Ive lost the weight, but feel like an imposter...



  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Firstly, you are a rock star, and never forget what an amazing achievement you're made.

    Secondly, I think it's very normal to feel like you do. I've heard/read lots of other people say the same. I've lost a little over half of what you have, but I have a lot of the same feelings too. It's a very confusing time. I do double takes sometimes when I see my reflection, I still feel like the fattest person in the room, even when I'm the slimmest. I have no clue about what size clothes I should be wearing half the time (it really doesn't help that different brands have different sizes) and I have no clue about what suits me. Sometimes I'll dress up and feel like I'm trying to hard, or showing off, or I'll realise that something doesn't suit me as well as I'd thought it would. Other times I'll dress down more because I just don't have the confidence. I'm finding it hard to find my style really, especially as my body has changed shape, so I have to learn new ways of dressing it.

    If I gain a pound or two, I feel enormous, as if I never lost the weight, and yet some days I look at photos and can't believe I was ever that fat. People make little jokes or throwaway comments about me being small (not in a nasty way) and I don't know how to react. A couple of people that I've met since losing the weight have commented that I don't have to worry about weight, or alluded to the fact that I'm thinner than them, and I feel confused because I assumed I was bigger than them.

    Confidence definitely doesn't magically appear when the weight is gone. I'm quite a shy person anyway, so I suppose that has something to do with it. I don't know if you've always been overweight, but I think that if you have, (or have for many years) that it can be harder than for someone who is slim for a long time, gains weight, and loses it again. I think they somehow go back to the confident person they perhaps were before; they felt "different" when they were bigger, and had to get back to the old/normal them. When you start off big, it's hard to feel normal when you lose the weight.

    It messes with your head, that's for sure. I think your mind does take some time to catch up. I try to just accept compliments etc without thinking about them too much, and accept that there are days when I feel either fat, or uncomfortable, or less confident, and wait for the days when I feel more confident. I think time will definitely help.
  • I think it's a low self esteem issue, I'm kinda the same. I've yet to lose the weight (btw, congratulations, that's an amazing feat) but I think to myself, "I should dress nicer, wear a little make up, do my hair" but I never do because it's so different to what I normally do, which is the baggy clothes, no make up, hair that's been washed and slept on then brushed in the morning which results in a silky frizz monster. Any time I make an effort, I feel people are judging me and that I'm not good enough. My wedding was a nightmare because I was pressured into wearing the dress, having my make up done and having my hair done and I did not feel pretty enough to pull it all off. Even the song for walking down the aisle was difficult as my family wanted a beautiful, sweeping piece of music for it and I did not feel good enough to walk down the aisle to it. I haven't worn a skirt or dress since I was 8 because I was tall and large framed and chunky and didn't feel feminine enough for it!

    You've worked very hard to get to where you are, you just need to work on your self esteem now.
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    thank you for the insight on the body dimorphic disorder...you might be onto something here...

    I have been overweight for many years...ever since I can remember really aside from a few years in high school, but even then I was still bigger than most of my friends....

    I often find it hard to give myself credit where credit is deserved...and after speaking to a few friends its becoming obvious that I clearly see myself as much bigger than what I really am...

    obviously, this is another area that I need to work on to keep going in the right direction...

    thanks for your honest replies...its always appreciated!
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    It sounds like you worked out the physical problem, but might have missed out on dealing with the mental hangups that come with being overweight for a long period of time. That is a key part to work on if you want to avoid having a fat persons mind in a thin body. There are some books that helped me a lot, but you need to be willing to be introspective. I am not a whackado either. This realization came from a coach that could read that tone in my discussions.

    Great job by the way. You look awesome.
  • adairbrum
    adairbrum Posts: 68
    thanks for your responses...

    i wish i could put my finger on why or what makes me feel like this...

    confidence or lack of it? wanting to feel good but not feel worthy of such a feeling....
    you probably just use to a different way of everyone looking at you now you are different so the looks are also you must allow yourself to except complements and and know that you did this it wasn't magic!!!!! or a trick!!!!
  • 6952to70
    6952to70 Posts: 7
    I have struggled with my weight for so many years.....up and down and up and down....I know exactly what you mean. You know they always say that "Inside a fat person....is a skinny person".. :-] I have lost 57 pounds on this amazing awesome site and when that 'skinny person' appeared in my mirror, I didn't know who it was! :-) ....and it takes awhile to get to know who the heck that person is looking back at you in your mirror. I'm having some difficulty finding clothes I like now.....but have found a few and will keep working at it. You are sooooo on the right track....keep up the good work and enjoy your success!! :-)
  • TheMerryBoffin
    TheMerryBoffin Posts: 15 Member
    In my experience as an obese person, being noticed is usually a bad thing. Most of the time people ignore you, but when they notice you, it's not always a good thing. Even if it's harmless, in your mind you project your negative perception and judgements about yourself onto what they must be thinking about you. Now that you are a smaller, healthier you, people "see" you. You no longer have that veil of invisibility and that may be an adjustment for you. You still may be projecting your own feelings, such as feeling like an imposter (in "their" world, perhaps?), onto what they are thinking. As much as I hate the term, you should probably look at your "self-talk". The fact that your feel like an imposter is coming from you, not other people - so, it's something you are telling yourself is a truth about who you are.

    Also, you are now able to dress your healthy new body in clothes, that compared to the nondescript clothing you previously wore, probably feels attention-grabbing to you. In reality, you are probably just dressing like a normal person. Give yourself time and continue to ask questions of yourself about how you are perceiving things. Most of all, be proud of your hard work and accomplishment! You EARNED your new body - be proud! (And guess what... it's OKAY to show off!) :smile:
  • 81meg1L
    81meg1L Posts: 44 Member
    So, Im a rock star...I've lost 150lbs...go me!

    when I was heavy I would of course put very little thought into the way that I dressed...sweat pants, big t-shirts, baggy jeans...just clothes to cover up, not much thought to looking nice or put together...

    now, at what is the lightest and smallest that I can ever remember being in my life Im really trying to dress better...with some style and look put together....hair done, some make-up, a cute pair of shoes, some accessory that matches...stuff like that...

    but when Im dressed and ready to walk out the door I have moments of self doubt...like Im trying too hard, or something like that...

    I have noticed that people sometimes look when I walk in a room...and I have had both women and men give me compliments on a top or that I look hot...stuff like that...

    I feel like an imposter...or like Im trying too hard...

    I feel like everyone knows that Im faking something...that I don't even know what that something is, well that's even worse...

    Do these feeling have something to do with my mind taking a heck of a lot longer to catch up to my body?

    To those that have lost huge amounts of weight how have you gone about making the transition to fat and frumpy to healthy and fabulous?

    I really am proud of myself...and I know I should be...I just want to stop the self-doubting feelings that seem to have come along with this whole experience...

    Losing weight is about changing habits. Many people find that even though they are changing physically, their self-talk (internal dialog) stays the same. So, this is my suggestion.

    Start today. Simply take notice of how to dialog with yourself. Is it all positive? all negative? more positive than negative? When you've taken inventory, start to change it. Don't allow yourself to think negative thoughts about you. Ask yourself...would you ever say those same things to a small child? If not, then don't say them to yourself.

    You are wonderful! You are gorgeous! And don't forget it! :-)
  • 6952to70
    6952to70 Posts: 7
    I also think losing weight is something you do just for yourself and we are all used to doing so many things for others, ie: children, friends and family in need....that it is hard to accept that you have done something totally for yourself. You can also think of it in a different way.....since you have lost the weight, you have made yourself much healthier and will be around much longer for those you care about and care about you! :-)
  • brichnic
    brichnic Posts: 14
    I've lost a chunk of weight lately.. The numbers tell me it was big, but I don't *feel* it. I don't feel thinner, don't look thinner when I look in the mirror. I keep telling myself, "It's because you have such a long way to go." It's definitely a mental thing for me, I don't know how I'll feel when I get to 150-200 lbs of weight loss!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Congratulations! You're still the same person, just healthier, hotter, and with more grit and discipline than before. Change is a fact of life - you chose to make a change for the better.
  • Mjandjt
    Mjandjt Posts: 58 Member
    My advice? Don't ever stop dressing up and looking nice! Throw the baggie stuff away....not even when you're at home. Get cute shorts and yoga pants, form fitting tops, and get out the door every day. I, for one, got his way from hiding myself...both at home and behind baggie clothes. People are looking because you look good...always...never think otherwise. Congrats on the weight loss...now lose your mind! :happy: :wink:
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    You're not alone! My sister went through this when she lost 65 pounds. She looked fantastic, but her self-esteem remained low. It took a while for her confidence to catch up with her rockin' bod. Seeing a counselor helped her a lot.

    Congrats on your weight loss! Hang in there. :flowerforyou:
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    This happened to me. I lost a TON of weight and I still saw the same fat girl. Depression got really bad and I gained ALL of it back, plus more.

    I am both terrified and determined losing the weight another time around.

    I'm trying to get that girl back (visible in my ticker) and when she's here I will tell her she is gorgeous!