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Alyyspp Posts: 8 Member
Hello I'm Alys, I've dabbled with myfitnesspal for a few years, but now really have the motivation to sort my weight out. I was originally a size 6 - 8 (UK) and didn't have to worry too much about what I ate etc, then I went from around 8 stone to around 17 stone in the space of 6 months even though my diet had not changed. It took me 2 years to get a doctor to take me seriously, all the previous ones believed that I must have just been eating more and referred me to weight loss programs, but nothing was working. I finally had a blood test done, and it turned out my thyroid was very underactive. I am now settled on my meds, have much more energy and I'm feeling really positive about losing weight. I'm now 19 years old and at university, I'm tired of feeling embarrassed about my size, so I'm hoping I'll manage to lose some weight :smile:

Feel free to add me as a friend :smile:


  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    Hello I'm Alys, I've dabbled with myfitnesspal for a few years, but now really have the motivation to sort my weight out. I was originally a size 6 - 8 (UK) and didn't have to worry too much about what I ate etc, then I went from around 8 stone to around 17 stone in the space of 6 months even though my diet had not changed. It took me 2 years to get a doctor to take me seriously, all the previous ones believed that I must have just been eating more and referred me to weight loss programs, but nothing was working. I finally had a blood test done, and it turned out my thyroid was very underactive. I am now settled on my meds, have much more energy and I'm feeling really positive about losing weight. I'm now 19 years old and at university, I'm tired of feeling embarrassed about my size, so I'm hoping I'll manage to lose some weight :smile:

    my ex had the same problem only it took forever for his doctor to sort out the right dosage of thyroxine that he should be on. He was like a whole new person once that was managed properly. It was important for him to eat really well though and exercise regularly otherwise he would slump again. He actually became a really good runner and started doing marathons etc... it was amazing considering how unwell and unfit he was at the beginning. ... so you can turn it around. You're only young as well so you've got an advantage already :smile:
  • Alyyspp
    Alyyspp Posts: 8 Member
    The burst I've life I've had since they've sorted my medication has been amazing, I was feeling so lazy before and it was so depressing to be told that I was just lazy! It affected everything from education to relationships. I'm being as positive as I can going forward and hoping to hit my target. Thank you for the encouragement :smile:
  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    Hi, something similar happened to me. I gained 80 lbs in less than a year, it took a long time for Doctors to figure out that it was my thyroid (I have Hashimoto's) and after much research I began to read the connection between gluten and the thyroid which led me to have further tests, and was diagnosed celiac/coeliac. For three years I could not shift any weight even though my thyroid was being controlled with levothyroxine. After my celiac diagnosis and subsequently cutting out gluten, the weight is coming off finally. It's worth looking into, wheat and thyroid issues just don't seem to mesh well together.

    Obviously everyone is different and each person should do their own research, but it's working for me and I now have to have my thyroid meds reduced for the first time in four years.

    Good luck and feel free to add me! :)
  • Welcome and good luck with your goal.

    Happy to add as friends friends for inspiration/motivation etc
  • Alyyspp
    Alyyspp Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your story, it's nice to know that it wasn't just me who went through this. I think my biggest upset from putting all the weight on in a short period of time are my stretch marks, and I don't think there's anything I can do about that.

    I'll look into the gluten issue. I have noticed that bread has been making me feel terrible, and have had much less stomach pain since cutting it out. It all feels so complicated and confusing sometimes
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your story, it's nice to know that it wasn't just me who went through this. I think my biggest upset from putting all the weight on in a short period of time are my stretch marks, and I don't think there's anything I can do about that.

    I'll look into the gluten issue. I have noticed that bread has been making me feel terrible, and have had much less stomach pain since cutting it out. It all feels so complicated and confusing sometimes

    I would definitely speak to your doctor before cutting anything out of your diet though. I mean it may just be that you are eating the wrong kinds of carbs. I find white bread, white rice and pasta make me feel awful but if I eat whole grains like wholemeal bread, brown rice etc, I'm fine. Just be careful and make sure you get the right info for you :smile:
  • Alyyspp
    Alyyspp Posts: 8 Member
    It's very confusing when different doctors give you different advice. Some said to cut the bread out completely, others said to which to wholemeal, in the end I switched to wholemeal as I loved bread too much to give it up completely :tongue: .
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    hey hon I've lost 18 kg in 164 days and i'm hypothyroid, it's totally possible xx add me if you like
  • fizzfizz
    fizzfizz Posts: 94 Member
    Hello - the thyroid stuff sounds really rough, thanks Alys for sharing your story, you're inspiring!

    Am someone who has the delusion of being active as I like hillwalking / mountain climbing but I have had so many injuries it's not really true. And I eat as much when uberactive as when I am feeling rubbish about not being out and about with inevitable consequences!

    I need another knee op (I have had 4) to help the one on the right, and need to protect a recent op to the one on the left. So this time, I can't really rely on heavy cardio exercise to shed the pounds so I tried out counting calories in early May. I have used MFP in the past for nutrition info as my GP spotted low iron levels.

    Calorie counting works .. but actually keeping it up is going to be the real test :)

    Good luck everyone and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • NBBorg
    NBBorg Posts: 38
    Welcome! +Add
  • teecee46
    teecee46 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm Theresa from Ireland - 5 feet 0 and currently 184lbs. I have just started using My Fitness Pal about 3 weeks ago and have managed to lose 5lb so far! I have just also started using a Fitbit One less than a week ago so I'm hoping I'll keep motivated to get to around 135lbs by this time next year! I'm looking forward to participating in the forums here to keep me focused 'cos I'm easily distracted!