FitBit? Which one should I consider?

gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
My employer and FitBit have teamed and they're giving us 30% off a device excluding Aria - which is what I wanted... Anyway, was thinking about getting one because of the offer. I know they rebranded one of the items - what do you have and what do you like about it? Trying to see if I should get one and not just for the sake of getting one or saving up for something else like a Garmin HRM.


  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    My wife uses a FitBit zip and likes it. After losing one when she was clipping it to her shorts pocket she now attaches it to her sports bra and is good to go. I knew, absent-minded me, that I would lose anything that worked with a clip. I was considering a FitBit Flex that goes around your wrist. Unfortunately, the lead time on that was more than 10 weeks, and I didn't want to wait that long. I like it though.

    Ultimately, I opted for the BodyMedia Link. It was a bit more expensive, but its placement around my upper arm allowed me to wear it for boxing, Thai Boxing and Jiujitsu. And that works for me...kinda. I'm still rolling my eyes at the fact that it thinks I'm working harder when I'm jogging at 120 beats per minute than when I'm going all out on kettlebells or doing hill climbs on my bicycle in the Sierra Nevada at 170 beats a minute. I'm also interested in hearing from somebody who did the Garmin HRM integration to see how that works.

    Good luck. I think any one of those you will find fun and encouraging.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    So I'm guessing no one has a FitBit?
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I've had a Fitbit since the earliest model. Had and loved the One but I had a tendency to lose it or forget to put it on, and it got sent through the wash once. Thus I got the Flex, which is always with me via the wristband unless it's charging. I miss seeing my actual steps at a glance, but the Flex just works better for my style and I like how it works for sleep mode. My husband inherited the One and is very happy with it. He treats it more respectfully than I did. Either model is good, depending on how you'll use it.
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    So I'm guessing no one has a FitBit?

    A lot of people have them, just maybe they haven't stumbled across your topic yet.

    As to my choice, I've ordered a Flex and expect it some time next month. While it doesn't have an altimeter to calculate stairs, the site states that this is because the older ones that DO have an altimeter were never very accurate.

    So yeah, I'm going with the latest and greatest, the Flex. If you can get one promptly, I'd go for it in an instant.
  • MrsMac927
    MrsMac927 Posts: 8 Member
    I have the Zip and I love it!
  • KatyCurtin
    KatyCurtin Posts: 10 Member
    I have the fitbit one. I previously had the ultra but I drowned it in a puddle. LOVE,LOVE, LOVE.
    The things I love about it are that it is 100% accurate as far as my step count and it counts flights of stairs (10 feet+ of elevation per flight.) I either wear it clipped to my pocket or to my hip on my underwear. I find it uncomfortable on my bra unless I'm wearing a sports bra.

    I love it. I am so addicted. I can check my stats at anytime during the course of the day. I've worn it nearly every day for over a year.

    The first fitbit ultra I purchased malfunctioned and the support staff was awesome. I emailed what the problem was, they promptly replace it at no charge.

    The step count, stair count, and being able to physically check my stats at any time are what are important to me, hence I chose the one. The flex I believe has a series of lights that glow to let you know where you are. For full details you have to go online. The Zip counts steps but not stairs.

    Once you purchase a fitbit, you can do a whole lot of things online at no additional charge. As in NO MONTHLY FEE. There is an option for a premium account, but I don't feel the need.

    Almost forgot, the one also has an alarm feature. I use it as my morning alarm and for a couple of other times of day when I have to perform a particular task at work.

    I did use bodymediafit for a year. It was good but I found the armband uncomfortable after a while. I prefer something that attaches to my clothing, not directly to my skin.
  • Andrea8985
    Andrea8985 Posts: 107
    Mine won't be here until later this week, but I did a lot of research and decided to go with the FitBit One. For me, that's the better choice. The One has more features, but the Flex is nice if you are going to forget to wear it or will lose it easily. The Flex is just a bit less accurate because you wear it around your wrist so it can mistakenly count steps you didn't actually take. I work in pharmacy and am moving my arms constantly counting out prescriptions and whatnot. I wanted the accuracy of the One. I'm planning on just keeping it on at all times unless it's charging or I'm showering. I'm going to wear it on my bra so it should be easy for me to remember to take it off when changing.
  • KatyCurtin
    KatyCurtin Posts: 10 Member
    Regarding the stair count not being accurate:

    You have to gain and lose 10 vertical feet in order to count as a flight of stairs. I once ran the bleachers on other side of our football field from where I usually run the bleachers. Thirty times. And it didn't "count." It turns out that one side has one less step than the other and that made the difference. I still got credit for the steps, but not the flights.

    Also, walking outdoors, going up and down hills, even gradual ones you don't really notice might count. And I have heard, but not experienced, that the numbers may be skewed on really windy days.
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 447 Member
    I've got the Fitbit One, and previously had the Fitbit Ultra. I absolutely love it and wouldn't be without it now. The One syncs with my iPhone which is brilliant and I love the way it interacts with MFP. I find it gives me extra motivation to get moving. I would definitely buy one while you are being offered such a great discount :smile:
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    . The Flex is just a bit less accurate because you wear it around your wrist so it can mistakenly count steps you didn't actually take. I work in pharmacy and am moving my arms constantly counting out prescriptions and whatnot. I wanted the accuracy of the One. I'm planning on just keeping it on at all times unless it's charging or I'm showering.

    I have the flex and it's not the case that it adds steps when you move your arms around. The first thing I did when I got the thing was stand shock still, wave my arms around for a few minutes and then sync up to check the steps - the result was no steps.

    To the Op. I have the flex and I went for that one because I can guarantee that anything that requires me to clip it on to my bra is either going to get left at home by mistake or lost. I like the wristband because I can forget about it - no clipping it on to things, no digging out an armband if I want to track my sleep.

    In general though, all the fitbits do the same thing - they encourage you to move your backside more.
  • PNOD
    PNOD Posts: 35
    I have the One and love it. Great device and super accurate.
  • eshaness
    eshaness Posts: 2 Member
    Got the Flex last week and loving it so comfy dont even know its there seems fairly accurate and syncs with MFP which in turn syncs with Runtastic as I say loving it ;o)
  • Brett_Mason
    Brett_Mason Posts: 16 Member
    I ordered the flex yesterday. I mainly picked it because of the coupon on the brookstone website. 20GIFT gets $20 off
    for a total of 79.99 which was too good of a deal to pass up. Hope to have mine this week!
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    Thanks for all your reviews! I've decided on the One! :) I'm super excited about it! :)
  • I love my FitBit Zip! I've been wearing it daily since I got it last Christmas. It's small, easy to wear hidden all the time. It really keeps me on track and motivated to meet my step goals. The price was right and I linked it to MFP and my iPhone. I really am addicted to it! You'll love the Fitbit!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Late to the conversation but I see you chose the One. You can't go wrong with the One - of all the options that's the one that will give you the most data. I had the Ultra, the One and now the Flex and have loved them all. I use the sleep tracker and was tired of switching the One between the clip and the nighttime wrist band, which is why I was willing to give up the stair count & display for the convenience of the Flex. I like not having to take it off when I shower, wash dishes, etc.

    I also have the Aria - it wirelessly syncs your weight to your fitbit account (and since my fitbit & MFP apps are linked it also syncs it to my MFP account.
  • Broejen
    Broejen Posts: 414 Member
    Thanks for all your reviews! I've decided on the One! :) I'm super excited about it! :)

    Good choice! I had an Ultra since August but had to have it replaced (for free) with a One a few months ago. Love it! Best $100 I ever spent!
  • mackathy
    mackathy Posts: 2 Member
    My husband has the fitbit one and I just got the flex, I love the fact that I can keep the flex on even in the shower, have not had mine long but I am loving it!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Fitbit flex !
  • kingtermite
    kingtermite Posts: 82 Member
    Fitbit One - LOVE it!!!!

    It helped me to really learn where my calorie problem was. It was in the calories in, NOT the calories out because it seems I'm a calorie burning machine!!! I love using it to track my cals in vs. cals out.