Shooting cholesterol and sugar

There is a problem. I am trying to gain weight with a 3500 calories a day diet.

But you see, I have gathered information from authentic sources which says that I should take in more than 70g sugar and 300g cholesterol. But it is impossible to take in more than 2000 calories without shooting above those levels of sugar and cholesterol. Just one boiled egg has 187mg cholesterol. With even 3 a day, I have surpassed the levels.

5 dates, and I am above 22g sugar already. This is not even half of my breakfast.

Where am I going wrong?


  • dgoradia
    dgoradia Posts: 109 Member
    You're not going wrong. Don't bother looking at the sugar and don't worry about the cholesterol. These metrics aren't that important for healthy individuals when trying to gain weight. Just keep eating.
  • Thanks