New here and ambitious goals

Hey everybody, I'm new to this site and would like some friends to help motivate and encourage me. I'm 5'4" and would like to get down to 140 lbs. From my current weight that means that I need to lose 80 lbs. I am currently planning for my wedding next year and would love to complete my goal by then. I know that this is a little overambitious but I have found that setting a large goal works good for me.
Since diets haven't worked for me in the past I have decided that this time I am going to try to insert healthy eating and exercise habits into my life. I started almost two weeks ago and have lost 3 lbs. I am doing well on exercising but despite good intentions I still tend to overeat. If anyone has any tips for controlling emotional eating I would love to hear them.

PS. I would love it if you would friend me!


  • upthestairs87
    upthestairs87 Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome! I'm also 5'4 and looking to get down to 140, for me that means I need to lose 50 so I'm right around the same amount as you. Lofty goals. So far what's been working for me with emotional eating has been replacing the eating my feelings with running over my feelings. :) Anytime I've been tempted to make myself feel better with food I've just tried to do some sort of activity instead and so far it's helped.
  • Smartemms
    Smartemms Posts: 2
    Upthestairs87, thank you so much for replying. It helps to know that there are people out there who are going through the same thing that I am. Also, that is good advice for emotional eating hopefully it will help me control myself. ;) For me I usually have a couple good days where I stay on track with my goals but then I seem to break down and eat whatever. I basically sabotage myself.
  • jinna86
    jinna86 Posts: 93
    I'm 5'3" and I am working on emotional eating as well, but I've mostly seemed to overcome it, so I'd be happy to offer support! I'll add you as a friend :smile:
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    Hey ladies. I saw all of your comments and immediately wanted to comment because I saw my past self in you. I am 5'4" and used to weigh 100lbs more than I do now so I know exactly where you are coming from, except you all want to lose less than I needed to. YOU CAN DO IT! Trust me on that one, I did it and I didn't do anything strange. All I did was change my eating habits and get on a great exercise routine. You can too. I had some great support, great workouts and cut out the crap I was eating like soda, fast food and red meat (which isn't so bad but I cut it out anyway). I have not gone back to my old habits yet and the weight remains off all this time. Pop me a friend request if you want, I'd be happy to connect up with you and chat more. I love connecting up with folks and helping them on their journeys. Mine still continues of course, it will never end.

    Chat soon,
  • Hey ladies. I saw all of your comments and immediately wanted to comment because I saw my past self in you. I am 5'4" and used to weigh 100lbs more than I do now so I know exactly where you are coming from, except you all want to lose less than I needed to. YOU CAN DO IT! Trust me on that one, I did it and I didn't do anything strange. All I did was change my eating habits and get on a great exercise routine. You can too. I had some great support, great workouts and cut out the crap I was eating like soda, fast food and red meat (which isn't so bad but I cut it out anyway). I have not gone back to my old habits yet and the weight remains off all this time. Pop me a friend request if you want, I'd be happy to connect up with you and chat more. I love connecting up with folks and helping them on their journeys. Mine still continues of course, it will never end.

    Chat soon,

    i think no one needs to say any more. great achievement :) girls or guys looking to lose weight should take advice from Jo right here!
  • staceysforster
    staceysforster Posts: 20 Member

    Well done Jo!!! Such an inspiration, I hope to be in your shoes!!!

    I have 139lbs to lose and am also starting out my journey, maybe we could all help motivate each other?

  • ruizv17
    ruizv17 Posts: 26 Member
    If you are an emotional eater you are going to be tested. Replace your habits. When I am stressed or upset and want to emotionally eat I tell someone. I usually call my mom or my BF. Telling someone holds you accountable and brings you back to not being alone. Also identify what stresses you. At work I drink tea constantly and make it the thing I am doing- I also listen to soothing sounds. Anything to stop myself from escalating.
  • I am also an emotional eater, and also a binge eater. I CRAVE sweets (especially chocolate) almost every night. Sometimes I will have weird binges where I will eat something sweet, and then I want something salty, and then I want bread, and then I want somethng sweet again. It used to make me so mad at myself that I would give into all these cravings. I knew that cutting sweets out would mean that I would not stick to my goals, so what I have done is try to find healthy things I can snack on. I bought some fiber one bars that are chocolatey, and they are only 90 calories each. I also bought some sugar free chocolate pudding, which are only 60 calories each. At dinner, I serve everything with measuring spoons because I am horrible about portions. I make sure if the serving size is only one cup, that I am only eating one cup. I stopped eating dinner on a regular dinner plate, and now use a small plate so that it doesn't seem like my plate is empty, or I'm not getting enough food. I have a little more weight than you to loose, you goal is simliar to mine, but I am shorter than you and currently weigh more than you. I have so far lost almost 4 pounds in one week since I started doing this. I work in an office and sit at a desk all day long. I used to go home from work and sit on my couch and watch tv with my husband, catching up on our dvr'd programs. Now I get home from work and we take the kids and the dog for a walk. Small changes add up over time. :)
  • shelbyjane2007
    shelbyjane2007 Posts: 44 Member
    Add me! Add me ! :)
  • ClumsyArtist
    ClumsyArtist Posts: 40 Member
    One of the best quotes I've seen on here yet has been "I decided eating is no longer a recreational activity." That really hit home with me because I love to eat and enjoyed it WAY too much before. Now I eat to meet my goals on MFP and to feel healthy. I still enjoy what I eat, and actually get to eat more often now. But now when I'm bored, I don't look for something to eat for entertainment.
  • ton40orbust
    ton40orbust Posts: 155
    I started MFP at 280 and am trying to get down to 140. I'm literally trying to lose half of me.
    Something that worked for me for emotional eating. Learn another hobby that you can focus your nervous energy on to keep your hands busy. For me I crochet when I'm stressing out where as I used to binge on junk, now I make blankets so I wont eat when my emotions are high.
    Another problem I noticed that came up with me is when me, my S.O. and our friends get together for nights out and end up going out to dinner, we switched to eating at each others houses potluck style to save money and the second I finish my plate I start encouraging a game of euchre or rummy to start so I don't get up for seconds, and my hands are busy and my brain is focused on something other then food.
  • ShaJustSha
    ShaJustSha Posts: 10
    I have been an emotional eater my entire life! I am almost 6 feet tall, weigh almost 300lbs and just turned 49 a month ago. I decided I needed to STOP making excuses for myself and DO something about my unhealthy lifestyle. I am just starting out on my journey but I'm confident I will meet my goals because of the awesome support group I have found here on MFP. I think social media and technology have empowered me to reach for my dream of being a size 12 instead of a size 24, and I am only too happy to be anybody's cheering section who wants to add me.

    There is strength in numbers. :)

    Edited to add - I started drinking Organic India Tulsi Tea which has helped level out my mood swings from menopause and reduce my stress and emotional eating which has allowed me to refocus that energy in a more positive direction. I believe this one thing has; quite literally, saved my life.
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Also 5'4" and I aim to be between 135-155. I am due in a month to deliver a baby, but I plan on being around on MFP to keep working towards my goal! I keep my diary open, and am happy to share recipes. Congratulations!
  • maedarger
    maedarger Posts: 3 Member
    Congrats on ur wedding I hope u meet ur goal!!!
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    Ambitious goals make for outstanding achievements. :smile:
    I, too, am 5'4 and am aiming for 140-150. Please feel free to add me!
  • I so relate to emosh eating just like most girls can I think! I try to treat myself in other ways, having my nails done or going to Lush and buying lovely bath bombs and soaps. I don't know of this is a little narcissistic but if I really want to eat junk I will make myself go to top shop or something just to be around clothes I know will look better if I don't have that chocolate bar! Often does the trick ;)

    Just don't give up over one slip up, enjoying exercise is really gonna help as I know I'd be positively huge of I didn't enjoy my spinning/riding lessons!
  • britttttx3
    britttttx3 Posts: 458
    Hiyyaa, i am 5'3 and trying to lose around 60 lbs! motivated and determined, add me :)