Who has benefited from a personal trainer?



  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    I am using a trainer and they are not just for weight loss. I can say if you get a good trainer they can help not just with the basics of how to use machines and how to increase weights safely but to also keep it balanced so muscles are even and not pulling to one side or another as in overusing hamstrings and not strengthening the quads. It is also important to learn stretching and at times use them for assisted stretches. Mine will know before I do when a muscle is tight and I am susceptible for injuries because we do this. He also can watch my gait when running and see problems at times that I am not aware of where I am favoring something. Many can help with nutrician as well. For me it is about trusting and relearning how to listen to my own body and balance my actvtiy level. The bad part is there are many that are not good out there and they arent all trained equally
    Good Luck
  • Pnuke77
    Pnuke77 Posts: 23
    I did big time when I used one a couple years ago. He really pushed me and was always giving me TONS of motivation. He knew I had motivation issues on the weekends so he would call me Friday nights when I was out with friends and just remind me to take it easy on the beers and fries. Like others have said though, depends on who you get.
  • meggwtw
    meggwtw Posts: 95 Member
    I think it's kind of rude, frankly, to say I would be throwing my money away and I just need to learn willpower. I want to get a personal trainer so I can learn proper technique, get further motivation to work out, and get toned rather than just run on the treadmill and elliptical all the time.

    Not to say I think your comment was inaccurate, just a bit on the harsh side. I'm looking for support, not "put your fork and knife down."
  • suanmarie
    suanmarie Posts: 1 Member
    I hired a trainer 5 weeks ago after talking about getting into shape for 2 years and paying for a gym membership that I've used 3 times for the same reasons you post. I feel very insecure working out by myself unless its cardio. And even that makes me anxious in a gym. I have to admit I'm pying a lot of money, but I will continue to work overtime to keep it because after five weeks (the first two were hell) I have more endurance, better balance and feel stronger. I've only lost a couple of pounds, but I haven't followed my meal plan exactly, so that's my next step. I am so glad I went with a personal trainer, but it definitely matters to have one that fits what you need and what motivates you. I was very up front about what frustrates me and what makes me feel successful and he's in incorporated that into my workouts.
  • pajouey79
    pajouey79 Posts: 39 Member
    I used to have a personal trainer and admittedly at the time, i was not really watching what i ate, so i did not see alot of the benefits, but here are the benefits of getting one as i see them:

    paying a lot of money is going to get you to the gym to see your trainer even when you don't want to.
    they are going to make you work harder than you would by yourself. (if they want you to do 10 crunches, you're going to do 10, instead of *****ing out after 5)
    they are going to make sure that you have good form when you are doing the weights, which is good cause otherwise the weights are not effective.

    you're probably not going to find the perfect one on your first try, so keep looking for the one that works for you and remeber that you are the boss (and just paying them to boss you around) :bigsmile:
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    Sound like you are traveling uncharted waters for you fitness wise..................I would say go for it!!! IF and thats a big IFFFFF you pick a good one then it will be totally beneficial for you to learn proper form
    and learn the compound exercises that will be best for your overall fitness goals.

    Then again I can personally train you babycakes!!:bigsmile:
  • nighthawke
    nighthawke Posts: 45 Member
    I signed up with a personal trainer at my gym a few weeks ago, and have been having a BLAST. She has me doing things I never thought I was capable of, and doing them well! Take the time to speak with the different trainers at your gym, and see which one you have the most in common with and that seems to really care about where YOU want to go physically. Some trainers are better at building mass, than with body recomp, etc.