
cathscott Posts: 4 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I am a chocoholic and a diet cokeoholic. Help me wean!!! Tell me horror stories if you like, but i need to stop craving these things!


  • I am not a chocoholic, but I drink at least 24oz of Diet Pepsi I completely understand. I am currently trying to figure out how to quit the diet pepsi, but so far not good. I have tried cold turkey, I have tried gradually weening myself, I have tried substituting it with crystal light.....nothing so far, sorry I couldn't help you, but at least you know that you aren't the only one. Good luck and let me know if anything works for you!
  • coolstacey6
    coolstacey6 Posts: 83 Member
    I have asked so many people about diet coke. I too am addicted. It's like it has something in it that you can't live without. I have actually cried when I didn't have any and my husband had to hurry and run to the store. I have tried and tried so YES IF ANYONE knows a why besides a REHAB clinic....let us both know! hahahaha DIET COKE IS CRACK!:drinker:
  • ajimenez
    ajimenez Posts: 16 Member
    How's this for a startling statistic: “for every can of diet soda consumed a day, a person’s risk of obesity increased by 41%.”

    Read this article:

    Stay away from artificial sweeteners! (Not just diet soda but those packets in restaurants to sweeten tea, in food... they're everywhere!)
  • I too was addicted to diet soda....actually I didn't put anything in my mouth except coffee or diet soda and when I tried to cut back I would get horrible headaches because I didn't have enough caffeine. But when I decided I was going to live a healthier life and slim down I worried that my body wouldn't process the soda correctly. Even some people who are diabetic can not drink diet soda because of the way their body processes the sugar substitute! Anyway...I started out with my cup of coffee in the morning and for the rest of the day I would drink water...well most of the day! I did allow myself one diet soda, most of the time at dinner. And if I needed more caffeine I would drink unsweetened tea. Now I don't even buy sodas because I really enjoy the teas and water! Just don't try to quit cold turkey because then you won't be able to think of anything except that diet soda!
  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    I wish I had an answer for the chocolate addiction. . . If I did, I'd have lost more weight by now. I can tell you that diet sodas have chemicals in them that are NOT good for you. The worst in my opinion is aspartame. Google health concerns of aspartame and you'll get an eye full. I have MS and had a horrible flare where I had to use a cane (which I didn't have to use before that time). Now, things were pretty stagnant and legs and feet were not getting any stronger or better. A friend talked me into not drinking Diet Coke for two weeks. Within a week, I was doing loads better and within two I wasn't using my cane anymore. Aspartame is just not something you want to put in your body!!
  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    Forgot to add. . . that was two years ago. I don't drink diet soda and I don't use a cane anymore and haven't since!
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    I am/was a chocoholic. My chocolate of choice was semisweet chocolate chips but as you other chocoholics may no I'll take it in just about any form i can get. I got over it by first and foremost not keeping any in the house. If i keep it in my home i grab just a few every time i go by and before you know it the whole bag is gone! yikes! Now when i get a craving for sweets i either brush my teeth right away or make myself a cup of tea sweetened with stevia. As with any withdrawal the first week or so was tough but now its second nature. I made brownies for my family yesterday and I didn't have one, don't plan on having one and now thanks to the calorie tracker only kind of want one lol
    Good luck
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    oh just wanted to add fruit is really sweet. i know at first it doesnt seem to compare to chocolate but after a while it is a nice treat. grapes or oranges worked for me.
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