What are your Healthy Habits?

I recently started reading "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg, and have quickly come to the realization that my habits are what make or break me when it comes to weight loss.

One habit Ive noticed that really hurts me is eating in front of the TV or computer screen. Up until a few days ago, I realized that I was ALWAYS in front of one or the other while eating. I don't even notice my food! So, instead of going immediately to the computer, I have been intentionally sitting down at my dining room table to eat -- ALL the time, even if it's just a tiny snack. Eventually, I will be so used to sitting at the table to eat, that it will be an automatic habit.

What unhealthy habits have you changed and what new healthy habits have you developed to successfully lose weight and keep it off?


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    In addition to exercising 6 days a week, I try to take a walk after eating out at a restaurant.
  • youngcaseyr
    youngcaseyr Posts: 293 Member
    When eating at a restaurant, order what you really want, rather than what you think you should eat- let yourself indulge a little, or you might overcompensate later. Eat the salad or vegetables that come with the meal first, and before you start eating the focal point of the meal, set aside half of it to take home for later. You could even put it in a to-go box right away, so it's not on your plate, taunting you. *Out of sight, out of mind!*
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    -For me personally-doing IF is a must. This keeps my grazing in check. It also totally eliminated my bad habit of night time eating (where I'd sit down with a book and eat a can of Pringles ugh).

    -Water, water and more water :) I totally broke my diet soda habit (have had it since I was a kid) and now only drink water and nothing else. My skin looks better and I love not feeling foggy brained/irritated when I didn't get my caffeine fix.

    -walking-have totally fallen in love with this and doing it makes me feel happy and refreshed (and my calves rock now lol).
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Eliminated workday snacking. I work in an office, mostly sitting. There is absolutely no need for nourishment between meals. I was mostly getting empty calories anyway. It has been easier than you might think. I don't miss them much and since I don't make exceptions I don't do any hand wringing over decisions.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Eliminated workday snacking. I work in an office, mostly sitting. There is absolutely no need for nourishment between meals. I was mostly getting empty calories anyway. It has been easier than you might think. I don't miss them much and since I don't make exceptions I don't do any hand wringing over decisions.

    I would love to stop snacking at my desk. Do you have any helpful suggestions?
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I have started keeping at least one bottle of water on the desk next to my bed. In the morning, before bed, or if I wake up from sleep for some reason the water bottle/bottles are the closest things to me so I am more likely to go for them than to go to the refrigerator.
  • jasonpclement
    jasonpclement Posts: 146 Member
    I like the use of the word habit. Thats the key to long term success :) When you get up in the morning and workout, because...thats just what you do...your going to succeed.

    For me... Gym at 6:20 am 5 days a week. And brazilian jiu jitsu class at night 2 - 3 times a week.

    Best habit...getting rid of world of warcraft.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I walk everywhere I can.
    When I was "big" I was so lazy that I drove my children to school every day and picked them up, too. We lived less than a mile from the school.
  • jinna86
    jinna86 Posts: 93
    I try to maintain a regular schedule, and always set aside time for regular weight lifting. Also, I plan my meals in advance, but keep it flexible enough that if I'm eating out, I can change things up last minute.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Eliminated workday snacking. I work in an office, mostly sitting. There is absolutely no need for nourishment between meals. I was mostly getting empty calories anyway. It has been easier than you might think. I don't miss them much and since I don't make exceptions I don't do any hand wringing over decisions.

    I would love to stop snacking at my desk. Do you have any helpful suggestions?

    Don't eat them. Don't keep them at your desk for someday either. Making zero exceptions was easier for me than just cutting back (tried that in the past; those little 100 calorie "treats" add up). Mostly it is committing and sticking to it.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    I keep a britta water tank thing on the counter where I can see it since staying hydrated was a problem for me.

    I know this isn't exactly what you were asking about, but i keep myself emotionally fit. I accept that there will be challenges and if i don't live up to them ( like going over my daily diary ) the world isn't going to end nor is my weight loss. I surround myself with lots of stuff that I enjoy in life -- healthy relationships, volunteering, coco chanel, bicycles, my dog, books, and old movies. It may sound strange but when I incorporated these elements into my life, unhealthy habits disappeared and are not missed.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    I have IBS and need to consume a ton of fiber. I was eating whole grain before whole grain was cool, lol. The more seeds and stuff in a slice of bread the better -- that refined processed white bread just tastes like sawdust to me. Love all the options for whole wheat pasta and pizza crust now.

    I grew up with a dad who had to cut sodium due to hypertension so I developed a taste for low-salt food. Good thing, because I inherited his hypertension and have to watch sodium myself now. A lot of restaurant food is waaaay too salty for my palate.

    Gave up caffeine, for the most part. I will still have an occasional cup of tea -- I'm a Brit, it's in my genes, lol.

    Started working out every morning at 6 AM when I first get up. Sure clears the brain fog and gets the circulation going.

    Walk every day at lunch time with a friend who is trying to lose weight. Our commitment to walking keeps us both from going and sitting in a coffee shop eating crap food, out of boredom.
  • chivalservant
    chivalservant Posts: 11 Member
    When I pack my lunch every day full of raw veggies and sensible sandwich I have a great day...I'm not tempted to make bad decisions at lunch by having to buy food at a carryout or restaurant.

    Here is something that's been helping lately.....If I feel hungry I stop and embrace the feeling colors are brighter, hearing is more in tune and I'm in the moment like a primal being with heightened senses in the search for the next meal (empowering)....I use to view it with fear of being hungry or jittery and not thinking straight (power sucking fear), even though I knew the next meal was only an hour away. It is weird how this simple re-framing of a feeling is helping along the journey. I am no expert and still just figuring things out and only hoping to keep these habits going.
  • TaushasJourney
    I know this isn't exactly what you were asking about, but i keep myself emotionally fit. I accept that there will be challenges and if i don't live up to them ( like going over my daily diary ) the world isn't going to end nor is my weight loss. I surround myself with lots of stuff that I enjoy in life -- healthy relationships, volunteering, coco chanel, bicycles, my dog, books, and old movies. It may sound strange but when I incorporated these elements into my life, unhealthy habits disappeared and are not missed.

    I really believe that it's essential to recognize that emotional health is at the root of our behavior. I've come to the conclusion that I'm overweight mostly because I've treated my anxiety with food for so long.
  • ferocityturbine
    ferocityturbine Posts: 110 Member
    Washing up straight after eating! If I go into my kitchen and there is dirty or messy stuff lying around, the chopping board hasn't been wiped or the bowl I'm going to use is dirty, I am less likely to want to clean up, chop, prepare or cook anything healthy that I have planned.

    For me a clean kitchen with everything in its place means preparing and cooking the meal I have planned, and a dirty messy kitchen means being lazy and just grabbing something out of the cupboard.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    I know this isn't exactly what you were asking about, but i keep myself emotionally fit. I accept that there will be challenges and if i don't live up to them ( like going over my daily diary ) the world isn't going to end nor is my weight loss. I surround myself with lots of stuff that I enjoy in life -- healthy relationships, volunteering, coco chanel, bicycles, my dog, books, and old movies. It may sound strange but when I incorporated these elements into my life, unhealthy habits disappeared and are not missed.

    I really believe that it's essential to recognize that emotional health is at the root of our behavior. I've come to the conclusion that I'm overweight mostly because I've treated my anxiety with food for so long.

    I agree. When I hear "sedentary lifestyle" I think more of "inactive joyfulness".