Feeling down help :(

Feeling down i ate like 3000 calories over today i lost close to 100 pounds and this was my forst full on cheat day i had chet meals in the past but this is by far te worst just feeling like im going to gain all my weight back in thia one day and tomo im goin to dinner with my dad at a bbq place thats nothin but ribs how ba will this effect my weight loss im prolly gunna have like 6000-7000 cals in one weekend i feel like a faluire


  • vbchjewel
    vbchjewel Posts: 3
    I say this, so what? You went over in calories. Go under in calories, work out a bit more and don't worry about it. If I eat an oreo, I walk an extra 30 minutes. Just work it off. You can't cheat everyday, but you can have a day once in a while that is a bit more. I am thinking of the 4th of July and Thanksgiving. I will need to work those days off.

    Awesome job with the weight loss. Don't let one day bring you down!
  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    You absolutely are NOT a failure. You showed a lot of strength and perserverence to succeed in your lifestyle change. Please try enjoy your weekend and your dad 's bday dinner manana and try to not beat yourself up.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    You didn't lose the weight in one day, you're not going to gain it back in one day. Let it go and move on. Don't let it become a habit, but don't beat yourself up over one bad day. Get back on track, get your eating back in line and do your exercise. You'll be fine. I have had weekends like that, and I didn't gain back the 90 lbs I lost. As long as you don't give up, you'll be fine. And grats on the 100 lbs.
  • Lowaann
    Lowaann Posts: 8 Member
    Don't let this one slip define you! You have done amazing work losing that weight!

    Is it too late to ask your dad if you can go to a healthier restaurant for dinner? Or maybe you can fill up on veggies and water before you go and just eat some bites of stuff that you truly love and savour it. You only taste the first 2-3 bites I have heard......not that I have found that to be true....but that is what I have heard.:laugh:
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    One cheat day will not make you gain 96lbs. OK so you messed up. OK do not let this derail all of your good efforts. you have free will to stop theis before you keep doing down that road. TURN AROUND! You did it before, you can do it now!
  • TheHorribleBlob
    TheHorribleBlob Posts: 84 Member
    Don't sweat the small stuff. At most, you set yourself back 1 lb. That's nothing. Don't let 1 lb derail you. And don't let what the scale says tomorrow worry you. The day after a binge, most of the gain you see on the scale is food weight, not fat.
  • apothecarist
    apothecarist Posts: 193
    I'd hardly call a person who's lost 100lbs a failure. Try not to catastrophize what happened today b/c that's not being realistic. Looks like from your diary you've been doing really well with keeping at your goal or under so try to relax about today! Also, there's gotta be something other than ribs at that bbq place you're going to tomorrow? well, if not, then opt for the baby back ribs and split it with your dad instead of eating a whole portion. (baby back's are supposed to be leaner than spare ribs). And get the bbq sauce on the side. Maybe prior to the dinner tomorrow you can work out a little extra and save your cals for dinner. You'll be just fine!
  • KandisV
    KandisV Posts: 26
    Food addiction is a constant struggle, so don't beat yourself up over 1 bad day. Don't let 1 day unravel all your hard work. Go back & look over your food or exercise journals and reflect on all the good days you've had---you don't lose 100 lbs without those good days. Chalk it up to one small bump on the very long road. Get back on it tomorrow my friend!
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    Immediately get back on track: Don't wait any longer! Then, congratulate yourself on getting back on track and be kind to yourself at every step of the game here on in. There is no utility in self-blame. A 100 pound weight loss is a success no matter how you look at it and you won't gain it back overnight. :bigsmile:
  • Pinkybarbell
    Wow! You lost 100 pounds! You are amazing!! You must have strength, commitment and awesome ability! Remember that, you are an expert and share your expertise with others!!!

    As for the extra calories, it's good you went over, now you can be an expert at going over a few days every now and then but still continuing with the dedication.

    also, say you go over TDEE by 5000 to 7000 calories, that is a 1 1/2 to 2 pounds... Minimal. If you went 5000 to 7000 over you deficit goal, I don't know the numbers but you may just maintain. Practicing maintenance is a very worthwhile endeavor IMO.

    You rock! We all indulge sometimes, you're just scared because this is your first time, but you will keep making decisions that are good for you and hopefully contributing towards your happiness:)
  • dtibb81
    dtibb81 Posts: 3
    You've worked your *kitten* off to lose that weight. Don't lose sight of that. It's incredibly hard work. Unlike other addictions, food is always there. You cannot avoid it; it is a necessity to live. Alcoholics don't have to drink booze to live. Drug addicts don't need to snort/shoot to live. Food addicts have to eat to live, making it probably the hardest of all addictions to deal with. There's gonna be times where you overdo it. That's fine. Just make sure it's a blip, not a trend, and you'll be fine.

    Stay strong and push on. Congrats on your success.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    100 pounds--YOU ARE A ROCK STAR...NOT A FAILURE! Enjoy your dinner with Dad. Monday get back on the Healthy Train. Do some extra exercise. Eat LOTS of veges. No problemo. You GOT THIS! and you GOT a lot of admiration from a LOT of us!

    (Oh, and my strange photo is a pic of the oopsie bread I made today)
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    You are not the 3000 calories or the 100 pounds overweight or the food you just ate. Rather, you are an incredibly hardworking person who cares about himself and his health. You changed your eating/exercise habits and lost 100 pounds! True, if you give up you could gain it all back. That's a scary thought! But one day isn't going to suddenly pile the pounds back on because you are going to go right back to your healthy routine. Yes, you are.