For Those Who Didn't Lose This Week



  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    So, if I eat 1886, then burn 400 with exercise, leaving me at 1486, then i need to eat some back?

    No weight loss for me in months. I still can't seem to get my calories! call me DENSE! I just get confused. I'm doing TDEE - 20%, giving me 1886 as my daily calorie intake. What I don't get is, when i workout it's 400-500 cals easy. So, does that mean i have to actually eat 2286 cals a day? 2286-400 = 1886? Someone tell me in plain English! I know how stupid i sound! i just want to do this right, because obviously I haven't been! I am seeing muscle, which is great! I am 5"11, 166lbs, and only want to lose like 8lbs or so. I recently lowered my cals to 1650, because I could never meet the 1886, and when I exercised, I was getting too large of a deficit. I know how stupid I sound! i was never any good at math! LOL!

    From what I've read - since you aren't losing and not eating back those exercise calories I think you need to eat more; at least eat some of them back and see how it goes. I haven't lost in a month though, so what do I know? :huh: :wink:
  • debralekicsummers
    debralekicsummers Posts: 56 Member
    My workouts are on track, my diet too and i only lost 100g this past 2 weeks, i was devastated as i am so close to getting under 100kg. In the past month i have only lost 1kg
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I have been at the same 7lb since about Christmas. I get all excited as I drop to within 5lb of goal, then it all goes on again, or worse, this week an extra 1lb up. So fed up. And no, I am not binging, no I haven't much changed my exercise routine except for swapping pilates for zumba as it's the only day I can get to the class, and no I do not want to up my calories ( I tried that about 9 months ago and put on the half stone I,ve been trying to shift ever since.).Oh, and I have noticed a change in my measurements...they are increasing. So I feel very discouraged. But this is such a habit I guess I'll just keep trying.
  • bababangarangrang
    bababangarangrang Posts: 23 Member
    Gained .4 this week. be fair I've been moving offices and staying late at work so haven't worked out at all this week....
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    I've lost all of .2 pounds in the last six weeks. ;^)
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    No weight loss for me in months. I still can't seem to get my calories! call me DENSE! I just get confused. I'm doing TDEE - 20%, giving me 1886 as my daily calorie intake. What I don't get is, when i workout it's 400-500 cals easy. So, does that mean i have to actually eat 2286 cals a day? 2286-400 = 1886? Someone tell me in plain English! I know how stupid i sound! i just want to do this right, because obviously I haven't been! I am seeing muscle, which is great! I am 5"11, 166lbs, and only want to lose like 8lbs or so. I recently lowered my cals to 1650, because I could never meet the 1886, and when I exercised, I was getting too large of a deficit. I know how stupid I sound! i was never any good at math! LOL!

    If you do the TDEE method you DO NOT eat back exercise calories, those are built into the equation so you don't have to worry about overestimating your burn. If you do eat exercise calories back you are over eating.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    SO i eat 1886 cals, and when I exercise and burn 400, i'm left with 1486, and I don't eat back, correct?
    No weight loss for me in months. I still can't seem to get my calories! call me DENSE! I just get confused. I'm doing TDEE - 20%, giving me 1886 as my daily calorie intake. What I don't get is, when i workout it's 400-500 cals easy. So, does that mean i have to actually eat 2286 cals a day? 2286-400 = 1886? Someone tell me in plain English! I know how stupid i sound! i just want to do this right, because obviously I haven't been! I am seeing muscle, which is great! I am 5"11, 166lbs, and only want to lose like 8lbs or so. I recently lowered my cals to 1650, because I could never meet the 1886, and when I exercised, I was getting too large of a deficit. I know how stupid I sound! i was never any good at math! LOL!

    If you do the TDEE method you DO NOT eat back exercise calories, those are built into the equation so you don't have to worry about overestimating your burn. If you do eat exercise calories back you are over eating.
  • Punkin7411
    Punkin7411 Posts: 45 Member
    I have just recently learned something that will sabotage those scales going in the right direction when you are eating right, clean, the right workouts and right amount of calories and it's of course that blasted water retention. But what I've come to realize is that the artificial sweeteners are terrible for water retention, so stay away. Also stay away if you can because they are just that....artificial. I don't drink many but sometimes I just want some flavor in that water. If I just must have a diet drink of some kind I certainly won't do it right before weigh-in. I am going to try putting cucumber or fruits into my water pitcher for flavor instead. So good to hear about others rowing upstream in the same boat sometimes!
  • CharitaC
    CharitaC Posts: 21 Member
    It's funny that you should mention about your face. About 2 days ago, I noticed how different my face looks. I'm pleased.