Low impact for a beginner

Reepir Posts: 32 Member
I am just starting on my journey up the very steep hill I have created for myself. I will make it! I just wanted to know what people would suggest as some good slightly low impact exercises due to being as heavy as I am now. I already have not very good ankles and I have tendonitis in both wrists and don't want to make it worse. I currently have access to a pool and a safe neighborhood/places to go for walks. I live in Arizona so going outside during the day is never the best of ideas.

What would you suggest as the best work outs/exercises to do in this situation?

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  • beatlebomb
    beatlebomb Posts: 80
    Jillian 30 day shred!!!
  • bordochstol
    bordochstol Posts: 16 Member
    I've been off the strength training wagon for about 1 1/2 month, so I recently started this, and I think it's great to begin with :)

  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Any Leslie Sansone walking DVD. With her you can walk 2 or 3 miles. Back in 2011 I walked 47 pounds off while doing her aerobic routine. She's a great motivator. And it's low impact.
  • trishyorke
    trishyorke Posts: 20
    If you have access to a pool aquacize would be perfect for you, easy onthe joints and can be a very effective workout. There are cd's available if you can't get to an actual class. Just remember to move a little more today then you did yesterday :). Good luck and welcome
  • Vicks1978
    Vicks1978 Posts: 81 Member
    hi there

    what about just walking, get yourself a pedometer...thats how i started i was getting the bus everywhere for small journeys, so once i got the pedometer i realised how many calories I could burn from just doing 10,000 steps a day.

    and yes this sounds daunting to begin with and might be difficult with your ankles, but even if u do a couple of thousand steps in a day (i sometimes only a few a bit) then at least its better than you were originally doing....i log all the distances in a spreadsheet and at the end of the month I realise ive walked miles and miles ! and by the end of the month its a major achievement.

    im also doing the 30day shred too, they are free on youtube. jillian michaels is really motivating, but there a few push ups, you could just jog on the spot or something else whilst they do those things, just swap what you cant do on the vid with something else or just walk on the spot...

    good luck :)
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Jillian 30 day shred!!!

    No. Not this.

    I started at 297lbs and went from walking a mile a day and being out of puff to being able to do a reasonable about of cardio - I'm still way off what other people would consider fit, but I'm doing alright.

    Strap up with joint pads - they can be a bit cumbersome and take some getting used to, but they DO help. Ankle straps will feel really weird but ultimately it will give you the chance to walk further - also invest in some good walking shoes.

    Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can be stepped up as you feel fitter.

    In terms of the gym, something like the seated bike may be a good option, but what I would really recommend is strengthening your muscles through weight lifting - it doesn't need to be free weights, just using machines at the gym or doing light weights until you get that strength up.

    Other leading up options could be something like yoga?
  • bearsfan67
    bearsfan67 Posts: 57
    I would say the pool....also walking.....does not have to be far but every little bit makes a difference! if you have Comcast as your cable provider they have some great low-impact work outs ondemand that are great!!!
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    Hey hun I do this walking inside after my little ones go to bed :) very low impact and great to just get moving :)

  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    definitely pool. and moving more and more each time in. I also vote for Leslie Sansone videos. I have the 2 mile walk and the five mile walk. At first I could not keep up with her, but just did what I could, but as I have become more fit, I am finding it an equally good workout.
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    Any Leslie Sansone walking DVD. With her you can walk 2 or 3 miles. Back in 2011 I walked 47 pounds off while doing her aerobic routine. She's a great motivator. And it's low impact.

    I second and agree with this completely. Leslie Sansone - Walk Away The Pounds. It's very easy, wonderful for beginners. You can modify the moves she does to make it easier on your joints, or vice versa, there are ways to make it harder too. But if you're just starting out and worried about over doing it, or if you're limited to your movements and cardio, this is a great beginners work out. And it certainly gets you sweatin'! :)

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai
  • janimei
    janimei Posts: 105 Member
    I have a bum knee, so a water aerobics class has been the best exercise for me (3 times a week). We all enjoy the music, enjoy chatting with one another before/after the class, and even go to lunch together once a month. My pool is closed now for maintenance, and I am missing it so much!
    The best exercise is one that is fun and doesn't make you curse the clock because time is moving too slowly. My pool offers lap walking, too--great for people who can't swim, or don't like putting their faces in the water.
  • javajunco
    javajunco Posts: 81
    Where do you live in AZ? Early morning or late afternoon walks in Tucson can be a lot of fun. Super awesome lizard and bird watching! And there is always walking at the mall!
  • cng31183
    cng31183 Posts: 126 Member
    Try walking and body weight exercises to build up stamina and basic muscle strength. As time goes on you will be able to walk faster and longer and you'll find that things like just getting up and down aren't as difficult anymore. Don't be discouraged if you get winded quickly and are sore the next day. You'll get better everytime you do it.
  • faithstimenow
    faithstimenow Posts: 99 Member
    leslie sansone has a walk a mile one too... and i find it good on knees, ankles...... plus, i can feel it when i am done, and it is low impact 20 min... easy to fit in the schedule.... can do it a couple times a day.....
  • AA1ex
    AA1ex Posts: 223 Member
    Walking, buy a treadmill if the outside isn't an option and walk. It is the most basic thing we all do just some don't do it enough. I like the pool idea for what you have mentioned but that is only if you have easy access to one. If you have to complete work your day around going to a public pool then you may not stick with it. The key is to find something that is maintainable for all parts of you and your life.
  • feelinggreat140
    feelinggreat140 Posts: 18 Member
    Can you get netflix streaming? There are exercise dvds to instant stream that are every thing from low impact to crazy ramped up. I started with Pick Your Level Pilates....it allows you to do just that. Or just put on some music inside and start swaying to the beat, or slow dancing. The best thing I did when I hadn't been active very much was to start slow. I love walking and I realized that I could start inside by just putting one foot in front of the other and before I knew it BAM I was walking longer and longer each day. Have you checked with your doctor about what the best exercise would be for you to get started with? I know before my knee replacement I had to be very careful as my knee would give out. I did go online and find some chair exercise youtube type videos to try and got ideas from the National Arthritis Association's website.
  • LazyBearGrrr
    LazyBearGrrr Posts: 35 Member
    I did really well with The Biggest Loser DVDs. They are meant for absolute beginners, but will still give you a nice challenge, and progress you well.

    The Biggest Loser: Cardio Max
    The Biggest Loser: Power Sculpt

    I highly recommend them. They're available on iTunes or on video
  • bethwindisch
    bethwindisch Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with the others that suggested the Leslie Sansone dvd's. I have some arthritis in one knee but am able to do these and they are good work outs. Like someone else said, you can make them easier or harder with effort. I really enjoy them and always feel great afterward. I have four different ones and keep rotating them so as not to get bored. Love em!
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    Check out YouTube. There's something for everybody including the physically impaired. I've been using a LI workout from fitness blender there. But overall, the pool is a great way to get your heart rate up.
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    DO NOT DO 30 DAY SHRED! They are NOT low impact! I fractured my tibia doing just level one, and I am 185lbs with no history of a leg injury.

    Stick to simple cardio like walking or going out on a bike. In AZ, go on walks at dusk or dawn when it isn't too hot yet. I also will agree with water aerobics. Very little resistance so you're working yourself out more than you really feel. We are actually going that with one of our dogs - he has hit by a car back in November and broke his radius and ulna in one of his front legs, so now we take him swimming and he's definitely building back muscle mass and getting into shape again after being so limited. And he isn't in pain or suffering any swelling. You can also try exercise resistance bands and adjust them to your liking.

    but WALK WALK WALK! It gets your heart rate up to start the burn!