
My name is Dorothy and I have been on MFP for about 5 weeks. I am really struggling because even though I have made some good changes-eating healthier, exercising 6 days a week and not snacking-I am not losing weight. It used to be so easy to lose 10-15 pounds, but now that I am 51 and menopausal it just won't come off. Any ideas or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. If I'm going to stay the same weight regardless of what I eat, it seems pointless working so hard at it. I am 5'1" and weigh 147 pounds. Thanks all!


  • 19Lindsay76
    19Lindsay76 Posts: 135
    I know that it is frustrating. I have been kicking my own butt working out and dieting, and staying exactly the same...but i FEEL healthier and I am more toned. Don't let it make u give up, you are healthier just making these changes even if the results aren't showing yet! They will. :flowerforyou: I don't have the same issues as you, as I am not yet having to deal with menopause, but feel free to ad me if you like!
  • Mystyfied
    Mystyfied Posts: 18 Member
    Hello Dorothy, Well done in the first instance in joining MFP to lose weight. I too am menopausal but as i have substantially more then you to lose I am finding I am losing quite a lot in a short space of time. As you have looked at your food choices and I see your ecercising 6 days perhaps your converting your excess weight into muscle. What type of exercise are you doing and how much? Have you tried to measure yourself as you may be losing inches. Don't lose heart. There will be someone on MFP that will be able to help you. If you give in you may pile weight on. I wish you luck and hope you find your answer : )
  • douglasnorton
    douglasnorton Posts: 479 Member
    Hi Dorothy! My name is Steve and I am working on losin 10-15 pounds myself. Don't let the weigh-ins you do get ya down or discouraged. Sometimes it may take us a little longer to see any weight changes. But, you are on the right path and eventually things will change. I am 5'9" and weigh 203 pounds. It has taken me about three weeks to lose close to one pound. But, as we change our eating habits and continue with our workouts, the changes will come. You just have to have that faith in yourself and continue to workout.
  • Darryl4126
    Darryl4126 Posts: 267 Member
    Do not give up you can do this you will just have to change your eating and count calories. I finally changed my workout and diet and I am seeing results. Good luck!!
  • Darryl4126
    Darryl4126 Posts: 267 Member
    What the heck is on that cats head???????????? LOL
  • DorothyLathrop
    I's not my cat but I'm pretty sure that it is a hat made out of snap pea pods!! Don't think my cat would let me do that, but I may try.....
  • DorothyLathrop
    Thanks all...I don't mean to despair, sometimes I just get frustrated. I will stick with it and reach my goal!! Good luck to all of you too.