying on trying?

    because you lost 6lbs in 11 days.
  • dcl3872
    dcl3872 Posts: 20
    Don't be a quiter, your body needs time to adjust, obviously you not going to lose weight at the same pace as when you first started.
    This is a marathon not a sprint ,stick with the program and tweek it along the wa.y We all have gone through what you're feeling perseverance is the true secret to sucess. if you want it bad enough your will get it.
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Do not focus on the number..take pics...measure..focus on how your body your clothes are fitting...Keep pushing youll get there!!..

    It is definetly worth rather continue to work on my fitness than continue to gain weight!
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I definitely agree with some of the others who have suggested that you take measurements and take pictures. The weight loss will slow down, but that doesn't mean you're not doing well. If you're eating well and exercising regularly, then no change in the scale # could just mean that your body is changing.

    Keep at it. Stay positive. You lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks - that's still more than most people lose. It's a great start, but it's just a start. If you're not in this for the long haul, then it's never going to work. There will be weeks at a time where that # doesn't change - be prepared for that and, more importantly, be OKAY with that. It happens, it's no big deal. The big deal is that you continue moving forward.
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    My weight loss was lumpy... I'd hover around a weight for several weeks and then suddenly lose 5 lbs. There was no predicting it, I didn't do anything differently, it just was.

    Like many others before me have said, BE PATIENT!! I know instant gratification would be fabulous, but unfortunately weight loss doesn't work that way. Keep at it and you will see results.
  • TiaFerrera
    TiaFerrera Posts: 93
    Girl keep at it. You see these posts with weight lost, no ones paid to show that. There are real results. Sometimes I'll go two weeks without loosing a pound, then BAM 4 pounds drop off over night.
    Sometimes the scale says I drop and I get sad because I don't see results. Sometimes I do see results and the scale says otherwise. Neither are consistently reliable, and they never sync up lol.

    It's important to see it as a lifestyle change not a diet. Use this to learn to eat different, see calories as money you have to spend and spend it wisely. Do you want a can of coke or dinner tonight? Half a baked acorn squash to stuff your belly or a small serving of pasta? Is that chocolate bar worth it? Could you be satisfied with half?

    It does work.
  • maxwellmcdaniel
    At first the scale is a secondary measurement of progress, go more by how you feel and how your clothes fit. Losing weight is a complex physical process that can make your scale jump around a bit. Keep at it and don't let it get you down!