I need help :'(

I can't lose weight anymore. I do good, but then I have these crazy binge episodes. Like tonight. I was trying to fast, but around 7 o clock I lost it. I downed 2000 calories in one sitting! I'm definitely going to be heavier tomorrow. I hate this. This week has been a wreck. I want tomorrow to bring a flawless week, but it's just so hard. I always think next time I'll do better, but I don't. I want to quit, but then I won't be happy with my body. Can anyone be my email or text buddy in case I'm about to lose it? I really need support if I'm going to lose these 15 pounds. Thanks to anyone who read <3


  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Hey... I found this link really inspiring! I have given you a friends request too!!! =)

    PS read this info... it shows how most ppl are in "starvation mode" and how you have to actually eat to loose weight... =)


    These links really are worth the time it takes to read them!!! =)

    Good Luck!
  • sergeant771
    'Cheat Days' will happen and they are not necessarily a bad thing. Get a grip on what triggers you to go into this mode. For me it's stress and I get a fixation on consuming a lot of calories. Learn how to identify it and get it under control. A couple hours ago I was dead set for whatever reason on eating 1000 calories plus on ice cream/nuts/sweet toppings. But I took deep breathes and managed to overcome it. I went out and excercised and it passed. Learn how to recognize when it is happening.

    For me the expression ' This too....shall pass' is crucial.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Don't give up. You can do this. A pound is overeating 3,500 calories more than what your body can burn from all sources. One day going over will not do a great deal in the long run. Maybe the binge came on because you were desperate hungry with the fasting. Also maybe aiming for "flawless"sets you up for failure in your mind. Jump back in the game tomorrow. It will be a new day to start over with your calories. Keep going day after day, begin new everyday. For me some times I'm under and sometimes I'm over. It's the long haul that counts. :flowerforyou:
  • coderedcoderedjkjk
    Thank you so much guys!!! I feel so much better! Everyone has really been an amazing help <3
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Why are you trying to fast? That's your bingeing answer right there. You're not bingeing, you're hungry!
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    Seriously, unless it's for medical reasons, fasting is an Ana game, that DOESN'T WORK. Your body needs fuel. If you want to be "skinny" put in the exercise time.

    You're clearly already thin, so the only way your body will allow you to be smaller is to make yourself more dense with muscle. I don't know that you'll be able to weigh less.... but you'll be hott. : )

    Don't starve, strive!
  • coderedcoderedjkjk
    thank you everyone! im definitely gonna try to stop losing weight and start toning! ive played with that ana **** and its absolutely horribleee! it works for a little while and then your metabolism slows and then it's all over. but im done with all that. im gonna be healthy from now on :)
  • BrockDoe
    BrockDoe Posts: 25
    Try setting a weekly calorie intake goal. As aposed to daily. If you constantly eat the same amount of calories daily your body adjusts and starts to burn less calories daily. Keep it on its toes. Some days over eat, other days under eat. Allow your cheat days to fall on the weekend as this is the time we all give in to temptation. One day won't hurt, if anything its a good thing.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    thank you everyone! im definitely gonna try to stop losing weight and start toning! ive played with that ana **** and its absolutely horribleee! it works for a little while and then your metabolism slows and then it's all over. but im done with all that. im gonna be healthy from now on :)

    You go girl! :flowerforyou:
  • luvmakeup4ever
    luvmakeup4ever Posts: 60 Member
    when I have binge episodes i just get on youtube with my laptop. watch videos as i sit on the exercise bike and before I know it, i have burned about 800 calories, or you can watch tv on the bike.