help me design my workout plan based on my goals

should i focus on weights on cardio? i know you cant spot reduce but i like to lose the muffin top and some inches on the thighs. would also like the butt a little perkier. what should my workout routine be focused on? thanks


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    should i focus on weights on cardio? i know you cant spot reduce but i like to lose the muffin top and some inches on the thighs. would also like the butt a little perkier. what should my workout routine be focused on? thanks

    Well, based on those goals I'd say:
    Exercise one: Make your nutrition work well, and keep it dialed in.

    For the rest, want a perkier *kitten*? Squats.
    I know this is a bit canned, but check out Starting Strength, the book or the video and give it a try for a month to a month and a half. Don't like it, try a different program.

    The first 6 weeks of starting strength is basically:

    3x a week. It's not designed to make you buff, it's designed to make you functionally strong. If you want to be strong and self sufficient, this is a good check out.

    ETA - Pic 2 is good to go.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Strength training should be your primary focus.

    You can look into New Rules of Lifting for Women as plenty of women here have had success with it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Agreed with above. Strength training combined with a mild calorie deficit should get you to your goals since you don't have much to lose. Is that really even a muffin top?
  • hellothere1212
    ok shoud i be on any specific diet plan?
  • awetherell
    awetherell Posts: 62 Member
    Firstly, I LOVE that you posed in heels. Brilliant.

    I am no diet or fitness expert, but this is what I think:

    Diet wise, I don't think you have much to lose, so I would just eat healthily with a mild calorie deficit. Make sure you have enough protein and don't eat too much fat (unless it's 'good' fat from nuts, avocado, olive oil etc). Drink masses of water always. You already have a really good body so I think your main focus is on toning and strength.

    For exercise, I personally think you should never give up on cardio, if only to make yourself stronger and healthier, regardless of weight/inches loss. Steady, long distance running did wonders for my legs and bottom. Swimming is also great for having long lean muscles (rather than the 'tennis ball calves' that some women get, if you know what I mean?). Yoga can also be good for this.

    Saying that, I would also incorporate strength exercises - I think they should always go together. What the other posters have said sounds great - just start small if you don't have a good deal of strength yet and build up slowly - don't overdo it. If you want to exercise in a gym, see if you can nab one of the trainers for 10 minutes to give you some advice on weight and reps (I think lower weight with more reps is better, but I am no expert). If just at home, try literally starting with squats (youtube has lots of videos of correct form), press ups (start on your knees if you can't do full ones), lots of different versions of crunches etc.

    I know a lot of people think things like 30 Day Shred are ridiculous, but for a beginner it could be helpful to just watch one on youtube to get an idea of good exercises and then incorporate them into your own plan.

    Good luck! xx
  • hellothere1212
    Thanks for the help
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    You're really not far from what most people would have as their goal; agree with advice above. Also questioning what you call a 'muffin top' - looks to me like your hips are just naturally high..
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Check out Starting Strength, Stronglifts, Wendler, and NROLFW. Figure which program you'd like to try and stick with it.

    If you don't have access to equipment, check out Convict Conditioning and You Are Your Own Gym.