So I was laying in bed...

Matt82007 Posts: 23 Member
And I realized that a month before my 31st birthday, I am older than my father was when I was born and less healthy than he is now. It's time to change a thing or three.

Now I'm cycling off caffeine (tried to give coffee up cold turkey a while ago and it actually made me sick). I have plans to quit smoking, though I'm really not too confident about that one. And of course I'm looking to lose some weight (I set the goal of 180 lbs on the site, but really my goal is a 36 inch waist).

If all goes well, I'll have higher lung capacity, lower blood pressure, and more energy by the time I'm 32.


  • autumnrunning
    Good for you deciding to become healthier and taking action!

    Welcome and wish you all the best regarding your goals. Surely you'll succeed if you only want to! :)
  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    I started smoking when I was 17 and currently I am 26 years old. I was smoking a pack of cigarettes every two days and as of 62 DAYS AGO I AM SMOKE FREE!!!! I know if I can quit, you can and I will admit it is tough but with well power and a great support system you can do this and loose weight!!! I wish you nothing but success on your journey,and your more than welcome to send a friend request my way:)
  • Matt82007
    Matt82007 Posts: 23 Member
    Road my girlfriend's bicycle from my house to my former roomate's house, picked up the helmet I'd left sitting in his shed for 5 years and road back. Worked out to an average speed of 9 miles an hour. Whoever wrote the fitness calculator and decided to refer to that as a leisurely pace is either an Olympic athlete or crazy. This should be fun.
  • butterflyluv1218
    Good luck with your goals! This site is awesome if you are looking for motivation and support. Send over a request if you want!
  • londonboyben
    londonboyben Posts: 314 Member
    smoking, arrgghh!!!

    really weak with trying to give up smoking, definitely on my to do list,
    however decided that losing a bit of weight and giving up smoking at the same time may have been a bit much for me to do, so decided to get healthy eating and some weight training as the norm for me 1st then will tackle quitting the cigarettes

    good luck with your goals
    feel free to add me :)
  • likesmetal
    likesmetal Posts: 6 Member
    After trying patches, pills, etc ... over the years, I quit smoking cold turkey over a week ago and it turned out to be easiest and most effective method I had tried. All thanks to the videos I found on

    First 3 days were hell in withdrawal symptoms, but juicing with cranberry juice was the way to go.

    Good luck Matt.
  • bassface5332
    bassface5332 Posts: 8 Member
    quitting is the best thing you can do for your health (for now!) I've been a little over a year smoke free and it really makes an enormous difference in how you feel. Plus, its extra cash in your pocket!