
I know weight loss is not always an easy thing, otherwise none of us would be here. It takes hard work and patience, but this week it seems to not be working. I have worked out 5 days this week, which included 90 min of cardio everyday, and tracking my calories everyday with exception of yesterday. I get on the scale this AM and it says i lost .2 lbs.....WHAT....ARE YOU KIDDING ME. This is a huge blow to my self confidence. I am starting to wonder if my goals are realistic or if I am even capable of doing this. I feel like in order to lose weight I have to deprive myself of the foods I like, which will just set me up for failure. I want to make sure I still incorporate the foods I like in my diet (I am currently doing it in moderation) but it just doesn't seem to be working.

What works for everyone else so they lose weight every week with out starving themselves?


  • shanli
    shanli Posts: 19
    2lbs!! WAY TO GO! I know it doen't seem like much, but 2lbs is a great loss. No matter where you look it up you will read that 2lbs is the max you should loose per week, in order to keep it off. If you keep it up you will reach your ultimate goal weight in 3mnths.
    So that would be November instead of Jan. I know it can be frustrating but try to keep doing what you've done this week. We are the same weight and have the same weight goal. Reading your 2lb weight loss is encouraging to me.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    First don't be discouraged. Did you gain the weight you want to lose in a few days. NO You lost 2 pounds. Celebrate the fact that you lost 2 pounds. That's 2 less than you had to lose before. If giving up everything seems like a huge task start with baby steps. Eat what you want ( to a degree) in small doses. I will tell you if you give yourself a chance your need for certain foods will change in a few weeks. After 3 weeks I usually don't have cravings for certain things anymore. If I read it right you have a goal of 5 to 10 pounds a month to lose for your goals. This is totally doable. Just stick with it and get a good mindset. YES YOU CAN!!
  • dawnsant
    dawnsant Posts: 44
    I know how you feel. It is a HUGE blow to see that after much hard work and commentment. HOWEVER! Do the same next week. Last week, I did extra things to try to lose. I was bummed out to find that the scale was only .3 of a pound less! However, stick to it and next week you will drop more. Anyway, if you lose 2 pounds a week for two months ...... that is 16 pounds! I would be happy if I could drop 2 - 5 pounds a week. It adds up fast. Just don't give up.
  • italy1677
    Might I say fail on the first two replies as they did not notice there was a decimal point in front of the 2. She did not lose 2 pounds, but just 0.2 pounds. My advice is to keep it up for another week or two, or try actually changing your goals so your not starving yourself as much as it might be slowing down your metabolism too much. Still at least your making progress! Oh and make sure your drinking enough water and try weighing in in the morning
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Strictly my are doing too much cardio, quit it, add some strength training, and re-evaluate your diet, see what happens. Most people who beleive they are truly eating healthy, really aren't, better, but not enough..did that make sense??? lol
  • cwickham
    I am similar-I am not losing any weight! Doing 7 days a week of cardio and strength training and eating below my calorie allowance and nothing is budging! So fair play losing 2 pounds in a week that is great!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    I agree with gymrat

    Cut the cardio to 30 min and add strength training 3x a week at at least. Start off slow and build some muscle, the more you have, the more calories your body burns during the day!! Its great! you could sit and do nothing all day and burn extra just because you have more muscle! (but dont sit and do nothing all day lol)

    I feel 30 min cardio is enough to start out, and then after if you are near goal or hit a plateau you can increase it by 15 min to get that extra boost... dont break out all the big guns at once !

    good luck
  • june_warner
    june_warner Posts: 126 Member
    2 pounds is GREAT!!! You don't want to lose anymore than that in a week anyway. If you start depriving yourself of food you will start losing muscle. You are probably gaining muscle if you are working out as hard as you say you are and that is a great thing because muscle will burn the fat much quicker and you will get leaner faster (not necessarily what the scale says). Your doing a great job, you didn't gain the weight overnight and your not gonna lose it overnight! Keep doing what your doing and the results will come!!!! PROMISE!!!!!
  • sergeant771
    Be patient....2 pounds is a good thing. Remember that you have to eat to lose weight. You don't want your body to think it's in famine mode. Keep working out and eating healthy. My biggest lose weeks where when I worked out a lot and ate over 2000 calories per day.

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  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    Weight is a funny thing. Even 0.2 pounds is a loss. :) Weight can fluctuate so much that it is hard to get an accurate "actual weight" all the time.

    Your weight could be drastically different tomorrow due to many different factors, including:

    1) Water weight
    2) How recently you used the bathroom
    3) Time of day
    4) Clothing (unless you are weighing naked)

    Also remember that your body could be hanging onto weight right now, but once it gets used to your new lifestyle, you could start dropping weight more quickly.

    Have patience. Stick with it. You will get there. :)

    I too am frustrated because I am right there with you--- I have only lost 1.7 pounds in two weeks. I GAINED weight (0.3 pounds) during the first two days, but I am back down a little bit.