Running Do's & Don'ts

hsmart603 Posts: 32 Member
edited January 26 in Fitness and Exercise
So recently I started running every other day, but I have been told a few different stories about it. I know running for weight loss is going to take awhile, but some people have said to run everyday, and others every other. I'm not running for anything but exercise/weight loss but wanted some advice on what days, how long I should run for, and what pace. I have been doing circuit training on my off days of running, and take 1 day off of rest. Anyone who has had success or advice would be appreciated. This is my choice of cardio, and like I said im new so please be nice! Thank you


  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    People who are training for distance races basically run every second day except maybe the weekend when the run both days. I train at running sun (long run)- tuesday (speed intervals and or hills), thursday (tempo run), saturday (easy)
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Since you're new at it - do intervals (walk/run or high and low-intensity) if you can't run things straight through but keep it consistent, so say start with 4 mins run 1 min. walk and gradually work up to 10 min run. 1 min. walk

    Pace-wise, again since you're new go at a pace which feels comfortable to YOU. Though do one workout devoted to speedwork (so maybe a half-hour tops?) A good workout: - this from my Paralympian friend:

    8 mins easy warmup
    5 x 2 mins hard, 60 secs recovery between intervals; OR 4x3 mins with 90 secs recovery OR 2x5 with 2:30 recovery or even better still a 15-20 min tempo run followed by a nice cooldown jog.

    I'd suggest one long run a week, increase distance by no more than 10%, one tempo run/speed workout, one workout that deals with hills (increase by 2 hills every time you up distance so your legs get used to it - start between 2-4 hills) and one EZ run (done at a comfortable pace, thoguh a bit faster than your long run)

    so say 3-4 runs a week at about a half hour apiece. I'd also recommend throwing in 1-2 weights days in there, especially if you'd liek to eventually work on pace
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Cardio serves two purposes: keeping your heart and lungs in shape, and creating a larger calorie deficit. If you already have a deficit created with your diet, how much cardio you do is entirely dependent on your fitness goals. You say you're just running for weight loss, but how so? Do you want to run a marathon, or do you just want to get in shape and keep your heart healthy? If you're training for distance, 4-5 days a week is probably necessary, following a training plan for what you're trying to accomplish. If not, 2-3 days a week should be sufficient, especially since circuit training provides a cardio element. The pace you run at is up to you - if you're doing steady state cardio, a easy to medium pace you can sustain is what you're going for. If you're trying for speed or to get the most out of your workout with HIIT, you need a fast, strenuous pace. Personally for me, medium is 6-6.5 mph and fast is 8-9 mph, but the speed you run at is dependent on your fitness level. I'm just throwing my paces out there as an example.
  • AKbluedragonfly
    AKbluedragonfly Posts: 79 Member
    Since your goals are cardiovascular health and weight loss (instead of something like running a marathon), you should look into HIIT. It stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It's basically a short session of sprints with rests in between. It has been proven in studies to increase your cardiovascular and lung health quickly. It's also been shown to burn more fat than steady cardio for longer periods of time. Definitely worth looking into if running distance doesn't matter to you.
  • hsmart603
    hsmart603 Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you everyone! This was great help. Gave me a much better idea. think I'm going to go for the interval training. seems better suited. THANKS
  • hsmart603
    hsmart603 Posts: 32 Member
    you've been a great help. your advice on the lifting a few weeks ago has been amazing for me, and it really helps. For the running I'm looking to slim down and tone :)
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