Ladies who are over 200 lbs....

First is there a group that I can't find in MFP that consists of the above mentioned?

Second...It has been said on here a million times before....everyone is different, and what works for one, doesn't work for all.

I'm not picking on anyone under 200#, I'm not, if you take it that way that's your fault.

I just have a VERY difficult time relating to those who weigh less...I'm not going to hang out any dirty laundry here for anyone to "bite" at but I'm considering starting a group with a forum and all for some of the ladies (and if guys want to, I don't belive we can tell you no)

Is that something that anyone would be interested in?


  • slee45744
    slee45744 Posts: 1
    I would also like to be in a group for people with at least 200 lbs to lose. I am 45 and my Dr wants me to have WLS. I am scared of that and would like to know others that are trying to lose without surgery.
  • sboy3
    sboy3 Posts: 1 Member
    I would join that group. My doctor recommended the surgery to me when I expressed frustration on not being able to lose the weight despite exercising and watching the food. The surgery scares me and I would have thought my doctor would have supported me a little better instead of just telling me I could have the surgery. Plus the surgery and the later plastic surgery is expensive and that is money I just don't have.
  • AprilMae1975
    I am almost out of the 200's but I can totally relate. Feel free to add me as a friend :)